GOLD Muscle Burnout 1
Sam CameranesiDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat, medium and heavy dumbbells
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hey, get healthy you TV squad. I'm Sam. Cam and I have the lovely Chris fry with me. How are you? I'm great.
Ready to go today. We've got muscle burn out number one. So it's the first of its kind. Um All you're gonna need is medium to heavy, set it down. So we're gonna challenge you to go a little bit heavier because as the name of the workout, muscle burn out, you wanna burn it out, right?
Um So go have you maybe have a couple of variations. So if you need to drop down and weight, that's totally cool. We're gonna do each like body part and we're gonna burn it out and we're gonna put it to rest. So we're not gonna come back to it. Um There's really no method to the madness on this one.
Chris is like what we're going rogue on this. Um I have no timer. We're just gonna really burn it out and then we're gonna put it to rest that we've got a nice warm up to warm up the body and then we'll get ready to rock and roll and I'll be showing modification. Yeah. Thank you.
Here we go, go clock down Rachel's arms all the way over. Had inhale, exhale. Let it all go deep. Cocked on beach. Oh, let's do one more good.
Roll the shoulders to the back. Just kind of go up, back and down away from those gears. Oh, man. And we're going to start to swim it to the back. So bring that right arm back and then the last just waking up those shoulders because I don't know there might be like one body part untouched, but we're gonna touch it just a little bit today and that might be the back, the back.
Oh, well, we got ro we do have. That's why I said we're gonna touch them. Roll the shoulder to the front. Look, they started peddling already. Not yet.
Not yet. She's ready for it one more. Start to peddle forward this time. Get your little front stroke and backstroke in each morning. Love it and flap your wings a couple of times.
Give yourself a nice big hug. Let it go. Self love. Right. That's what we need.
Self love. We're doing a workout, reach those arms all the way overhead. Classing them at the top side. Body. Strike up on over to the right.
Oh, it feels good, doesn't it back up towards the center? Lift yourself up and over to the left. Oh Dropping those hands all the way to your quad. You're gonna do a standing cat cow dropping yourself all the way down, pull your belly button in round it, that's fine. And then come all the way back down at the bottom, give yourself a nice little arch and then round.
So do this one at your own pace a couple of times just to get to the low mid back, ready to work and really articulate through that spine. One more. Roll yourself all the way up to stand on this next one, Scroll those shoulders down, hip circles up and over to the right hip circles up and over to the left. OK. So drawing a big circle with those hips finding your moment of balance there as well.
Core is tight on this next one, reverse your direction out to come in. So draw that circle the opposite direction. Poor man. I really need a good warm up this morning. I love it.
Motion is lotion a little stiff and sore and now it's like, OK, let's go one more E I separating in those sweet, nice and wide, deep squat down recalls arms all the way overhead. Inhale, exhale one for keeping those legs nice and straight to a to the backside of your hamstring. When you get to the bottom, nod your head. Yes and shake your head. No.
Walk your hands on over to the right hand side. Just kind of hold that stretch on the right hand side because my favorite moves today are gonna be in this class. Do walk yourself on over to the line. Are you team dead lift? Squat or L I AM?
Team squat and dead lift. Not l not back towards the center. Bringing your feet a little bit closer. About shoulder with the part you're gonna walk your hand forward through downward, facing that position and try to pedal out those heels, right and left. I did up for a dimension at the beginning of the class.
Basically, this class is low intact. I don't think we're doing any jumping today. Awesome. So just wake up the back of those cabs. You've got 321, inhale all the way up under your tippy toes.
Exhale, felt those heels all the way down to the floor. One more. Inhale all the way to your tippy toes, exhale heels all the way to the floor, shift your weight forward, high plank position, shoulders stacked on top of wrist, squeeze your loose or is engaged. Step forward right foot outside or rightr runners lung. Oh That hip is tight.
Feel that right. Move around here, do what you need to do. You can also place that hand on to your knee and kind of just like move it out and in if you need and still good on the head a bit when you're ready, sweeping that right arm high towards the sky, roll your wrist in both directions. We're gonna throw our needle two times richer than our final twist. Reach back high.
