Sam Cameranesi

GOLD Muscle Burnout 2

Sam Cameranesi
Duration:   47  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Join Trainer Sam Cam for a second round of Muscle Burnout – a focused strength training session. Skip the cardio and jumping, this workout will focus on isolating muscles groups and working to fatigue. You’ll hit all the muscles groups and feel the burn by the end! Grab a few set of weights and be ready to challenge yourself and feel strong!

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat, medium and heavy dumbbells
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi

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One Response to “GOLD Muscle Burnout 2”

  1. JANNA

    Effective burn out of every muscle group! Great workout!

Hey, hey, get healthy, you TV squad. I'm Sam. Cam and I'm coming at you with muscle burn out. Number two. I've got the lovely me today.

How are you? How are you? Are you ready? I am so ready. All right.

So this is the second of its kind. You need medium to heavy set of dumb bells go heavy, but kind of have like an array of them if you can. I've got 15 and 12 mess has 10. She's gonna be our modifier throughout the workout today. So follow along with her, we're pretty low impact throughout this workout today.

So just kind of know that um we're gonna hit each muscle group and then we're gonna put that to rest. So you should really find muscle fatigue. That's what we're looking for. Um If you did muscle burn out number one, we're doing a couple different um like muscle groups throughout this workout. So I think in the first one, we did biceps triceps, we're not hitting those today.

We're gonna hit the back and the shoulders, which we didn't do in the first one. So if you like both of these workouts, kind of just you know, do the first one, then do the second one. Different muscle groups will be hit, but we're gonna have some fun today. Yeah. All right.

Separate those sweet, nice and wide, deep squat down retail terms all the way overhead, inhale, exhale. Let it all go deep squat down reach. So we're just gonna work up the body here, roll the shoulders to the back so we can get it ready to work. Oh Man, those that feels good already, right. Just start to swim one arm at a time, right and left to the back.

There we go. Good because we will be hitting those shoulders today. So we wanna make sure those are just loosey goosey, right and take that swim to the front, right arm and then left arm. Nice work. All right.

So we got 45 minutes of pure strength today, which I just love sometimes like picking up those heavy weights every once in a while, something different, flap those wings a couple times. Give yourself a nice big hug. Let it go. All right. Let's do some hip circles up and over to the right.

So you're just gonna do that hip circle, stay there and find that balance good all the way just on that right leg to start. Give me two more, finding a little balance and one switch legs to the left, finding that big range of motion. Both of our shoulders and our hips are that ball and socket joint. So we gotta find that like big range of motion. Big time.

Yeah. Last one got heels and toes out. Let's slide ourselves down to that Yogi squat position again. Working on those hips, pressing those knees wide with those elbows, rock yourself from side to side. Do what feels good in the body right here.

Just opening up those hips. This is one of my favorite stretches. Seriously. It works so good. It does.

Yep. All right. Hold it in the center. When you're ready, we're gonna plant those hands to the ground heels, to the back toes to the front. Nod your head.

Yes. And shake your head. No. Walk your hands on over to the right hand side. You're gonna hold this stretch for a second because guess what?

We got some dead lifts today. Yeah, we need to walk those Sammy. I'm all about team dead lifts. I, I actually love dead lift. Are you team dead lift?

Squat or lunge? I'm more of a dead lift. Me too. Walk your hands on over to the left. Yep.

If I had to choose between the three, it's for sure. Deathless hands down. And then if I had to choose between squats and lunges, it would be squats, lunges or last four back towards the center. Walk your feet in a little bit closer about shoulder width apart. You're gonna walk your hands forward to that downward facing do position.

Start to peddle out those heels right and left. 4321 chip forward, high plank shoulders stack on top of wrist, squeeze your core, engage your glutes. Tighten those quads and hamstrings step forward right foot outside the right wrist. You're going to sweep that right arm high, roll your wrist in both directions. Feeling that runner's lunge.

Oh, yeah. Big time again in that front hip flexor. How does that feel? Yep. And this is where I need it the most.

Yep. Thread that needle two times reach underneath spinal twist, reach back open one more good plant both palms down, set back. High plank. The left foot comes forward outside of left wrist. Sweep that left arm high, roll your wrist, both directions.

