Tara Putz

GOLD Low Impact Endurance Cardio 3

Tara Putz
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Duration:   32  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Get ready for this 3rd no-jumping, full-body workout to help burn calories and build energy! No equipment needed. Trainer Tara Putz will take you throught this workout designed to get your heart rate elevated into your “comfortably hard zone,” but won’t get you completely out of breath. This is Zone 2 steady state cardio, not HIIT, so you’ll get consistent cardio like being out for a jog or a power walk. Tara will lead you through basic body movements and calisthenics in this workout that’s all about endurance and having fun! It should be performed at a rate that suits you and you can enjoy, so slow down if you need to, but keep going!

Level: All Levels
Equipment: None
Instructor: Tara Putz

In order to view the class, be sure to visit this page while logged in to your GOLD member account. Want to stream this workout to your TV? Here is how to do it.


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