One more good plants the ball. Calm down, set back. High plank, good squeeze and hold. Left foot, comes to outside the left wrist. Move around, rock yourself forward to back.
If that feels good. Maybe just hold it. You can bring that left arm to your knee and just kind of bring it out and in opening up that hep nice and slow when you're ready. Squeezing that left arm high, roll your wrists in both directions. Two final twists, thread that need, I'll reach it underneath.
Final twist, reach back high. One more. Oh, last one. Plant that home down, set back, high plank. Tap your feet.
You go right left, right left. Start to turn your core on shoulders right on top of your wrist with your glutes. 432, shoulder taps, you go right left now your feet stay planted and you're tapping with those shoulders right there. You have 321, press back downward facing dog huddle those heels. One last time, 321, walk your hands back towards your feet.
Fully rolling yourself of one vertebrae at a time. Head, neck shoulders. Last thing to come to the top, spread out your feet. Shoulder with a part. Let's spot it down and up.
Squat lift. Ok. So booty back, chest call weight heavy through your heels, you should be able to wiggle those toes just a little bit in your shoes. Two more. Just like that.
Hands behind your head. We're gonna do some good mornings. So, hip hinge and squeeze to the top down for two, up for two elbows are wide hands are light behind your head. Daze is neutral. It's a hip hinge.
So, feel the difference between these two movements. It's a dead lift, hip hinge and then a squat one more. Now we're gonna do one dead lift, one squat, one, dead lift, lift one squat boom right there. Dead lift. Bless squat down and up two more.
Ok. So I really want you to work on the difference between the two last one. Ah and SWAT jacket out right here. Chris has got that low impact. We're just gonna get the heart rate up just a little bit.
So we're ready to work right there. You have 43 skip in place two skip reach, reach, reaching that arm overhead. Take the bounce out if you need. Let's go 43, jump your rope right here. Jump it, twirl those arms, use your biceps.
You've got it. 43, jack it out one more time. Go. You got Rest. Awesome.
Are you ready? Are you ready? Double, double, high five, double high five to start out class today? All right. So the first move that you're gonna need two dumbbells, we're gonna start with squats.
We're gonna start with the suitcase carry. So they're gonna be right by your side. Go heavy. We're gonna play around with tempo range of motion. Maybe some pulses to burn it out.
All that fun stuff. Right. So two heavy dumbbells, we're gonna start suitcase carry. So feed her shoulder with a part, we'll go two down to us, roll the shoulders back. Here we go 321.
Let's go down two up two. So wait as heavy through your heels just starting to get the hang of this with that suitcase carry. So this is option one. Option two. If you would like, you go front rack position, shoulders or weights are racked right on the shoulders.
Ok. So core is really engaged and higher up when you bring those weights to your shoulders right there. Relax all the way down all the way up. You got it two more just like this. Then we go down for three up for one.
Can we try it? Go down for 321 drive up, go 321, drive the stand. Squeeze your booty at the top. Nice work all the way down. Squeeze one more that tempo.
Hold it at the bottom all the way down. We just have you through your heels halfway up all the way down. That's your range of motion halfway up, all the way down. Now, if it becomes too much one dumbbell right at chess right there. You got it.
But you're starting to build in those legs halfway all the way halfway. Hold now, pull it out down in a let go for Grab both down. We press, we're adding on 321. Let's go curl. Press right overhead.
So we're adding some upper body. You're welcome. All right. It's gonna go up a little bit because those hands are going overhead and we're working a big muscle group and go as heavy as you can challenge yourself. Right.
Absolutely. The worst thing that can happen is you have to drop down, which is actually the best. It's the best thing. It means you're working so hard. You're the fatigue, barely do it.
That's that burn out, baby. Come on right here. So we're getting a little bit of break from the legs, but we're adding on that upper body. How are we doing? Oh, I love it.
I love it. Oh, use those loops to stand. Squeeze four tight as you press those white overhead. You got it. Should we do four more?
Absolutely. Let's go. Four oh three. You got this three through it. Two more.
Come on. Last one. All right. You're gonna put two weights end to end. I'm gonna grab my lighter weight and we'll go end to end.