Oh man. Yep. Thread that needle two times through reach underneath final twist, sink into that front and hip flexor. Last one playing both palms down, set back. High plank.

Tap your feet, you go right left, right left, turn your core on, squeeze your glutes so good. P 43, tap your shoulders right and left, right left. Now your feet stay stable and you tap those shoulders or 4321, press back downward facing dog peddle up those heels. One last time, 4321, walk your hands back towards your feet, slowly roll yourself up one vertebrae at a time. Head, neck shoulders lasting to the top.

Let's do a couple of squats feet shoulder with the part squat it down and up his squat left booty back. Check all weight is heavy through your heels. We're gonna go down for two, up for two. Slow it down, down, two, lift two. So you slow down that pace and you're able to find that full range of motion right there all the way down, all the way up.

Squeeze your glutes to help you rise. Singles down and up. Let's go. You got eight breathe all the way down the way through your heels. Four more.

Let's go. Four, three tunes. One low impact. Jack's right here. I'm gonna say low impact, but if you want to take it up, you're right here.

This is a low impact workout, but we're just gonna get that heart rate up right away. 4321 rest. How do we feel pretty well warmed up? Ready? Yep.

All right. So just like muscle burn out. Number one. I kind of go rogue. I don't have a timer.

We don't have a time. We're going for fatigue. So as soon as we start to feel that fatigue, we're gonna go to the next movement still within that same muscle group. So, first block hamstrings, my favorite. We're gonna start with the hamstrings.

So go heavy. We're gonna start with two dead lifts and two squats. So you have two dead lifts. 12 and then I'm gonna keep my weights down into that suitcase. Two squats.

Yes. Roll the shoulders back. Squeeze your shoulder. Blades together. Are we ready?

4321. Let's go. Hip hinge and squeeze one more. Let's go. Now, two swats down in up, one and two nice work.

Two dead lifts. Now, I want you to find your pace. You can stick with us. You can go slower, you can go faster. But the goal is to start to work on the backside of those hamstrings.

You got it and then why not add on a little squat. Right. Right. Warm up those legs. Yeah, we're getting it done.

We are go heavy knowing that if you have to drop down to a lighter set of dumbbells, that's the goal, right. If you drop down to a lighter set of weights, but you keep moving. Yeah, you're doing it right. You're playing the game. Right.

Yep. Oh man. Here we go. Yep. Feeling that pork nice and strong.

I was just about to say that. Yes, I love it. All right. Last one here we're gonna stick with the dead lift, but we're gonna add on a double row in that hinge position instead. So give me a dead lift.

Stay here, row two times, 12, squeeze to stand it. Dead lift two rows. You're saying hinge forward at the hip. So you're holding time under tension as you row and work the upper body, but the lower body stays working. This is so good.

Oh, yeah. Starting to feel those hamstrings start to fire up. But we're also, like, distracting ourselves and getting a total body workout in. This is great. Come on.

You got it so good. Oh, all right. Are we on that core too? Right. Yeah.

Dead lifts like a really, I, I don't know. I feel like they're a full body movement. They really are. All right. We're gonna add on.

So, hinge two rows, 12 racket at the top, you're gonna lunge back, left foot, right foot. So it's a right run, right lunge. Then a left lung hinge two rows, 12 racket, right foot stays forward. Lunge and lung. Got it.

There we go. So, I want you to feel the backside of the glutes in your lunges as you press off that front heel. There it is. Love it. Adding on some lunges because why the heck?

Nah. Right. I say, yeah, why not? Still really focus on the backside of those hamstrings option for those lunges? If you don't want a front rack, you can keep the weights down here.

Makes it a little easier. Less on the core right there. Breathe. Come on burn, baby burn. Yep.

Ah, feeling that. Are we feeling it? Oh, yeah. All right. After this one, we're gonna get one more full round.

Here we go. Last one. Be on the whole body, bro. Yes. Right.

Yep. We're gonna come back to the back. All right. Ditch one dumbbell. This is your quick transition right hand, right foot, single leg.

Dead lift. Melissa's gonna show the modification. She's gonna tap her toe. Here we go. So we're gonna hinge.

