GOLD HIIT Express 2

Melissa Villagomez
Duration:   23  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Get ready to move as trainer Melissa Villagomez takes you through another express HIIT workout! This workout is quick, effective and focused. Grab a pair of dumbbells and Melissa will take you through a few intervals involving strength and cardio followed by a quick rest and repeat. Your muscles will burn and your heart rate will increase! If you are short on time or want something intense and quick – this workout is for you! 

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Medium and heavy dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Melissa Villagomez

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One Response to “GOLD HIIT Express 2”


    great quick workout! Thanks Melissa and Sam!

Hey, hey, get healthy U TV. My name is Melissa. We're here today with a lovely saying, hey, we are going to be doing Express hit number two. Today is a 20 minute quick workout. It'll be strength, it'll be cardio.

We will be doing 45 2nd intervals. We will have downtime in between each exercise. Um, but it's gonna be fast and furious, fast and furious. I love that. So we're gonna get going though because we only have 20 minutes.

So we're gonna start with the warm up. Shoulder rolls back. Awesome. Just gonna warm up pretty quick here. So this is a great workout and shoulder rolls forward to either add on to another workout or if you're short on time.

This is a great one because you will get a lot in, in 20 minutes. All right, let's take those arms and open and close. Give ourselves the big hug, open up that chest. We will be working it today. All right.

Standing nice and tall. All right, let's go side to side just with a little movement through the waist. Got it. Ok. That feels good.

Wake up that back a little bit right. I was thinking, keeping that chest high shoulders low, really rotate through that core. All right, one more and release. All right, we're gonna walk out, just bear crawl out, bent knees. We're just gonna come out into a plank.

We'll hold here for one second. Just holding here hands underneath the shoulders. Nice strong core. We're gonna bring up that right leg into that runner lunge, pushing in and out. Move that toe on that ball, that toe back and forth.

Big stretch through those inner thighs. Hammy. I love this dress. I do too. We're gonna bring up that left arm or that right arm.

Bring it up to the sky. Roll that wrist each direction. We're going to thread the needle four times. So we're gonna come in one E and four. We're going to bring that leg back, hand down leg back.

We're gonna hold you for just a second, rocking on those toes back and forth. See, on that stretch even through those calves a little bit here and hold center. Nice strong core. Bringing up that opposite leg, bringing that arm up to the ceiling. Oh, roll that rest each direction.

Nice work. We're gonna thread that needle four times. Here we go. One and you, here's three and four. We're gonna hold that arm down on rock a little bit because we did not rock in that position the first time I forgot that.

Ok. So we'll just rock here for a little bit. We can. Right. Sometimes we have to do that.

Let's all push into that hip. All right, we're gonna bring that foot back back into that plank. Let's go up into a down dog. So we're gonna come up, shoulders are low away from your ears. Pressing those heels now into the ground.

Nice work. Pedal out those feet. Nice work. We're gonna go back into that plank and now we're gonna just go back and forth. So we're planking and then we go down dog plank.

Sound dog like down dog like down dog plank and hold for 43. Add one. Roll it in. Come on in, walk it up, roll it up, pull those shoulders back. We're gonna just start with right left knees just to get that heart rate up just a little bit.

So we'll go here knee and so this little bit of the warm up left and then we'll get into our workout. You got it standing tall chest ties shoulders low, driving that knee up, getting those hip flexor nice and warm. Absolutely. Hm. Hang on here here.

4321. Release. All right. First move. Grabbing those dumbbells, placing him down in front of you, give yourself a little bit of space.

So this one, I'm just gonna talk through really quick. Easiest to start here. You're gonna come down and you're gonna grab dumbbell one, grab dumbbell two and then you set it down, set it down, pick it up, pick it up, set it down, set it down. I'll keep kind of walking us through it as we do it because when you have to kind of get used to trying to find a rhythm. Right.