So you're gonna put your heels on you dumbbell, but they're light. So you're not like crushing the weights, one heavy dumbbell in your hand. One. Yep. Just one.
Unless you want to. We're gonna go one over that left right shoulder here. Come all the way down overhead. Press the other side. Yes.
So it's up and over 32, find your range of motion bracket up and over all the way down. Squeeze. Ok. So you should be able to find a bigger range of motion here. You're shortening your lover, the Achilles tendon behind you.
So find that big range of motion all the way down in that squat. Oh, yeah. If you pre shorten your calves, you can go a little deeper. Yep. I love it.
So we're going for range of motion in this one. All the way down, please. Oh, man. Oh, yeah, I'm feeling shoulders and the legs. What the heck?
You got it. Ok. We're gonna hold it at the bottom. Come on right here. Halfway up.
Go all the way down. Go, pulse it right here. Pulse, pulse, gotta burn it. Baby burn all the way up to the top switch, find the bottom, go halfway all the way, all it go. You got it almost there.
Hey, can we do eight reps all the way up and over in 321. Let's go. This is one all the way down. Finish it out. Two, you have eight of them.
34. Come on. Nice work. Two more. Last one.
Who you can step away from those ways. We have one more for the squat. Yes. One dumbbell. Well, I might go a little lighter because this is a lot of shoulders.
So it's a squat to press knee drive, twist We will alternate. So it's a squat press. Bring it in, twist squat. Now you twist to the last bones. Love it.
Use your car, standing car right down. This is a moment at the bottom where you have to find that isolated. Hold as you press that weight out, you have to hold it at the bottom. Probably a little longer than you want to. Right.
Love it. I keep telling myself, love it, love it. I got, I got that right here. One more each side. Finish it out.
Last one. Oh man. Oh, all right. Let's get the love the legs a little bit of rest. We're gonna move on to chest now.
Legs might not be like super petite, but we found them. We've got a couple more blocks of legs. So I like my hands on weights for push ups. You can do knees or toes. Chris is gonna show you knees.
It's gonna be a push up. You're gonna walk it in, in, out out. You're gonna go knees to the outside of your wrist as we work one time through push ups. I love it. The rest of our chest will be laying on our back.
So remember elbow's back, right? Yes. Protect your shoulder. All right. Are we ready?
I'm ready. Starting with those push ups in 321. Let's go push up, walk it in, in, out out. Chris has got that modified variation. What does that?
Look like Chris. It's just a knee drive to the front, bring your foot all the way up to the heel of your hand. Love it right there. We're using core chest and some triceps because of what Chris talked about earlier. I'll look back in your push ups.
Obliques. Pore is tight. You got this. Who? Remember this is exercise number one of our push up or of our chest.
So we're gonna fatigue it out a little bit. So we're gonna get deeper into that chest muscle. Holy bananas. You got this. Give me one more.
Find your push up all the way down. Let's go all the way down. I'm gonna drop to my knees halfway up all the way down, halfway up. This is tough. So drop to your knees if you need, we're right here halfway that bottom.
Hold it, hold it. Let's go for 43 to the top. Hold that high plank, five push ups. We finish our push ups right here. Five.
Breathe four. I'm gonna go back to my toes. Three. It's getting t oh Yeah. Two.
Last one. You pull it over. You laying down so heavy. Every last push up is it really is. And I'm like, don't break your back form, right?
Like I'm always trying to tell myself, keep your core tight, right. So arms are tired, core stays tight. We have a chest fly with leg drops. I really want you to grab your heaviest weights that you have today for that chest fly arms are going wide around the beach fall and bringing it back in. Yes.
Love it. Like drops are optional for some core. Are we ready? I'm ready. You have 321.
We go out for two down two, list two right there. Leg drafts are optional. You can do one leg at a time. You can do a glute bridge. I just have my boots on the ground or I will pull up the bridge.
That's a great option. Love it. Lots of options for the lower body. But if that takes away from the chest, then I want you to ditch it because we're really focused on the chess work here. You got this team.
This should start to get pretty heavy. Arms are going wide around that beach fall and then we squeeze it back in. You got it. Press your low back into the mat unless you're in that glue bridge. Oh, my goodness, fatigue.