You're gonna row right, pass it to the left hand pass, use your core row. Squeeze San little knee drive. Stay on that same foot, hinge row, pass it row. So the right leg is the driver the entire time who and if you have to drop that foot because you lost your balance by all means right there. Good.

We've got core back hamstrings all working right there. That passing of the way you gotta keep your focus nice and strong. I'm falling over so true. Go go. Now you should really be feeling the backside of that right leg in that dead lift.

Yes. This one takes some thinking. It does coord here. Oh About that right leg. It really is.

Yep. Pass it or t use your obliques. Last one. All right. Set that way down because we're gonna do the other side.

Now. Low impact, you're gonna go low. All of your weight is in that right leg. You're just gonna go to your toes. This is the one high impact.

If you want to load, explode and jump, we go in 321 touch the floor load. Now you have 80% of your weight in that front leg. So she's driving through that one, her back leg, left leg. It's just there is that little kick. So if you wanna burn it out and go a little bit higher.

Impact. Take it to that jump right here. It's 4321 r yuck. Yep. All right.

Guess what? We gotta do the other leg though. Oh, lucky us. Lucky us. Left leg forward, right leg back.

hinge row. Pass it. Find that balance, San Hinge, bro. Pass it time under tension in that deadline while you pass that weight. Yeah.

Feeling it. This one is not my good side. This is hard. It's all about that balance. This one's a tough one.

Free. Take a lot of core it worth slowing down on this one. Absolutely. You know, if you're having trouble with the balance part and like you'll see that we're not even really moving that fast because again, this is all about control. This is serious control, serious business.

It is. Come on. All right. I'm really starting to feel my leg too. Oh yeah.

Let's go. Remember we put this muscle group to rest. Give me one more full set. Let's go. So we get to burn it out.

Last one. Go set that dumb aside left like forward. Love it right foot. Is your kicks in, in 32, low to high. Let's go.

It's low, high, low, high option to take it off the floor. Find your pace. Burn it out. What is the driver? Low to high?

Let's go eight all the way. 4321 R. Yep. Nice word. Yep.

A little heart rate response there too. Yep. Block two upper body. We're going to the back. Now you might feel this quicker because we did some of that back already.

So palm space towards us, you're gonna hinge reverse grip row. You're gonna stay hinge bicep curl elbow, stay in tight. Got it. Oh, yeah, we're gonna feel this one. Yeah.

321 hinge first. Now we row row bicep curl roll. It's a reverse grip. So your palm face towards us in front of you and then you do that nice little curl. Yep.

Yep. I like this one. I do too. And guess what else is firing up behind you? Yep.

Those buns and Hammy that boie. Yep. Come on, you got it. Squeeze those shoulder blades together. Poor tight hinge at the head.

You look good at home right here. Two more. Yes you can. That's one. Love it.

Last one quick little sand to shake out. Make sure you're low back is feeling ok. Now we're gonna hint you're gonna hold on the right. You're gonna row three times on the left. 321.

Let's go. It's three chill one. Now you hold switch Hold switch. Love this 1321. Hot switch.

Alright, we feel that back yet. Oh yeah. Switch elbows in tight. Yes you can. Yes you will switch fully bananas.

This is fast. Yeah, it doesn't take long 32, hold that switch. Let's go. Can we do it one more on each side. Yep.

Yes, we can switch three. Keep those shoulders squared. Two switch. Let's go. Three.

You're gonna find a high plank to keep your waist one right here. Find a high plank. You're gonna row right row left. We're gonna jump it in double dead lift row in 32 row. Right, right left.

Jump your feet in jump hinge. Two rose back. I like it, ro, Now we're in a plank, bro. So we gotta use our core hinge two rows. Oh, I love this one.

Nice work. Guess what? The heart rate's gonna find a little bit. Now, if you don't like going low to high, stay standing right here in the row. But if you wanna go down and use that core a little more right here.

This is great. Heart rate starts to climb because you're going low to high. Yeah. Breathe. Yes, you can.

All right. We're gonna go two more of these. I'm feeling it. Oh, yeah, big time. I love it though.

Right. You can feel that back. Yeah. Upper back, upper, mid back. Last one.

Ok. Hinge Ro ro. Oh, set it down for a quick second. Shake those arms. We're not quite done with the back, but we're almost there.

