Shannon TietzDescription
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Medium and heavy dumbbells, mini band, mat
Instructor: Shannon Tietz
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Hey, hey, get healthy U TV. My name is Shannon and I'm bringing you lift number one today. Brand new format with my friend Patty K. Hi. You ready to go?
Yes, ma'am. Got our weights and we are ready to lift. We've got this all set up. As you can see, we're using a heavy weights as heavy as you possibly can. OK?
And then another set if you need to go down and wait at all, we're also gonna use a small band today. So we're using a minivan today. This is about medium resistance. I would say probably OK, but we definitely wanna use this thinner one, grab a mat and then obviously a towel and water if you need it. But this is designed 30 minutes and this is a total body lift.
So, as you know, with any of the workouts that we do here and especially with my things that I'm doing with you guys, these total body ones, it's all compound movements. OK? So knowing that Patty's always got to modify it. If there is anything to modify you, do you listen to your body flip around if you don't do push ups whatever it might be. Ok.
Just make it work for you. 30 minutes is all I need. We're gonna get warmed up. It's super efficient. That's why we're doing the compound moves, helps us stay efficient because then we can stay within that time frame as well as hitting all the muscle groups.
And that's our goal today. All right. So we're gonna giddy up, take a deep breath in for me. Exhale out and then roll your shoulders back right here, roll them back, roll them back, roll them back one more time. Now.
Deep breath in and up again. Good. Exhale out. Roll those shoulders back. 3211 more.
Deep breath. Yes. Exhale out. Roll it back at 321. Good.
I'm gonna have you take, make big circles here with your shoulders. Yes. Big circles open up that chest. I do think I see some push ups on in our future here. Indeed.
You are correct. Now, circle your arms the other way, bringing them forward. You know it, we've got core, we've got legs, we've got upper body. Everything is gonna get work today. Good.
I want you to plant your feet right here, but rotate through your core. Give me a little twist with that outside foot. Yes. Uh Old jumping. This is just lifting.
There is no cardio involved. Non impact. Love that. Yep. All right.
We're gonna keep our arms straight out the sides. Now we're gonna reach across to 1 ft with the opposite hand and then the other. OK. The left hand, right foot, right hand, left foot. Yes, you got it opening up both hamstrings moving through your hips.
You got some core rotation in the back, core rotation, right. Give me one more each way. And then we're gonna come down to a nice low and wide squat. OK? I'm gonna have you push your knees towards the back wall behind you just kind of shift it around here, side to side, holding up to your adapters and we're close to our mat.
As you can see, we're gonna be coming back right down onto it. All right, I'm gonna have you come forward and set your right knee down. Your left leg is gonna go out to the side straight. Good. I'm gonna have you sink back into your hips, reach your arms straight ahead.
So you're gonna feel a nice stretch. Your ad doctor here on that left leg and now flip your left foot up towards the ceiling. So your toes are turned up. Yeah, perfect and turn that foot back. So it is flat again.
Rock your body forward and then sink it all the way back again for me. Take your left arm, reach it underneath your right armpit. We're gonna stretch into your shoulder down into your back. Woo hoo, gonna release that. Bring that hand forward.
Excellent. Bring your knee down and we're gonna switch your root right to the other side, right leg is out, you're gonna sink your hips back for me. Holding it here right here. We're gonna go ahead and flip your foot up. So you're flexing up towards the ceiling with that right foot and then turn your toes back down.
You gonna rock your body forward for me and then take it back again and then you're gonna reach your right arm underneath that left armpit, reaching out to the side, sinking down into your shoulder and rock it back, forward, hands and knees. I'm gonna have you go around your spine, press your belly down, around your spine, press your belly down round your spine, belly down. Two more like that round belly down. One more round, belly down. Good.
Go ahead and pop those hips up towards the ceiling or the sky pedal your feet out for me. Right and left, left and right. Yes. Hips are nice and high here. Come on.
Excellent. You're gonna walk your hands back towards your PTS. Hold it right there, let your head hang, hold it there. Whereas Patty says, shake your head. Yes and no.
That's one of PKS famous, famous phrases, right? So she taught me that. She taught me that. I'll tell you that right now. I always give credit where credits do roll it all the way up, throw your shoulders back and now I'm gonna have you actually kick your heels up to your buns.
You're gonna give yourself a hug and open it up because you're getting ready. You're getting yourself to prep yourself. It's happening, it's happening, it's happening. It's coming up. So we're gonna take a few exercises and group them together at a time.
Repeat them probably. OK. So we can make them look even better each time. Right? I love that.