Hello. Can we do? Eight more? Eight more? I think we can.
Ok. Keep breathing. Six, five more. Come on. Yes, you can talk to yourself.
It's getting tough. I'll give you a quick little shake out after this. You're welcome. Love it. Three, two more.
Come on, you've got to shake it out right here. Drop those weights for a second, shake it out right there because we have more. We have a narrow chest press. So you're gonna press your palms together, press those dumbbells together. You're gonna drop your elbows really close to your side body and press it right back up.
So tilt chest, but we're gonna add on that trice up just like you did in your push up. Are we ready? Ready? Bring those weights back together at the top? Squeeze them together.
We're gonna go down for two and up for two elbows and tight. Let's go down to now I'm gonna keep my glutes on the ground for this one because I'm really focusing on the chest right here. I was in Tate. You've got it all the way down. He tries to press oh baby at the top, you got it.
Come on, come on for, press your low back in the floor. You've got it all the way down, all the way up. We're going to go down for one up for three. Try it down for one up for 3210 down. 321 down.
One up, three. You've got this, hold it at the top, flip your palms so that you're in a regular chest, press elbows all the way down from all the way down to the bottom of your chest. Press halfway up. Pulse it right here. You've got it pulse, use your chest.
You've got 8765432. President all the way up to the top six of them. Let's go down for six, press five. Come on four, three more two. I feel that chest.
Oh my gosh. Let it go. Drop it. That grip strength too, man. All right.
We got one more for the chest. We're gonna do it standing though, a little lighter on this one because it also has the top head of the shoulder with it. Palms are gonna face towards us or towards the front of the room and it's gonna be a standing cross body front race. So you're gonna use your chest to press right there one at a time. So we'll go right and left.
Let's go. Right. Just a shoulder height. No higher left. It crosses just a little bit across the body.
You have a long lover right. Right there. Yep. You got it. Oh.
come on, relax. My shoulders have muscle fatigue. Hello? Muscle burn out. Come on one more.
I right. Oh, come on. That's left now. That's right. Rest nice work.
All right. That's it for the chest. So I'm gonna go heavier again. Dead lift. Block three.
We're gonna go hit hinge and you're gonna grab those heavy dumbbells for the back side of the leg water towel when you need it. Chris brought her water. I did not. I brought my water today. She's a smart girl today.
Roll the shoulders back. We've got the dead lift just like we did in the warm up. We'll start with that hip hinge down for two, up for 232. Let's go hinge. Two up, two.
So stick that booty back spine is long. Get your neutral right there. Good way through the heels. Now, from the side, what I don't want you to do is at the top. What we often see is like squeezing too much that you arch the low back.
So yes, you have to squeeze at the top but you find that neutral position to more that pace. I love a good dead lift when I feel it the next day, I love down for three up for 1321 drive. 321. You got it looking good team. So kind of check in and see where you are.
Like, are you feeling this just enough or not enough at all where you need to grab a heavier set of dumbbells? Now we go down for one up for three down. One slow, slow, slow. So the slow is on the rise. You have to squeeze your glue, burn it out, baby.
A man, I love that slow and controlled. So sometimes it's not always about moving faster. It's actually finding that control. Ok. Now you're just gonna rub it out your pace down and up down.
Squeeze a couple more. Who just straight up deadlifts? Yes. Right up, right up dead list. Your pace can be quicker than ours.
It can be slower. It's all dependent on your range of motion and the weights that you have in your hands right here more and more. You got it. Three, two and one. If you want to set those weights down, you can, here's the, uh, number two dead lift, double row, 12.
Squeeze the sand. Yes. Pick those dumbbells up. If you drop them 321 hinge, two rows. 12, squeeze the stand right there.
Ok. So now we add in the back, we don't have a full block of back today. So we wanted to get it in here and you're holding that dead lift at the bottom. So you're forced to isolate and then just squeeze to bring yourself back from that holding position right there. Well, dead lifts.
Use a lot of back extensive to keep that long spine. Yep. Yeah. So I'm feeling it, no doubt just enough. Right?
