GOLD Full Body Circuit (FBC) 10
Tara PutzDescription
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Dumbbells (medium and heavy), step
Instructor: Tara Putz
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Hey, good health. You TV squad. My name is Sarah and I'm here with you for, with full body circuit number 10. Wow, that amazing. I know 10 of them.
And I've got the lovely pat with me today, girl. How are you? Good. How are you? I am clear out a little bit of Co West but we are going to do that.
You guys tighten up your ponytails because it's a workout. Let's go. It is we all love full body circuit is a good full body workout. Five minutes of time, we've got three blocks of work. Each block.
We're working with two different muscle groups. If you will, each muscle group, we're going to exhaust for about two minutes and 30 seconds. So we always start with that base move. We have that 45 2nd build. Then we have a 32nd cardio birth at the very end, we have a bit of time to transition and we move on to the next.
Love it. So, all right. So you're gonna need a mat. I have a variety of wait today. So I do have one lighter set for the shoulders series.
So depending on what your shoulders are capable of handling. I like to go a little lighter because I don't like to tax them too much where I'm like, scrunching my shoulders. So I have a lighter set, £8 and all the way up to 15, go heavy if you can. And we can also do like single weight stuff too. So if you have like one heavy weight might work for a couple of these things too.
So. All right, ready. Let's do it, let's do it started. People here we go. Absolutely.
Tighten up that ponytail like Patty said one more big inhale, I feel. Now let's just open up the chest. Had those arms back, nice athletic experience underneath you. Awesome work. Team one more each direction.
Now, revert, swim it forward, right arm, left arm, right arm, left arm, nice work. Waking up those ball and socket joints, those cobwebs, cobwebs out. All right. Take those hands to your thighs. We're gonna cut towels round out through, that's fine, flatten out that back.
I love this because I'm really thinking about tucking my tailbone under and really getting into that low back right there. It's your face, your tempo just really think about swing that belly rounding up through that upper the upper back and then flattening it back out one more. Ah Alright. Take that right leg. Who, who who who find that balance?
I'll give that leg a little hug, switch it out other side which again, waken up those flutes and he'll get on that low back. Now, we're gonna take that foot out in front of us and we're gonna just sweep the floor. Stand it up now. Switch legs. So just getting those cam strings a little bit more awakened and engaged.
Just feels really good on my It van too. A little bit. Yeah. Extra tight on this right side. It's scooping the floor one more each side.
All right. Plant those feet underneath you forward body fold. Now we're stretching up the backside b like swing that tail side to side, getting ready to perform and workout. All right, we're going down to a downward dog position, gonna pedal up those feet when you're ready, pressing those palms into the ground, waking up those calves because we do have plyometrics. However, as you know, Patty is our modifier, we have lots of different options for not jumping today.
That's a work for everybody. Yes. Come to that plank position. Shoulders stacked over wrists, pull that right foot to your right hand. Find that nice runners lunge, sweep that arm to the top.
Rotate out that wrist. Really trying to stay low. Waking up that glue inner thigh hamstring place that hand down, step back, left foot, left hand. Oh boy. Find those sticky.
But huh. Rotate out those rests, slant side hand back down. We're gonna go back to the right side again. Just sweep that arm to the top. Hold it here for a few seconds.
Still waking up. That body plant that hand down. Step back, left foot, left hand, same thing on the side sweep that are my final twist, move around a little bit. Waking up that body plant that hand down. Step back.
We find that high plane position, widen that stand slightly, tap those shoulders right and left, right and left, right and left. Keeping those hips nice and steady core. Starting to fire up. You're pulling up on those quads engaging your glutes. Come on setting your knees down.
Taking that modification if you need it. Love it. Drive those knees to the center, right, knee, left knee, right, knee, left knee, right. You can pick up your pace or you stay right there. Give me eight more.
876 54321. Walk it back. That chest should have started the fire up there right at the end. Roll it up one at a, at a time slot down and up down in. Oh, come on.
We've got some swats. We've got some lunges today. Yeah. Are we doing dead lifts a little bit at the very end? Oh, yeah, that's right.