Bring your knees up in front now, one at a time. Give it a little squeeze, a little squeeze. All right. Now when you're doing this, we're starting out. We're gonna be doing a squat to an Arnold press.
So we're just rotating our hands. We're using heavy weights. Again, we're not going for a ton of reps. This is about lifting heavy in a slow controlled movement. Ok?
I love that. Give me two more each side. So when you're doing this, shake it out for me, I think we're ready. I think we're going right when we're doing this, think about as heavy as you can lift as possible, as heavy as possible. Right.
Knowing that we can always go down in weight. Right. It's not like we can't just grab lighter and you might say to me, well, yeah, but it's not like we can't just go heavier. That's not the answer I was wanting. Ok, here's what I want.
You're right. I'm gonna go heavy. That's what I'm looking for. Ok. So I'm gonna have my fingertips face me, I'm gonna squat down elbows to my knees then as I press up, I'm gonna rotate those hands up.
That's an Arnold Press. So we're here and up. Let's give it a go down and up. Good. Take those hips all the way back.
Sink back into your heels. Oh, got it. Can you give me a couple more? One more if you can? Like I said, we're not going for a ton of reps.
We're gonna grab a lighter weight for this one. We're gonna do what's called toy soldiers. Ok? Get you in the holiday spirit if it's the holidays or not. So we're gonna have our dumbbells straight up above.
We're basically doing a standing crunch. I'm gonna look, praise my left leg up straight out in front and then my right leg straight out in front. Let's give it a go. Arms are straight, legs are straight. Now.
That's too much. Of course. Right. You bend your knees, bend your elbows, draw it in this way if this works better for you. Awesome.
Right. Your arms along your legs always advances it. You know that. Yes, you got two more each side. You could do it one more each side.
Yes. Beautiful. All right. Let's do some push ups on top of our weights. We're gonna do two tricep push ups.
If it doesn't work to be on top of your weights, that's ok. And you can do these tricep, push ups on your knee and knees or toes. Ok. Here. So we're gonna do two of them.
We're gonna step forward, you'll stand and you'll do two squats, then we'll go back down. Ok. Narrow squats, right. Narrow squat test. Ok.
Here we go. One cute separate flower. We're not jumping forward two swats. Keeping it narrow back down. Step it back, one, two, stepping forward.
Add up two squats. You got it stepping down and back two of them again. One, two, stepping forward, two swat. Do it again. Let's do it again.
We've got this one. Q bring it forward two squats and then we're gonna do it one more time. OK? OK. I know we can full body friends right here.
I'm all right. 12. Get up. 12. Excellent.
All right. Let's do this all again. Love it. We're going back to your squat with that Arnold Press. OK.
Shake out your hands as needed. Give them a rest and we go again from the topsy. All right. Squat elbows to the knees ready. Pat a kid.
Go. Let's do it. Boom up. You got it. You can always do one arm at a time if that works better for you.
Right. Absolutely. Over your head. Get that rotation right there strong. You got it.
We're trying for two more reps. Beautiful toy soldiers. Toy soldiers athletes. Let's see them. We'll see how many people are gonna be fans of toy soldiers after this.
Right. Right. All right. Left leg races first. Here we go.
Mhm. Keep breathing. I'm exhaling. As I lower. How about you?
PK? Got it, guys. Trust up guys. You got it. We got two more each side.
You can do it. I know you can. Then we're back to your push ups. One more each side. Yes.
A fabulous. All right. Team. We're taking it down. We got two tricep push ups again.
Honor off your dumbbells. Step it forward. Stand in two squats. Here we go. One, 27 forward right in between those weights, one chili down, step it back, get your bearings, 12, you know it, keep that head and neck in line with your spine on those push ups.
It's real easy to let your chin drop right and start looking down on those push ups. You don't need to look down, nothing to see down there to see down there. Right. Your toes are still there. We promise we got one more time here one more.
Ok. Yeah. She what? Fantastic. All right.
Set it down for a second. Shake out your hands. This is a lot of grip strength, a lot in our grip today. Right. Right.
Right. But that's all right. Did you know your grip strength is directly related to your life span? No. Yeah, a little fun fact for you.
Tell me, tell me, Patty loves my fun facts. It is directly related. The stronger grip strength you have the longer your lifespan. I'm not saying it's a good quality of life but, but it's a fact. Wow.
I know. Right. I, I'm wealth of useful information. She really is. We're gonna do some bent over rows.
So this is how it's gonna look though. I'm gonna take him to the inside. We're gonna do four of those and then you're just gonna straighten up and we're gonna be real careful when we do straighten up. So from here I'm doing both dumbbells. 4321.