All right. If you need to go a little lighter, go a little lighter straight on, press back, squeeze straight on, press back, squeeze. Now we're gonna start one right, one left. Two in the center. Yes.

Dumbbells are gonna go straight up towards the sky so end to end it'll go right up towards the sky. Yes. Yep. 4321 right left now. Chew.

Chew right there. Right left. Two co oh yeah, you're gonna be a little tricep, but it's a lot of that back. Yeah. Very similar to the same one that we just did on the ground.

Yep. Already. Yeah. Who fully bananas getting heavy? Anyone else?

Yep. Here are heavier than mine. Ok. Just the right arm. Pull it to the sky for 876543 left.

go eight 5434 singles together. 21, both arms. Let's go for. Yes control three. Slow it down to one.

Holy bananas ditch up. Alright. Bring your mat out really quickly. We're gonna go to the ground to finish off our back with body weight. Love it.

Ok, so I'm gonna face this side and you're gonna lay all the way down. We're gonna bring our arms all the way out in front of us. Super woman. Superman. Whatever you wanna go.

Super person. I love it right. You're gonna lift up, you're gonna go w why back down. Lift? Wyy W left.

Sweet right there down. Now you should feel a little bit more of that low back. Pop in. Yep. With that upper back.

Breathe lift. Squeeze so good. A slow in control left. Squeeze burn. Yep.

Wy one more lift. Squeeze, hold. Swim 87. Burn it out. Yeah.

54321. Set it down. Press back. Woo hoo. Oh round through that swine.

So you can feel kind of the opposite of that flexion and extension. All right. How do we feel? That was good. That's a good push.

You're like, are we done with the back yet? We're done. That was a great push. All right, we're moving back to the upper body and lower body together. So we've got legs and inner thighs with the focus.

But of course, we'll add some upper body. We're gonna go two sides up to the right bicep curl at the top, squeeze your inner thighs to stand and then you get low in the squat. Your weights will be in the center when you do that squat to the right in 321 squat bicep. Take another step to the right. There we go.

No, two steps to the left. One. Nice two. Ok. So this is about the lower body and about the legs.

But add that bicep curl at the top. No swinging in the weights. Option one dumbbell here. If this feels better. Try one by one dumbbell.

Love that right there. You hold the end end. Now. Are you starting to feel those inner thighs? Oh Yeah.

As you squeeze big time all the way feet come together at the top. Yes. Who booty back just lifted. Nice work. Love.

Burn. It out and, because we're moving. Right, that heart rate seems pretty elevated. It's up. Yeah, it's not like you're going out for a jog or run or even that, like, quick 32nd burst.

Right. You could talk through it, but you're definitely like taking a break. Right. You can feel it. Squeeze.

Yes, you can. Boom. Right there. Down and up. Squeeze those glutes one more each side.

Let's go burn all the way down. Yep. Squeeze. She's not kidding. Nope.

Hold it racked. Find the bottom of your squat. 321. Hold halfway up all the way down, halfway up, all the way down. Halfway up to your glutes bottom.

Halfway. It's a little game halfway. Hold, pulse it right here. Pulse, pulse. Squeeze.

Yes you can for 4321 dumbbell down. Who, who you're gonna go? Squat. Tap it together. Squat and we're gonna pick up that pace just a little bit.

It's so low impact. 321. Squat. Tap it in squat. Tap it in.

So you're alternating every time. Yeah. So you go squat. Tap it in. Squat.

Tap it in right there. Yep. Good. Woo hoo down and up now pick up that pace just a little bit. Inner thigh.

Squeeze is taking two side set with one center, wide, center. There it is. Holy. Yeah. Come on.

You got it down, up, down, up four, Hold it low. Hold it low. Hold, breathe in through the nose out through the mouth. Pulse 876 43210, yeah. Yeah.

Not quite done though. We're gonna go no dumbbells for a second because I don't know about those dumbbells. We're gonna cross it behind, right foot, forward, left foot back, lunge, tap, cross lunge, tap right into it. There you go. Cross plunge.

Squeeze. Cross plunge. Squeeze. Feel the inner thigh in that crossover. Yeah, I love that right there.