Who, who bro, those weights past your hips? You've got this. Ok. Are we starting to feel those legs? Oh my goodness.
Yep. We feel good squad. Are we still smiling? I don't know. We'll see.
I'm definitely sweating two more. Yes, I can. Yes, we will go last one. All right. We're not done with them yet.
Two dead list. You rack it at the top of the second one and you do two side step squat. My grip is like rough today. All right. Take them back up to do list.
Two side to the right 321 go one. This is two racket at the top right here. Now, side step to the right one all the way down your spot. Two, let the weight go down two dead lift. Now we move laterally right and left all the way down in that squad.
If you pen bringing back the quads, the glutes and definitely the hamstrings or is tight in that front rack. The feeling it. Yep. Option 21 dumbbell and to end you rack it one step, two steps. Look at that hinge squeeze racket at the top one Q.
Who right there. I got your modification. Now. Yep, we just switched. We switched.
Ok, we're gonna go one more each side. Love it. Yes, you can right there when your uh boots and hamstrings are on fire tomorrow. You can think of us say you're welcome. Last one.
He that booty racket. Give me those good two squats and rest one heavy dumbbell to finish off our dead list. Right leg forward, left leg back, single like dead lift. We'll add on a row. Gold star with just the dead lift.
Sorry. Are we ready? Ready? 321. Find that balance.
Single leg, deadlift. Bring it back up maybe behind that balance. So I'm just kick standing my other leg. I got just very little weight in that other leg trying to focus on the supporting leg. The right leg.
Love it. Give me two more just like this. Ok. Now we add the dead lift row that soon we get dead lift one row. Bring it back up squeeze.
Nice. I'm feeling that outer right glue back side of that leg, fully bananas. Find that balance one more because we got the other side. Nice work. Switch dumb bell into the opposite hand, left leg forward, roll the shoulders back, hip hinge.
Let's go right here. Hip hinge. Squeeze. So, set yourself up before you start to move. Spine is long.
Remember that dumbbell does not need to touch the floor? In fact, like I don't really think it should. Right. I don't think it could turn out more in a dead lift unless you round your back. Exactly what you definitely do.
Not wanna do, but I see it all the time. So come on, po face is neutral. So don't like necessarily look at us because that will also kind of break your alignment in your neck one more. We add the Ralph, add the row on. Go dead lift.
Oh Yeah. Woo. Feeling strong today. How about you at home? I love it.
Oh man. I guess that's my thing for today. Love it. Love it. She doesn't like it.
She loves it. Find that balance two more. Come on. Are we still breathing? Oh, yeah, baby.
Oh yeah. Last one. Booty cheeks on fire. Rest. All right.
Holy strength. Strength is right. Water towel whenever you need it. So take it when we give you an opportunity to shake out those arms, shake out those legs. I'm sweating.
You don't need cardio to break the sweat. That's your d. Sure. All right. We're gonna go bicep.
So block four is gonna be biceps. We're gonna sit stick with your regular biceps. We're gonna change tempo just like we've been doing throughout class and then we'll switch it up again. Are we ready? Go heavy now?
Biceps, I'm gonna start heavy, but I guarantee you with all the biceps I've planned, I'm gonna have to go down a little bit. II, I have a feeling I will be two. Here we go up or two down for two, up, two palm space towards you at the top and you want to focus on not swinging the weights. So we slow and control and squeeze right there. Good elbows pulled right by your side.
Body core is tight and don't arch that low back. We've got an athletic stand to the lower body right there. Hold it at the top. We go halfway down all the way up, halfway, all the way, halfway, all the way right there. So there's constant tension on this range of motion.
We're not ever really letting it go right there. Hold it out, halfway, bottom half, all the way down. Halfway up. Hello form. Yeah, right there.
Bottom half really close to the insertion point of your elbow joint is kind of where you're feeling that one all the way to the top. Go down for three up for one. Let's try it down for 321. It's not gonna be perfect because fully ba this is heavy. I'm grimacing a little.
Yeah. Right. Hopefully no one does like a screenshot of us, do we right there? Ok. Hold it at the top all the way down, all the way up.