When I straighten up, I'm not gonna go like this. Ok. So when we do this, that compresses our lower spine a lot and it doesn't like it. It might not like it right now. It might take three months or three years, but it won't like it.
Ok. It's easy to do that. It's easy to slip into that too. It's so easy to do it right. It's ha because it's very flowing, you know.
All right, let's do this. We got 4321. We unhinge. Yes. Bring it down.
432 one on hinge. Yes. 4321 on hinge. One more time. Squeeze those shoulder blades towards each other.
Those lats and unhinge. Fabulous. We're coming down to one knee, we're going to a tricep overhead extension. Now, you can ask yourself maybe I can do two dumbbells right now. Maybe I can do one dumbbell.
It's up to you. It's heavy and a short amount of reps. Ok. Squeeze them together for me. Here we go down and up, squeeze them together if you don't wanna be on your knee, what are you gonna do?
Because, you know, you can stand or you can sit back. Yeah. Yes. Right. One more.
If you can, if you can. Oh yikes. All right. We felt that we're setting them down. We're gonna do a saw plank.
So you're down on your elbows, your hands are flat together. I like to call this an eraser plank but apparently not that everybody remembers an eraser with a chalkboard. 00, I'm like that. So they call it a soft line. Now.
They, I don't know who they are, but so I like to call it an eraser. I'm moving back and forth like I'm cleaning the era eraser. All right. Legs together. Patty K, you got an option.
I'm on my knees for this one. All right. So she's standing foot. Here we go. We're moving or you're holding that plank, tight legs are together.
Feet are together. You're squeezing your buns. You're looking right over the tip of your nose and you're breathing, your breath is life. You gotta breathe right. You can also, I think you talked about this.
We can just hold it too. Do you wanna just sit here and hold that plank or just set your knees down and hold your plank? That works too. Absolutely. You got this.
Keep it tight looking right over the tip of your nose. You're breathing. Give me 10 more seconds. Ok. 10 more seconds from right now.
Oh, my gosh. I made you laugh. Who does that? 32 and one. Hey, I made you laugh.
Oh, and always famous too for almost there. Almost there. What does that mean? Almost there? I know Chris calls me out on that one all the time.
Give me a number, give me a number. She's give me a time. Give me something. All right. We're gonna do four bench over rows again and then we straighten up and we're remembering to not thrust our hips forward at the top.
You can still squeeze your butt without doing this. Ok. All right. Let's hinge it forward. Here we go back is flat.
We've got 43 21. I hope you're holding heavy. Yeah. Legit. Your belly button is pulled in, right?
Yes, we're breathing 43. You got this athletes, 21, do it again for me. One more time. 4321 on hinge. Yes.
All right. Hey, coming down to one knee again or you can stay standing or you can sit all the way back. Like Patty was saying, ok, heavy weights squeezing them together. Overhead, tricep extension. Let's do it.
Here we go right to this off your chest. I pay it. Yes. Can you do another one? Let me do one more or two.
Ok. Yep. Very good. Excellent. You're right with us.
Right. Yeah. Ok. We're going back to your saw plank or eraser plank. OK?
Legs are together, feces are together. You're squeezing everything real tight. Let's do it. Here we go. Team or you can hold it.
Remember you're looking right over the tip of your nose. So basically you got a cal phrase happening in this. It's a two for one. Love that. Right.
Shannon. You are nothing but efficient. Well, I try keep going. Come on athletes, you got this, you're breathing, you're looking right over the tip of your nose, your head and neck is in line with your spine. We're not letting your neck drop by any means.
You got just 10 more seconds from right now. Keep it going. I did that one just for you. You got it. You got it almost there in three to one.
Awesome. Ok. Since we're down here, I'm gonna actually keep us down here right now. We're gonna do a smooth transition to this uneven push up. Ok.
So this uneven push up. I've done this one before. I know I have it. I don't remember which work it. I was with you all, but we did do it.
We're down on one elbow now. This was all created so that everyone feels so strong and that everyone feels they can do a push up. Ok? So here's what I'm looking like. I'm gonna take this arm out wide and I'm gonna only bend that outside arm.
So I'm down here, this hand, this elbow is facing this side. Ok. Allowing everyone to be able to do these push ups on your knees if you need to. But I'm telling you, please give it a try on your toes. Ok.
Sometimes it's almost better form if we just stay on our toes. Ok. Ok. All right. Are you ready?
Ready? Here we go down and up, down and up. Yes. Fabulous. You got it.
Trust me. Try it on your toes. If you have it, please try to give me three more if you can. Yes. Excellent.