Ok. Down and up. It wouldn't be a terror workout if we didn't right now. Come on. Four, three, two.
Sit down and hold it right here. Shift your weight back into your heels. Can you wiggle those toes? Relax those shoulders. Chest is lifted now pulse your butt up and down.
Fire upper squads. Yes, you can. 65432, jump rope, check it out. Shake up those legs. Come on.
Nice work team you got, let's go 32 wide. In that sense. You've got a lap lunge reach. I love this one right here. Inner thighs, shifting that butt back.
We're not hinging at the hips. So what I mean by that? Keep going. Patty hinging. We're not hinging.
We're lunging. So my butt goes back. My knee is bending and you're using your leg, not your back one more each side. Now, jack it out right here. Come on.
Yes, you can. Getting that heart rate a little higher than it was when we started. Get that blood flowing for 321, a few lunges because we've got lunges in here. We've got a three pulse lunge 321 and up 321 and up and hold, squeeze both butt cheeks when you stand. Come on last one now, lunge down, hinge forward and drive that knee to your chest.
Drive, drive, drive, drive, firing up that glue. Come on, you've got four more 4321. Switch sides. Here's kind of where we had three pulse 321 and up 320 my. Stay nice and tall.
My core, I was not squeezing my core. I was trying to breathe and talk. So it's fallen over. So my point is squeeze your tummy and your butt cheeks one last time. Now, lower it down.
Pinch forward, reach those arms and pull that knee to your chest. Come on 876543. Last that of Jack right here to our finish line of our warm up. This is still warm up. What the girl he How do we feel at the same time?
That was like and done and done? Ok, quick to the water. We got to back first. We always start with back name of the game. Muscle fatigue.
So go as heavy as you can if you need a drop in weight, that's OK. You know, you can always toddle around. So where we're going first, we're hinging forward, we're working and targeting mid back, we go right arm row, left arm row, right arm, fly, elbows in, left arm, fly elbows in. Ok. So it's a single, it's single, it's single and it's single.
Ok? For one minute, I'm gonna start my timer because we all need an honest instructor. Yes. Yes. 324 is nice and tight.
You go right arm, you go left arm, elbow in with the fly. So two different moves, elbow goes back, elbow goes back, elbow tucked in, elbow, tucked in. Next work team go get that forward section. Abs are tight guys and their hamstrings naturally turn on as well. But I really want you to think about your core to protect that low back.
Come on, you got this right arm, her left arm, right arm, left arm, I went a little bit lighter. Probably go heavier if I was just rowing. Right? Because of that fly. You gotta be careful.
Yeah. So that shoulder and that rotator cuff. Come on 10 more seconds. You got this. Give me one more set.
Right arm, the left arm, right arm, left arm, stand it up. Relax those shoulders is a curtsy lunge to the right. You row with the left, you stand it up other side. Come on, let's go move right into it. Curtsey lungs with a row.
So that forward flexion again was in that front heel, that back foot there. I'd say about 20 or 30% of my weight is in my back foot. But I want you hinging forward. So you're still targeting that back. If you're standing upright, this becomes a shoulder move right.
So now we and shoulder, I want you still working back. So hinging forward right here as you curtsy lunge almost as if you're putting your leg or your tummy on your leg. Yep. But you're not because you know, we're not lazy like that. Come on, you got skaters for those last 30 seconds to raise that heart rate.
You got 432, put those weights down, you skate right and left, you go right left. We've all done a skater before. Right. We know Patty's got our options. No.
Come on get off beat if you need to. It's 30 seconds. You can do anything for 30 seconds. Come on. Absolutely.
You're over halfway there. Come on. Come on. Come on, we move on after this. Come on.
Three, 21. Done. All right. Lunges left. Ok.
You got about 10 seconds. One heavy weight or two, medium to heavy weights is where I'd recommend we go. You've got three seconds right foot forward. It's a three pulse stable lunch. Like we practiced.