We have five of them. Let's go all the way down. All the way up. Four and more. Oh 30 chu.
Come on. Give me one more. Shake it out. I'm going to drop down shoulders. Incorporated in this next move.
You have two hammer curls. 12 at the top. You dip, drive one to push, press with those weights overhead palm space in on that hammer curl. My hair is stuck underneath my 321. Let's go real a real problem.
Bracket. Drive one two. Right. Which is why normally when I work out, I like to put my hair on the top of my head. It really, it gets stuck to my back and I'm like, oh, there's nothing worse.
I don't know how anyone can have their hair down. No, I gotta have it off my face off my face. I try to get it off my back of my neck because it just, uh, it just drops, push, push the biceps were definitely feeling it. We flip the grip from a regular bicep curl to a hammer where your palm face inwards towards one another. Come on.
Breathe. Do we feel those shoulders again? Oh, baby. Right there. Give me two more this entire move right here.
Two of each. Hi, that on the last set right here. Plus plus, hold the top of your bicep curl all the way down. All the way up. Just your hammer.
Let's go all the way down, all the way up, all the way down. All the way up. Palms are still facing in towards you. Last one. Hold it out halfway and pulse.
Tiny little squeezes. Yes, you can. You got man. That tension right time and attention. It is a killer.
So we're going heels and toes out. You come all the way down to your uh Yogi squat position, elbows pin into your mid thigh and you give me three concentration curls, elbows are pressing in. You're gonna squeeze to stand and then come all the way back down. So you're in the Yogi squad. I'll be in the P A squad.
Love it. 323 curls. Three two one. We stand from all the way down, back down to the bottom. So we're giving our biceps a little bit of a break using those legs glu to squeeze on the way up if you're really feeling the bicep option one arm at a time right there.
Racket squeeze why no matter where you're at, whether you're in the Yogi or you're a little higher with Chris, we still need to squeeze, impress those knees out wide using a little bit more of the back side of your, ah, are we feeling it yet? Down to the bottom? Give me two more. Yes, you can. Concentration.
Curs not using momentum and just using the strength of your bicep. Last one right here. Wine c free. Stand up. Oh, holy bananas.
Are we ready for your finisher wide, wide bicep, curl elbows pinned in tight. We're gonna go wide forward, wide forward. Yes. Got it. This is your finisher.
321. Go wide to the front. Regular bicep wide. Oh, baby. Oh, baby.
P no cabos in elbows down away or elbows, shoulders down arms right shoulders down away from your ears. They're gonna wanna creep up here. Hold it out to the wide bicep all the way up, all the way down, all the way up, all the way down so we can control. Come on. Holy bananas.
Oh my goodness. Hold it out halfway. Hold it right arm up, right arm down, left arm up, left arm down. Isolation on the other side. Squeeze bice up four, three.
Now we do four all together in the center right here. Both together. Four. Yes, I can three. Come on two last 10, those dumb bells down for a second.
Shake it out. Oh, my biceps. Was that like 10 minutes of by? All right. Nice to have you guys.
So we're kind of like alternating between upper body, lower body, upper body, lower body, but I don't know the whole body is working the entire time. All right, we're going to go right foot forward, left foot back. You're going to hold both of your dumb bells again. In that case, carry and we're going to stay in a stationary lunch to start. You're just going to go down and up with the right leg only.
Ok. And I'm going to go with no weight because your own body weight is enough. That is for you and definitely enough I have here in my mouth. That's gross. Real life.
Ok. Here we go right foot forward, left foot back in 32. Let's go down for two down, two with two. So you might have to play around with where that stance is. I was a little narrow to start.
So you gotta move 9090 in those legs down for two up for to drive through that front wheel, option one dumbbell at heart center. If you're like, I kind of want something more than body weight, but not too, that's too much. It's right here. You've got it down to left, hold it at the bottom right here. Hold it tiny pulses, pulse, pulse, pulse, you got it Just hold, just hold for 432.
Step on in right here. You're gonna keep that right leg, right leg forward. You're going to step it back for a reverse one, just the right leg. Let's go step it back, drive it in step it back, drive it in right there. So we're focusing on that.