We're switching sides right? The other side. Are you ready? Set? Let's go.
Let's do it. Yes. So that outside arm is further out. It's wider out when we do that. Ok?
You can see Patty's hand is further away. We've got four more on this side if you can do it if you can. Fantastic. W yes. Doable.
Right. Awesome. Yep. Yes, totally. And you know what, when we complete those, it's like, oh yeah, I can do push ups on my right.
So we took 30% of your body weight off of that. That's what that does by going down that. Ok. Ok. We're gonna stand up now.
We're gonna do a wider squat. We're gonna tap our bells to the floor and then we're gonna come up with both arms. I love that. So if you wanna alternate. Yep, I think you said that earlier, right?
That you can alternate them. So let's make it an even 10 reps. Ok. That way if you're alternating, we're good to go. There we go.
All right. Tap them to the floor every time. Keeping your elbows in. Yes. Keep those elbows in as you start that bicep curl.
Ok. It's a hammer curl. So we got a squat, a curl and an overhead press and we're tapping him down by bending your legs, not by leaning forward. So that tan woo, where more? Here we go.
Perfect. OK. We're coming back down. Ok. We just got two exercises in this little block.
Love it. I know you were ready for three. But with this single sided stuff, I kept this one as two. All right. We ready down on an elbow, outside arm again.
We should be looking like this like a dancer, right? Yeah. Ok. Here we go. Down and up, down and up.
You already know the deo on your knees or toes, head and neck in line with your spine. You're looking right over the tip of your nose. Thank you. We're going for two more reps team. Yes.
Amazing. All right. Take it to the other side. We ready set, go, go. Oh, yeah.
She is not messing around. She's being efficient to it. Do it. Three more. Fabulous.
All right. I'm gonna move through my wrists here just to give him a break for a second and then we're gonna tie up our wrists actually with our band. Yeah. Ok. So come on up.
Are we doing our squad curl? Oh, we are doing our right squad curl one more because it's like my favorite move. We have to do that one. They make me patty, we get it in. She's keeping me on track.
Actually. All ready said let's go. As always. That's why there's somebody behind us at all times. It's a real thing.
It is. Mhm. Add it. Keep it going. Yes.
Ok. We're gonna go for two more reps, right. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Awesome. All right. I hope you're smiling. Yeah, everybody's smiling at home, right. We have that reminder.
Always we love you. Yep. So we're gonna put this band on our wrists. I, like I said, this is probably a medium weight here of resistance. OK.
So the goal is we wanna keep it taut like we're wearing handcuffs but we're wearing those handcuffs really tight. So we're gonna chop to the outside, which is our front left, our front left leg, you're gonna chop the outside. Raise up and then I'm gonna pulse them out. I'm gonna raise them back up, chop the outside front right leg. OK.
Makes sense. Yep. Keeping that band tight all the time. Exactly. Exactly.
She nailed it. OK. Ready straight out here we go right leg back now, raise all the way up out 4321 down other legs. Going back there, we're going up, add up down 4321. Add up down 4321.
Add up down 4321 chop. Add up down Yes and 4321. Chop and up 4321 chop and up 43. We got one more each way. Ok.
Chop and up 4321 chop and up 432. Yeah, a little bit. We're gonna put it under your left leg. We're gonna bicep curl with your left arm. So it's underneath my knee, basically behind my knee.
We're gonna take the other leg back in a basically a little bit longer, longer, split squat. Yeah. This arm is gonna hold out strong. Pat said. Right.
Yep. Here we go. Everything bends, everything straightened. Let's do it. Yes.
So you've got a lunge in here a split slot if you will and a bicep curl. If you're feeling unstable, take this back leg off to the side more. That's gonna give you a bigger window to balance on. Ok? I was gonna say that you were, I love that.
We think alike. We think alike. She calls me out when I forget an exercise. We got it. We got four more here.
Three, two and one switcheroo, you know what we're doing. So now, you know, if you need a different band or not, you know, if you need a heavier one or lighter one, whatever it might be. All right, other side, this arm holding strong. Here we go. Everything bends, everything straightens.
Yes. We're smiling through it, you know, it, love it. So, that's right. Almost there. Oh, we got five more reps here right here.
Five, 43, two and one. Fabulous. All right. We're taking it off. We're gonna get back onto our wrist right now.
Ok. We're gonna go on to our wrists again, going back to your reverse lung with that chalk and then we get to pull them out. But we're always keeping tension. Yes. Always keep those handcuffs on.
OK. Right. Legs and lung back first. Your left foot in front. Here we go.