And it's easy. All right. So ready time starts now. 45 seconds on, let's go up, up, down, down, up, up, down, down whoop, whoop, down, down, finding that rhythm. Push back in your heels, booties to the back of the room.

How to use those legs. Yeah. Come on. Keep going here. Your chest is high.

Just having no way back and forth. Feel that butt Tammy's squads almost there. Hang tight. About 10 seconds to go. Oh man, you feel that back as you pull that weight up.

Right. Right and release nice work and release nice job. All right. About 15 seconds off here. We're gonna go bring one weight to your center.

This is just more of a visual than anything. You're gonna be touching the weight coming down to that squat jump right here, Sam. I don't know if you got your low impact all ready and go 45 seconds on good. So that low impact option. Right.

You still touch the floor. Get low in those legs. Love it. And then I'm just tapping 1 ft in at a time to keep those legs connected to the floor. Perfect.

Yep. Sitting down and those legs booty back again. Chest high heads up. Nice work. Come on, push through this when that heart rate gets up pretty quick as it does high.

That's right. Let's go. You got it. Come on team almost there. Push, push, let's go.

10 seconds. Feeling those like, oh yeah, heart rates high and push. Come on three, two and one. Really? That'll get your heart right.

That'll get your ear up real fast. All right, let's grab those dumbbells. All right. Alright. Next move we're going into a chess move.

We're gonna scoop side to side. So it goes like this scoop. Ok. It's not out here. It's not too little pretty.

That's in between. Yeah. OK. Right. Lead first.

Ready and go good. Come on, trust stays high low. Yep. Coming across that chest. This is like a really good alternative, right?

For push ups. If you're like push ups are not my super, it's super effective and especially if you even wanna go a little bit higher in the weight. Yes. So you could really up that weight. Just remember to try and keep those shoulders down.

That's right. Yep. Strong core to really strong core. Come on there. Yeah, you gotta use that core.

So you're not like necessarily twisted. Yep. Side to side with that coite. Yep. And you really don't wanna be using momentum either because it's easy to swing for sure.

And you're not swinging, you're scooping and you're using all the muscle to lift that weight almost there. 10-K and really nice work. Set it back down. All right. So we're going through that one more time.

Yep. Yep. So we head in this direction first again grabbing that way. So it's up, up, down, down 45 seconds on, ready. Let's go.

So, up, up, down, down, get into those legs. Up, up, down, down. Love it up, up, down down. I love this. You can feel your core working too as you lift those weights up.

It tightens up big time. Come on. Love its like you're never really standing up. Right. No, you're in that kind of just side lunge the whole time just back and forth.

Almost like you're, I don't know what you call it just this constant movement. Who constant tension it is and release. Nice work. Nice job setting that um weight in the center. This is again a visual to touch the way, all the way down.

Right. You go gives you a go. All right. So jumping, jump squats. So center squats down and up.

Um Sam has the modification for that. All right. Ready set and go 45 seconds on. Let's go. Good.

Sitting in those legs. Come all the way down. Drop your buns between those legs. Don't be afraid to get low. Yep.

Come on. Oh, you wanna make sure you're using those legs, not that back to touch your weight. That's so true. And if it's hard then slow down. Yep.

So if it's hard to get down there without compromise. Slow down, tighten your pace. Yep. Come on. Push, push.

We always try to remind our members that you don't have to move at the same pace as us. It can be a heck of a lot faster and it can definitely be slower to find it and just own it. So true and release. Nice, nice job. Nice push.

Oh, yeah. Heart rate. Thai, it is hard grabbing those weights back to those chests. All right. Here we go.

Ready and go. Right. Lead. Yep. Nice.

It's awesome. It's really scooped, coming out across that body. Keeping those hips parallel. There's no twisting in that lower body. You just that upper body that scoops.

You got it. See those biceps. Yeah. A little bit of both. Right.

Yep. Doing it all. Nice one. I got a total body workout in 20 minutes. That's just it.