Right. Glute quad booty, booty right there. Come on all the way down, all the way up. How about four more? Four, three, come on.
21. Guess what? We get to switch like stationary on the left. Find your stand down for two, up for two. Let's go down to left to again.
Two dumb bells or maybe it's one, maybe it's none. My claws honestly are shake on fire and I'm just using my own body weight. Right? So if you are like I I'm not a lover of lunges. I mean I like them but yeah you tolerate and if your needs bother, you just go with your own body weight, try it out.
You've got it. Come on, we're feeling it. Oh baby. Press through that heel to fire up the backside of your glue. So you're not only feeling quads.
Yes. Oh yeah. Last one. Hold it here. Pulse it out.
Go pulse, pulse. Please lift your chest. Three, hold it at the bottom. Yes, I can. 4321 stand release.
We're gonna go back here we go. I couldn't find my words. 321. Go sub it back, sub it back in sub it back drive votes press. How are we doing?
Is that coming up too? Just a little bit big muscle group, big range of motion in those legs. Four more. Four three two. Last one.
Oh man. All right. Love it. Nice work. I'm debating if I want dumbbells or not.
Let's go. No dumbbells. We're gonna go lat lunch to the right. We're gonna knee drive and then we'll add a cross behind in a second or just a new lap lunch to start in. 321.
No dumbbells. You're welcome. Knee drive. Balance or tap to toe right there. Good.
Two more. Ok, we're gonna add the curtsey. So you're gonna do Lat lunge one cross behind. Curtsy lunge right there. Lat lunge.
Tap or balance. Curtsey. Go right there. Oh my goodness. Legs feeling the legs, feel her legs, baby feeling the love right?
Isn't that a song? That is a song I'm feeling, feeling the love. I'm like, I don't know right here. You've got it one more. Last one.
Hold the curie hold that. Call it W check it out. We got to go to the left lateral lunge. Only 3213 flat lunge balance. Hold flat, lunge balance, hold core tight.
You're welcome for no dumbbell. Oh my goodness. Feeling it in that y lower half last one one more. Now we add the cross behind lateral lunch cross behind right there. Now you're cross behind.
Doesn't have to be much right. In fact, I don't like when like people really cross it over. You wanna keep that front knee right over the toe just enough to cross back and feel it in that outer glup. And guess what if cross behind lunches don't feel good for you. Do a regular lunch.
Two more right? One. Hold it here. Find it. Sink low, halt it.
You've got Check it out. Who are you ready for? Triceps? Oh my gosh. Yes.
One more block. We've got triceps. We'll cool you down and you're out of here. So a little lighter. Not, maybe not your heaviest on unless you're like Chris.
Honestly, that's really good. Try back. I'm going to go with, I'm going to go a little lower though. Yeah, but if you will lead and maybe not, I'm going to go with 12 single arm, right, single arm, left two in the center. Ok.
So there's going to be a lot of tension when you pull on the single, you're not bringing those forward. They're going to say hi the entire time. Cool. Got it. All right.
This is the last block in the start of your tricep hinge at the hip. Roll those weights up. Let's put kick back right now. Both of them go at the same time for two War boy wine. You two in the center.
OK. Just starting to activate the backside of those arms, squeezing your shoulder blades together. One right, one left, two in the center. W to get back. Squeeze.
Yup. Squeeze one more just like this. Um OK. Drop the arms all the way down, you're gonna press your, your palms are gonna face the back. It's gonna be a straight arm.
Press back. You're gonna be hinged at the hip still and it's gonna be straight arm. But go lift, bring it down. Lift, squeeze fully bananas. I don't like this one.
Why did I program it far out? Four more. Come on. Four, three. Relax your shoulders.
Two last 1010, shake it out. All right. We're going to go right overhead. Overhead tricep, one or two D one or two dumbbells over. Press it up all the way down down and lift four tight.
Ok. So you can do two dumbbells or you can go one heavy right in the center down for two. You should already start to feel this one pretty quickly. Now you can have your feet separated just like this. Option two.
We'll get Chris, she's got her feet slightly staggered. That eliminates some of the pressure in your low back. So try it out. You got it. Oh man.