Team back 21 and the opposite or W one and switch and four, we got it. You got the, got this and um yes, let's see here. Nothing to see here folks. You already knew what you were doing because we already did it once. Right and 4321 and chop add up.
You got it. Four. Come on. Keep that tension. It's really important.
You gotta keep that tension. 4321 and chop and up 4321 and chop and up. Yes. We got two more and Take it here. Now we're going to keep this right here.
Midsection, mid section right here. Go out, out, out now while we're doing this. Keep going. I want you to focus. Make sure you're not shrugging up those shoulders down those traps down like you're pushing them in your back pocket.
Keep going out, out, out out. We got 8765432 and one. Nice job. Yes. Better turn up the heat a little bit, a little whipped cream on there.
Extra. Right. A little extra toppings. A little extra sauce on there. All right.
Put that arm out. Here we go. Everything bends, everything straightens. Yes. So try to keep your wrist straight when you're doing this.
It's real easy. When I do bicep curls, I try to keep my fingers open as much as possible because otherwise I start to curve my wrist when I make a tighter fist. And when you do that, you're using more of your forearm than you are your bicep of that. You got it. Keep going.
Keep going. We're gonna go three more and then we're gonna hold it at a halfway spot. Two right here. Now, pulse pulse, I'm gonna pulse down here and with my bicep boom getting ripped. Come on 54321.
Feel that little pump in that bicep. Right. Love it. One rep. Closer to being ripped right there.
Yes. Lift number one. All right. Other arms out. Remember we can stagger that to be more stable.
Ok. Here we go. Everything bends, everything straightened. You got it. Ah, nice job team.
Yes. Feeling that bicep burn. Give me two more and then we're going to hold it at that halfway spot right here. Good. Now pulse.
Give me a little bicep flex there. Come on flex it. You should feel that I, that you should be able to see that by that. Let you got it. Got it.
5432 and one. Fantastic. We're going to put this on your feet. We're gonna stay right here. We're gonna do just a little bonus set here.
Ok? We've got nothing in our hands though. Nothing in our hands. We're just gonna tap out, out, out, out just using the lower half. One more time.
We're gonna finish this out for 30 seconds here. Ok? Then I'm gonna stretch you out come total body left. Number one, compound movements, functional movements love it. Heavy weights, slow and controlled, love it.
Not a lot of reps. You got it. Everybody can be successful at this point, everyone. Yes, you got 5432 and one and done and one and done another. Fantastic.
Good job. Way to go here to go, girl, way to go. Awesome job. Let's bring one arm across, stretching through your shoulder. Fantastic job.
Rotate your wrist from those push ups, those types of push ups, right? That's fun. Awesome switch. So this is a great one to do again when you're short on time, but you need to hit everything and you wanna lift heavy. Ok?
This will get the job done for you. This is the first one of the series that we're starting with. That's fun. I love it. Yeah, anytime it's a little bit heavier and less rest.
It's so good for our body too too. Yes. All right. Let's bring it up together. I'm gonna have you grab on to your right wrist and you're gonna pull to the side.
Nice side. Body stretch in your lap. Good. Bring it up. Center.
Now, do that same side, but a tricep stretch first. So grabbing on to your elbow, you're stretching your tricep. Now, now we're going to tip to the side again. So now we've added in our lap again. Love, love and bring it up.
Center good. We're gonna grab onto your left wrist, tip to the side. Wee your booty. Yeah. Point your low back.
Bring it up. Now, grab on to that elbow. We're gonna stretch your tricep there. Ok? Then tip again.
So we hit your lab again. That feels good. Yes. Back up, set. All right.
We're gonna take our feet nice and wide apart. Bring your arms up flat together with your hands. You're going to hinge forward till your chest goes parallel to the floor and hold it there. Reach forward straight ahead, reaching with your fingertips, pushing your hips straight back, hold it there, hold it there. And then you're gonna let your head and neck drop all the way down with your hands to the floor, shift your hips side to side, wagging your tail, rounding out to your low back, put your hands on the floor palm down inside of your wrist, face out to us.
So we're stretching to your forms at the same time due to that grip strength. We want to make sure we stretch your forearms and we're still hitting those hamstrings and wagging your tails. Fabulous. All right. We're gonna intro these closer together, release your hand and slowly bring it all the way up and you, my friends are all done.
Thanks, Patty for joining me and this was my number one. Thanks so much. See you next time. Bye bye.
Loved this one! Went heavy for me and my heart rate was pumping. Thanks ladies.
Loved this! Short rest periods, very efficient.
this was a challenge! Loved it!
Yes yes yes More of these workouts please 🙏 💪