321, 32. Join us, timers on if you haven't started, if your heart rate's still pretty high option could be starting on body weight. Yeah. Love that. We're here for a minute.
Right. Right. Ok. That's a long time. Part of this minute is also active recovery.
So how fast can your heart rate recover from doing 30 seconds of cardio? Plus that minute 45 before that? Come on, you got this now you're not on tight rope, you guys. So your hips are square. Yep.
Each foot is in its own track here. Come on, pressing through that front heel. I want that right butt cheek starting to fire up. 01 more. 321.
Press back. Check it out for a second where we're going front lunge squat. That right leg's moving front lunge squat or an option could be reverse lunch. Yep. So here you go.
Come on. If it doesn't work for you to go forward, you go back ideally, I do want you to go forward though. I'm really trying to focus on that right butt cheek, exhausting it. You could even maybe lunch on to a step that would make this forward lunge more user friendly for you. Come on, team, tell those legs, heart rates, rising, heart rates, rising big muscle groups right here.
Team come on one way could be feel like, you know what Tara had enough drop to one more or one way down. You got this. It's a ski ski lunge for cardio portion P. Is that your modification in three in two in one? Those weights start with a ski ski.
You're right here. Come on, shake all those legs. And if, and when you're ready you take it to CC lunch plunge planting that hill into the ground less than 15 seconds. Come on. Come on.
Push that. Yes. You I don't hate. Come on 321 wr Holy moly. Holy moly.
Yeah. Holy moly. Alright. Hold me. How many minutes in?
Just kidding? Ok. Warm around with that. Take a quick sip of water. You got three seconds.
Pick up those weights. I can do it all over again. Row, row and fly, fly. 321 row, right, roll left, fly. There goes my sternum again.
We were warming up. I do and they were like, is that your shoulder? That, no, that was my chest? Oh, come on. Maybe a little too tight.
Haven't stretched enough let's become the yoga girl. You last time we were together we did. Yeah, that was great. I love when I can do yoga with you. Me too.
How yoga is the best. You don't want to see me teaching it though. No. Come on one more set right here. Row, elbow goes back, row, elbow goes back, elbow in, elbow in.
Stand it up, relax those shoulders. We go to the right curtsy lunge row, curtsy lunge row, stand it up. So we're continuously working that back muscle for that minute. 45 right now. If that fatigue is starting to set in.
Congratulations. Yeah, you picked up appropriate weights. That's where you wanna be. Exactly. If you're not loving the curse you guys, you know, you can always reverse lunch.
Right. Yes, absolutely. Just trying to make it different and exciting though. I will say I'm always careful with these pretty lunch because I see a lot of this. None of that.
Make sure it's just slightly behind your front heel. Come on, give me one more each way right here. One more on to the other side, on to the other side. But those weights down Gators. Here we go.
321 to the right. Come on. Yes, you can. If you can maybe touch the ground. Huh?
Yeah. Look at that, touch the floor, maybe reach a little farther. Yeah, lots of options. Team could add a little height. Yes.
High to low. Maybe you go the length of your mat. 15 seconds left. Come on. Yes, you can open up your mouth and breathe.
Come on. You've got 4321 rest. Ok. Legs right the other side. Come on.
Breathe water towel. All the things your heart rates high. That's mine is right now. Come on. Holy mercy Star a little bit.
323. Paul plunge. Hold 32. Squeeze three ben one chest up. You got the tip square.
Let that heart rate settle. Yep. We're focusing right here. Answering. Come on.
How low can you go? Come on. Wait in that front heel. I really want you to think about. Wait in that front heel not hinging forward and into that toe.
I want you down, down, stand and squeeze down down, stand and squeeze. Come on. Can you give me one more? Yeah. Check it out.
You've got that forward. Lunch squat. I know it's gonna burn. I told you 321 forward, lunch forward, lunch squat forward, lunge squat. You got this.
What? Come on forward. Wait in that heel again. Not in that toe. You push off the heel using your glute hamstring and quad.