Last one all the way down, all the way down. Hide it halfway up, all the way down, halfway up. Yes, you can all the way, hide it halfway all the way, all the way up. Hold it at the top. Breathe four singles down it up.
Let's go four, three, two, last one. Hold it at the top. You finish with a pulse at halfway, go to halfway pulse it, let's go. You've got eight 76. Lift your channel away from your cuts.
You have 3210 man. It, that dumbbell. We're going to finish it up with a little core and a little tricep with skull crushers and like drop. So all right, crushers, palms are gonna say in towards you and you're going to drop those weights. Dare I say close to your temple but you're not actually gonna crush them.
Yes. And leg drops are optional. Both legs are one leg at a time. Finish it out. 321.
Go. Skull crusher. Squeeze holy bananas. Oh, triceps are so fatigued. Option to do one at a time.
If you're like two is just too much and if you over fatigue you just drop down away, I'm gonna drop down. Yep. And you just keep going. Oh, we, if you're doing a single leg, should we switch? Yes.
Go. Awesome. Five more. Let's go. Four oh man.
Three 20 my goodness. Last one. Love it. This the way. Bring them down your sides.
Oh my goodness. Arms all the way over head. Deep inhale. Oh my goodness. Right.
Exhale. Breath. Reach those arms all the way up towards the sky. Shin to your chest. One full body roll up, roll yourself all the way up on top of your six bones and then while we're here, we're just gonna reach forward for those toes.
Oh, that feels so good. Say hello to the backside of those hamstrings from all those dead lifts that we did earlier on. So, this is one of those classes I like to say you can come back to and do, like, multiple times to see, can you maybe pick up a heavier set of dumbbells? Um, and see your strength just, like, really increase over time. Well, I love the isolation but it's a total body strength workout.
Yes. Yes. So you get the isolation but everything's covered. Absolutely. My arms aren't going to be, my arms are fatigued.
All right. Take that right arm. Bring it across your chest. Oh, man. Oh, stre shoulders.
We had shoulder. Yeah, shoulders too. Snack. Everything really loved it and take that same arm up and over a little tricep stretch. Use that opposite hand for assistance.
My muscles are shaking. I'm not gonna lie in the lunges. My clods were, I was like, like that last one. I was like, I'm not gonna grab dumbbells. We're gonna ditch those dumbbells.
Body weight is so good. Honestly, anytime I see a body weight workout, I'm like, uh oh, I get scared. They're very, I get scared. All right. Take that same arm up and over tricep.
Correct. Yeah. Oh, nice work today. Tim Muscle burn out number one just really hitting every single body apart and really burning it out all the way to the end. Clash the hands behind you, open up your chest, press those arms to the floor and on the next one round forward, his arms in front of you feel that in that low bas and coming back to that seated position, we're gonna go heels and toes out to that nice cob spot position.
L little stretch for those tips. Oh, it feels so good. Honestly, I need to just do this every day and just, like, sit here for a little bit. All right. Nice work.
So, if you're looking for any other like low impact drink workouts, we've had a lot of them. We've got low, low impact. Uh What's the impact uh uh burn? Isn't there a low? Uh I can't remember the name.
There is a low impact burn. I think that that's body weight, that's body weight, straight up strength is another one up strength and a lot of the beginner. Um, that burning beginner strength is really good. You grab heavyweight, yep, uh heels to the back toes in the front, lift your hips all the way up to the sky. Lack time to heal those hamstrings out of your head.
Yes. Take your head. No, walk your feet together so that they're touching. Oh man. So you roll yourself up one vertebra at a time.
Head, neck shoulders lasting. They come to the top, reach those arms all the way over head, bringing them up over overhead, bring them down to heart center, giving yourself a nice round of applause. You guys, thanks for joining us. Thanks for joining me, Chris that was so fun. Muscle burn out.
Number one, we'll see you next time.
Great workout as usual! I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow!
Loved it! Easy to modify.
Burnout indeed, I was sore for 3 days.... Sam as usual delivers. Thank you for solid strength workout.
Loved this format! More please. Thanks for the super solid strength workout ladies!