If we're, we're gonna hit a lot of muscle groups. I love it. No worries. Come on. Let's go.

What there? Nice work. Come on. Strong core. Nice, tight core.

Almost there. Five seconds. We can do this. Awesome and release. Nice, nice work.

All sent those weights done. We're moving into block two. This one will be a burp. So we're going to hold on to those weights. The Burpee out in bicep curl press and the bicep curl, the hammer curls.

Ok. So you just stand really close to your body the entire time. I love it. OK. I got your mo fire.

Yep. So they be stepping out, stepping in just taking that jump out. All right. Are we ready? We're ready?

All right, let's go 45 seconds on. If we come out, we come in, we stand the hammer. We press nice and repeat when you come in. Really? Sit in that squat.

Super important that you're engaging those legs. When you lift, you got it, you're not using that lower back to get up. You're using those legs. Pull up nice work and I'm gonna kind of stick with your case as much as I can here. You got it.

Come on when you press for those shoulders, keep your shoulders down, chest high. Come on, I'm sure you're breathing nice work. Come on almost there and last part here and release nice, nice work. Yep. All right.

Holding on to those weights. We're going to a regular squat bicep curl press. We're gonna just burn this upper body out there. Um, center squat legs, your shoulder with the part. You're coming down here up camera again.

Press. All right. Here we go, man. Go. Thanks.

Hammer press. Oh yeah, we were gonna do all my motion but you, we'll just go separate. That's fine. You can switch it up round two if you want, we can do that. All right.

Get low, get high, get your booties back when you come up. Squeeze those buns. Strong core. Nice. Really?

Burning out those shoulders. As I said, we're gonna get a lot of upper body right now. You got it. Oh, come on, hang on almost there. Five seconds to go all the way.

Come on. One more nice work. Really? Settle down with. All right little breather from the waist.

We're gonna go on the ski legs. So we're just gonna be blowing arms up and skiing. Ok. 45 seconds on ready set and go. Good.

Come on, Sam's got your modification which is just taking out the jump. Yep. Come on, arms are still going overhead. Oh, yeah. The heart rate starts to rise.

Yeah. Come on arms. Go all the way up. Elbows, come down to that core. You're almost elbowing yourself kind of, you know, you want those arms to come nice and tight to the core.

Push, push. Let's go. I got my jazz hands on. How about you? I do actually, I do have jazz hands.

I take them all the time. I love it. 10 seconds to go. Push. We got it.

Come on five seconds and release a nice work. Oh, ok. All right. We are already in round two. All right.

Back to express. This is man, this goes by fast. It goes fast and it goes hard. Right. Yep.

All right for you bicep. Press ready and go down back in bicep curl and press nice work. Come on. Awesome. Keeping that chest up.

Yeah, there's low using those legs to really pull up. Strong. Nice. Well, come on, possum. Come on one more and really nice work.

All my hair all over again. All right. I need some more hair spray. I do. All right.

This one, we are gonna put the moves together so they won't be separated out. OK? We'll be going squat lift and press all in one motion a little bit different. Ready. Let's go down, bring it up all together.

So it's kind of like it just follows your body line down and up. So you're coming up at the same time as your weight sounds good. Come on sitting in those legs, use your buns on the way up. Chest, tie shoulders, low, follow that body line. You got it.

We got it. Give us that little spot in there. Yep. Low. Come on.

Come on, getting there. Getting there. Woo. Feeling strong in those shoulders. Come on.

Oh yeah and tight. Let's go one more. You got it awesome and really set it down. Nice work. All right.

We're gonna go to those feet, legs, big arms strong to the core and then we'll probably get to one block, one block. All right. All right. Here we go. Ready.

Let's go see legs. Awesome chas, high shoulders, low, big arms with those legs. Yep. Nice work. Bringing those elbows again to your core.

Stay strong. Pushing through this cardio drill. Let's go. Let's go looking good bait from shaking out those arms from all that weight. Yeah.