Come on. Oh, heart rate's gonna rise slightly because you're using two big muscles plunging and squatting and we're moving. You're like, oh my goodness. I'm starting to bow here out of my mouth because you're supposed to be. Come on, you got this one more.
Put those weights down start with a ski or a press back. Come on, sweats, the dripping. What are you doing at home? You got this. We get a minute break and move on to two new muscle groups.
When you're ready. Ski ski. Come on, ski, ski, ski, ski. You got this. Come on.
Yes, you can. Come on. Gay. Breathe. Yes, you can open up my hands and breathe.
Come on, people. You got it. Three, 21. Done. Oh boy.
Yep. Yes, done. Thank goodness. Ok. So I'm not gonna, we move on to chest biceps and legs if you've done S BC before we always start with push ups in that chess series.
Guess what? Not today. Team. I get you to go on your back. We're doing chess processes and chess flies, we will flip over of it.
We will push up. I mean, yeah, don't worry we are doing. Yeah, there so go heavy lay on your back. We're going to face this way and we got two chests presses two chests. Life.
Blue Bridge is optional. Ok, booty on the ground. So the option is to hold that Blue Bridge while you're crossing. I give you show two chest presses, zero, chess press two chess flies. Ok.
So you get to pick your level today. 3211 minute on the clock. Nice work. Team, two chest presses two chests flies. Now, do you want our weights touching at the top?
Girl? I do. Ok. Right. There in the center of your chest, opening up those weights.
You're squeezing a big beach ball. Think about that nice work weights are over your chest. Did you say that? I think. Yes, I did right at that sternum.
Yeah, please. There is no winning the faster you move. Right. I'd actually encourage you to go slower. Everything is timed because slower means you're actually thinking and using your muscles a little less momentum.
Come on, I'm gonna roll up this to check my timer. We're flipping over in 321. So you flip over, find that push up position. You're on your knees or your toes. I I'm gonna try to go as long as I can on my toes.
Then you're jumping or you're walking your feet in to a bear crawl position. Here we go. Push up bear crawl or you're just on your knees and end. Come on. Just a tiny little jump in.
Hold that bear crawl position for one little millisecond. Then jump your feet back out. Your chest is still working a little extra core. Come on, you got this. So maybe do push ups on your knees, you guys and then just pop up off your knees for that option.
Love to do the bear crawl. Just pop, pop, pop. Come on. Give me two more. Oh, my goodness.
Give me one more. Then we, here you've got 4321 jumper. Walk it in four jacks at the top. Oh my gosh, I'm so, so I'm gonna stay at 4321. Jumper.
Walk for Jack 21. Come on. Yes you can You move at your pace, your tempo. You got this 321 and rw holy Moly when you stand up from those push ups. Yeah, there goes flying, flying flying.
Ok now buy up like so go what you need? Biceps and legs. You got a four pulse squat four bicep curls, teddy. I may even steal your 12th. You got your 10.
Never mind you can have no. Here we go. Four pulses. 4321, stand four, 23, 21 for pulses. 4321 and sand.
Four. I don't know what it is about upper body. It absolutely kills me. So I know of course right now and Shannon would have their like 15 in. Hello.
Hi. Can I have your 10 patty? Come on. Four pulses. 43214 curls.
Four three two one. Shake it out one quick second. Heels and toes out to more squat weights are between your legs. It two little pulses and each time your weights come up the pulse, you're staying low the whole time. You join me when you're ready.
Come on. Option A right here. Option B one at a time. You could do a one at a time. CC one was right here.
Burning out those legs. Oh my goodness. They are starting to shake. Yes, you can. Come on heels and toes out, slightly forward.
Hello, inner thigh. You got this. Come on, I got our timer breathe. You got it. You got it.
4321. Put that down. Squat Jeff right here. Come on now we're cruising you little leg, not your back. Come on team.
If you can just up, come on this again and yes you can seven more to go breathe. Get oxygen to those muscles. 321. Who and rest? Oh boy, someone got me.
Oh, yeah, that one got me. Hello. Hi. Rate. Block it off.
Yes. Ok. Head high. I want the heart rate to be able to come down before we lay back down on our backs. We're chess presses.
