Tara Putz

GOLD Full Body Circuit (FBC) 10

Tara Putz
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Duration:   47  mins

Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! This format is a squad favorite, so here is #10. Trainer Tara Putz will take you through another version of Full Body Circuit (aka FBC), a fun mix of cardio and strength. FBC has three blocks of work—each block will focus on specific muscle groups and move through a base move, a build move, and a power move. This workout features new, fun combos that challenge all muscle groups, giving you a great, total body blast! Modifications will be given throughout the workout. If you like this format, try out the other 9 workouts!

Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Dumbbells (medium and heavy), step
Instructor: Tara Putz

In order to view the class, be sure to visit this page while logged in to your GOLD member account. Want to stream this workout to your TV? Here is how to do it.


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