All that upper body. That's right. Good. Come on, we are almost there. Keep on, push and push miles on people.

Just think that just think of that 43210, yeah. Nice work. All right. So this next one, this next block, we will be two drills. So we're gonna go Percy, we'll go Percy and then we're gonna actually do both arms up.

Ok? Side to side, side to side. Yep. So we're gonna alternate legs, bring our right leg back first and then we'll come up with that price from side to side. Ready.

Let's go. So we're here. Yep. And then come up center and down other side. Awesome.

Love it. It's looking good. I can't believe how fast this goes. I know. And something like I always think about right is I always kind of like if I have time, I love a 45 minute workout or an hour.

Yeah, like I'm like, ok, I can set an hour aside for myself, but there are days when that's just not possible. So true. And I'm like, oh, do I do it? Do I not? Yes.

20 minutes. If this is all you have for yourself today, brush it. Team. That's what I say. Last one here in the center and we're gonna go right into back flies.

So we're here. Yeah. Kind of hinged over. Yep. And go.

Here we go a little easier. You go right into it. Nice one. Come on one round of these two exercises. Right.

Yep. One round. You got it. Come on, come on block three here. Squeeze those shoulder blades.

We have this. Yes, we do. Come on on arms. No doubt. I love this for that upper mid back.

Oh, yeah, one of my favorite. Me too. Me too. We are almost there. Five minutes.

Five seconds, five seconds, option. One hour at a time. If you're feeling that fatigue right now, love it and really setting those weights down. That's nice work. We're just going into jumping jacks.

Oh, no, wait, 45 seconds on. This is our last push. Last move and then we'll pull it down. You'll burn out. This.

Is it ready? Set and go jack it out. Awesome. Got the modification if jumping isn't working. Come on, chest is high shoulders, low, big arms really pushed this last move.

This is it. Yeah. Awesome. Come on, we can do this. Yes, you can.

And then we'll cool it down. Let's go. Yep. Almost there. Push, push.

Come on. Hang on. We're almost there. Five seconds all the way to the end. Yep.

And release. Oh, nice. Work. Nice work way we go. That was fast and it was fast and effective.

I love it. It's so true. All right. All right. Let's just bring it down.

Actually, we're gonna come down here leading with our head. We're gonna kind of sway side to side in those hips could be a quick, quick, little cool down. So, if you wanna cool down more, stretch more, a lot of options online. Yep. Absolutely.

We have a lot of stretching videos, stretching, yoga, mobility, any of the above. Yeah. Pilates one is a little core. Yep. Love it.

You can actually come down. We put, put those toes up, coming down that deep squat. You that Yogi squat back and forth. One of my favorites for the hips. Me too.

Me too. Oh, side to side. Push into those legs. See on those inner eyes hanging out here for just a second. We're gonna bring those hands back down the center and come up stretching those Hammy side to side again with those hips.

We're gonna roll up nice and slow, roll those shoulders back. We're gonna open that chest really quick here. Nice, big stretch through that chest. Oh yeah. Shoulders low.

Hang on. We're gonna bring those arms forward and then we're gonna curl our back round it out. Separate those shoulder blades. Big, nice, rounded out backs, bringing that core in tight and just pulling against those arms. Nice work and really stand it up one arm up.

We're gonna be those legs in quad's gonna come up for that little bit quad stretch. There we go for block number one. Right. That was a lot of like, well, block two. What too?

Yeah, there was quite a few legs in the beginning. Yes, it was and other side. Nice and easy. And if you need to grab a wall or something, a chair at home for stability, make sure you grab that sandy. Nice and tall stretching through that quad and we are almost done here.

Yep. And bring it down. We're just gonna stretch the waist heading here and here. Yeah, I just can't believe how fast this goes. I know it's amazing.

4321. And we are done. Nice job. Thank you Sam for being here. Thank you.

All right, you guys have an awesome day. Great to see everybody.

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