Chess flies. Ok. We having fun yet. Yeah, we're having fun. Yeah.
Well, I'll look down on my watch. I thought I said 260 B PM. Si was like, I think I'm dead guys. I'm dead. No, not bad.
Can you imagine? It's like, no wonder I feel that way. All right. Team. Here we go.
Two chess presses, two chests flies, boot bridge or nuts. You get to pick 321 down now. Fly arms open wide. Reason that beach ball, come on. We suggest people you have to catch that breath if you need to.
I feel like this is one that we could easily just go through motions. You're right and you really have to think about your chest. I agree. Going a little heavier than I maybe normally would too. Yeah, with like my biceps, let's say, makes me slow the movement down.
Especially on the chess fly. Right. Come on. Squeeze your butt. Just maybe one inch, a little higher.
You got this, give me one more set after this fly, one more pack. Correct. For, I'll apply it. We flip it over. You've got to push a bear crawl.
Come on. Come on. Yes, you can push up bear crawl. Push up. Oh, my goodness.
I hate this. Who made this workout anyway? Ok. At least you're honest. Ok.
Push ups. I don't know. We all do. Right. We all do.
I think many people maybe Shannon. I love how efficient they are. Yes, but they always seem so hard. Come on one more set right here. Push up, uh Beer Crawl.
Four mountain climbers. Come on. Four jumper. Walk it in for Jack. Come on.
Squat down where you're saying hi. Like Patty. Come on. Yeah, I'm right there with your team. 43.
Come on. 10 more seconds. 4321, 4321 rest. I mean, that wasn't very pretty, but that's ok. It was very ugly.
Actually. I was looking at myself and my boy, hopefully you're dying at home too. So you weren't watching me too hard on that screen. But holy Molly, pull on knees, hands on knees. That's where you wanna be, we got back up in the spot coming on deck.
Here we go. I think it's good to know that being here is exactly where you're supposed to be. Right. It doesn't mean that you're out of shape or you're not doing it. Right.
That's where we want you to be. So, that is how a good job you guys, it's design. Yes. Yes. He's the instructor.
I might need a longer break. Just kidding. Ok. Here we go. Right right back.
Where are we wanted to be? Four pulses, four curls. 321. Let's go. 4321, curl four three two one.
Now, pulse 43, chest is lifted. Weight in the heels. Four three two one. Come on 43214. Girls, four three two.
Don't swing those weights. I'm getting tired. I gotta think about it. 4321. Stan squeeze.
Squeeze one more set right here. Come on. 4321 four three two. Once more squat one way. He it out tiny little pulses with that bicep curl in 321.
Let's go curl. Paddy has your other option. You'd be, would be curling two weights at the same time. Come on, take my biceps and had enough still working on just a little different. A little less tension on these five up legs are shaking.
Core is squeezing and you smile. Come on. Come on. Come on, you got this eight more seconds. Put that way down.
Squat jacks for the, come on. Come on. Yes, you can please. Those inner thighs and breath. Taking your body low to high.
Holds on that. You don't even have to jump. That's a beautiful thing. People come. True, Patty.
Come on. You got this 10 seconds. Can you speed it up? Can you keep on moving? Do not quit on me.
03210, few stars. I'll be there in a minute. Oh, ok. Last block of work you've got triceps, legs and shoulders. Oh, ok.
Catch your breath. One minute right here. We're going back to the floor for triceps. You're in a bird dog position, opposite arm, opposite leg. Ok.
Put my heavier weights away because fifteens and those triceps is like, oh yeah, I gonna work for me. Yeah. Ok. So you're on all fours then you are gonna want, you could go 15 for the next section or you stick with one weight. I don't really care.
And that would be the one that you could do one heavy weight, right? So what you're doing, you're on all fours. Table top position option is to extend not only the arm and we're here but to add the leg. Ok. Patty is gonna show me the option without the leg.
I'm gonna show you without it and then just the toe packing. All right, here we go. 321. We're on, kick it out one minute so you can just take your leg back. So it's a nice long lever.
But you have that toe on the mat. Yes. Or squeeze your booty. Lift it up. We just stay on.
Both needs. Shoulders are square to the floor. You're trying not to rock that boat. I don't want you opening up to the side. I don't want you sinking into that arm that's on the floor.
Your core gotta stay tight as you extend that arm. And that leg. Come on. Yes, you can give it to me if you've got 10 seconds. Come on.
Holy arm burn. 043211 weight, one heavy weight or maybe two medium weights. Put them together. You've got a two pulse squat, two pulse squat, stand it up two overhead press of extensions and guess what? You're gonna feel very uneven because that right arm should feel very fatigued.
Chin up. Left arm is not gonna feel so bad yet until we go through the second round. Come on, tuck the, the tail bone as you stand, you squeeze those glutes because those weights are over your head. You're not opening up patty that rib cage. I want it closed.
I want that tailbone tucked under and you're thinking triceps when my lower body is engaged too. Come on. Where are we at? On one here? Ok.
Give me one more set. Two pulse, press to overhead. Oh my goodness. Put it on the side, you've got four punches. We start with the right, right left, right left.
Two knees. Ok. 321. Let's go. Right.
Knee, knee, 4321 knee. Knee, come on. Four. Me, me, you want more? You at a hop?
Come on, you got this 15 seconds to go. 21. Knee need 4321. Knee need four. Bless it.
And you're out second time through We're gonna start with the left hand right here. Sorry, left. Yeah. Left, right then on to the other side. Got it.
Ok. Yeah. Oh, ok. Here we go. Legs and shoulders.
You've got two reverse lunges. I'm going lighter weight here. You've got reverse lunge. Reverse lunge. Front raise I right.
Ok. So I am going lighter because that's just what we do. That's what I do. Yeah. Feels good on my body.
You do you go. Here we go right leg back. First lunge plunge. It's a front race, the side delt rays so slow and control is better been whipping those weights around. Now, you could do one weight at a time.
Just ultimate stunt. Right. Yep. Absolutely. And I really want you to focus on the eccentric motion that downward motion as we lift those weights down.
Squeeze, please. If you have like a ball or an orange or something underneath those armpits, please squeeze. Come on last. That right here. Squeeze on the way down.
Squeeze. Now, pick up one heavy weight, one heavy weight, here's where a dead lift. You add it end to end. It's a hip hinge. Dead lift.
You stand tall, you squat and your front raise. Let's go dead lift. So the weight isn't necessarily, I meant for the backside, use the weight appropriate for that front belt raise. So I'm dead lifting with you. And then big squat and lift, come on and ideally that front raise happens at the same time you're squatting.
That's a hard, big move right there. It's a hard move guys. So make it slow and controlled. Core is nice and tight. Our cardio portion is two jacks, two kicks.
Give me one more. Two jacks, one kick on deck right here. Put that way to the side to jacked kick kick. Come on to Jack Patty's got your other options. Use those arms and legs.
Come on, arms are still hit to head here. Come on guys. You got this whole pole. A tight kick the car door shut. 4321 rest.
All right back to triceps. Here we go. Team last round here down on the floor for a bird dog. We got this, we in our left hand. Three, you one left arm, right leg.
Here we go. Kick back, kick back. 01 side is a little easier for me than the other. Come on, you can have that toe tap or lift, squeeze your booty or tight. If you start to feel yourself dumping into your low back.
I want you to put both knees on the ground and just think about tricep and squeezing your tummy. Come on, you got this 10 more seconds. Yes, you can. Four, three, two, one who grab that other weight or maybe you've got two heavy weights to stand it up to pulse squat. Two overhead tries of extension.
Here we go. Come on two poly. Me. See that other arm. Yeah, you're like, oh God, this really hurts now.
This feels real ugly. You know what? You've gotta drop down and wait. That's ok. Muscle fatigue.
Like you said your chest, you guys as we start fatigue, we start to lose that body kinetic chain a little bit. So stay strong and I'd rather see you drop down in weight than try to like think you're extra strong and like check out some of your right, your um muscles, your back, your form. That was the word I was looking for one more right here. Come on, put that weight to the side. You start with the left.
Here we go. 32. This is our move. 1st 4321. Did I do that wrong?
Right? No. Yeah. Come on. Four me, me, you gotta use that core knee, knee, four, knee, knee four me.
Come on four me. Use your abs as you rotate through that trunk. Come on 4321. That music's like dying on a thing. Patty Come on.
Come on. So how I feel one more set and you're out, come on last and final, last set. Best set shoulders and legs. Here we go. Here we go.
Here we go. It right. All right. I'm going lighter weights, lighter ish. Wait, two reverse lunges.
Front race side race working those shoulders. Here we go right foot back. 321 here on right foot. Black foot. Please.
Come on. Those pretty shoulders were sculpting right now. Oh May 14 shoulders relaxed from the ear. Yes, you can. Trying to put that knee to the floor.
We're not in any hurry, right? Nice. Big range of motion using all the muscles in that are most amazing form. All of you have. Come on, you got this.
Can you give me one more? Let's go. Can raise side, raise nice work. Pick up that one dumbbell. That hip hinge deadlift squat situation we got going on in 321.
Whoever created this hip hinge squat. Holy moly. You know, you're at the end of a workout right here. Come on that finish line right there. Team sweet chest is lifted.
Oh, core is tight, slow and controlled right here. Better than fast and furious. Right? I mean, you know, we have good chunks of time that we're working here. We are two minutes and 30 seconds.
Yeah, that is no small interval. You don't do that very often. No. OK. One more team put it down to Jack to kick last and final.
Here we go. Jack Jack kick kick. Come on the kick with that heel. Knock your toes. Ok.
We're having fun now. Come on. Come on, you got this. Yes, you can. 15 seconds left.
Open up your mouth and breathe. Come on gang hands and knees. That's where we need you. Nice work. Nice work.
You got this eight more seconds. It seems like a long 33. I'm not gonna lie. I think my timer quit on us. I like that one though.
It's easy. Like it not, it's not easy. No, but it's no like lunges and skaters anyway. I'm still dying. Don't get me wrong.
Heart rate's nice and high. Not too 60. You'd be dead. I'd be dead. All right.
Nice work. Team. Nice work. All right. Let's take it to a nice little Yogi squat because, oh, it sounds like a good spot to just sit for a minute.
I mean, if it was, if I could just lay on the floor and start some yoga, that would actually probably be more appropriate. My first. Have you guys? What a great format. What a great workout.
This is. I mean, it's total body for sure. I love that. You get the cardio in it. Yes, you get it all.
You really do. It is my favorite to teach. Yeah. Favorite to take those where it heals back if your heart rate is low enough. And like, you said, like, we work, like, our first block is a minute long so we can go heavier with those weights.
You know, it's not like we're going 20 seconds. No. So, it's just the best of all worlds and it's all about that muscle fatigue. And then really, it's also about that cardi cardiovascular, soften those knees, roll it up, cardiovascular endurance. I mean, how quick can you recover and then start up with that drink?
You gotta do it again with one seconds to get in between it at 30. Yeah. Yeah. It's not much, it's not much, not much at all. Um, and it's really because you're supposed to use and spinning but dripping off my face, you're supposed to use that first minute as your active recovery.
So instead of standing around for 2030 seconds after you typically do in a hip, like take workout, you are to keep moving and then that really helps up your cardiovascular endurance. I would say this is like, honestly made me more fit teaching this class just because you're constantly moving. It's a good one. Yeah. Makes running for me a lot easier.
I will say that too the other day. I was like, oh, this isn't so bad. Oh, good for you. Sure. I know though.
I was walking too. All right. Shake those arms out, take a big inhale, exhale. Give you guys self a round of applause. A big hug.
You guys are amazing. Thank you. So much for joining Patty and I, I always love, I know I love working out with you. So fun. We'll see you guys next time.
Bye bye.
another great one!!! thanks again