Good cross. Regular squeeze. Cross nice work. Feeling that core too. When you come up and squeeze, it's like everything's squeezed right.

Yep. I love it. Two more. Last one. You're gonna hold that curtsey right here across behind.

Pulse. Tiny little lo now think about that. You have like a ball in between your thighs and you wanna try and pop it, then you activate those inner thighs a little more. Yep. Yes.

Love that. 43. Regular lunch. Pulse it out. You've got 876 four.

Cross it over again. Pulse 4321 more time 43. Then we go to two. Ah yeah. Burning two.

Let's go. 1212. Yes, you can left one right here. Boom. Yuck.

Oh, good thing. We dropped those dumbbells. I was like forward right foot's gonna cross behind. We go cross behind regular stand. 32.

Wow, I'm sweating. Cross lunge. So am I stand cross regular stand? All right. Get low in between these two lunges.

You don't really stand up. We got a lot of constant tension. We have a ton. Yeah. That's why we call it.

Muscle burn out. Right. Oh, yeah. And it fits the title and like, the good news is, is we don't have a timer, but we're switching it up enough. So you don't get bored or you're not like, ok, not again.

Yeah. Yep. Which I love. Yep. Because sometimes the, not again thing is not fun.

Right. Last one. All right. Cross behind the pulse right there. Oh yeah.

Feel that y lift your chest. Wait through that front heel. Breath. Breath in 43 to the center for eight. Let's go.

876. Lift your chest. Roll your shoulders back. 32. Now you got 443214.

Yep. We got that again. Yes, you can get lower in those legs. Squeeze your inner thighs. Are you ready for twos?

Yep. Let's go. 2222. Yes, you can out of the fire. Squeeze.

Last one. Let's go two and two. Right. We made it. Wow.

Shake those legs. Shake those likes. OK. Option. No dumbbells.

Option for one dumbbell. I'm gonna go one dumbbell. Stick with no dumbbell. OK. Yeah.

And I might have to ditch it at some point. Ok. This is it for your legs for the day. OK. We can do this, we can do that.

Heels and toes out. It's gonna be a sumo squat. Down for two, up for 23. I can't see 210 yeah. Down two.

Lift two. So your heels are in, your toes are out. It's a Sumo squat. So different then if we're doing a P A squat, I'm gonna show you from the side, your butt goes back just a little bit in a Sumo squats. You're gonna hinge just a little bit at the hip.

If we're doing a play a squat, I would ask you to keep your head nice and tall, but goes back right there. So it's still a squat but your heels are in and your toes are up. I'm glad you explained that one. Yes, because sometimes it's easy to go right into that. Play a squat.

Yep. Yep. Because I still want you using your glutes, which it's not to say that in a plea a spot. You don't use your glue, right? But it's a lot more energized.

Yep. And I want you to feel the backside of those glutes. Love it. We'll get to the play a spot, which is why I wanted you to feel the difference. Yeah.

Last one singles down and up. Let's go four more. Three, two one. I'm going to dish my dumb bell. You can hold on to it.

Now we're going to go to that spot down for two up for, to keep your chest tossed down to lift two. Now your chest is lifted and if this is a lot on your hips. Don't go down so low you find your range of motion. It can be here. Stop right there.

You got it. Heels are a little wider, right about shoulder width, maybe a little wider than that you choose. So you can still dig your heels into the floor. Love it. Sometimes people have them a little too close and then their heels are popping on the floor.

Love it down and up. Let's go down. Lift down. Lift. You got it.

Boom right there. Four, three last two. Hold it low. Love it low. Hold now you go right.

He left heel right last it. They're like, are we in a bar? I was just thinking bar take over there. It is. I love it.

Four right heel left, two and one right heel pulse baby right there. This is your burnout. Ok? You're not kidding. I'm not kidding.

We named it muscle burn. So I'm like, what is that gonna switch? Left heel go? You got it. Keep pressing those knees wide.

They're gonna want to collapse in. Press them out. Press them out for four. Both hes 32, both heels. Let's go.

You got 87. Can you get lower? 65 people? Heels left at 4321 rest. Yeah.

Check out those like now I feel like we need a walking class right now. We do. All right. We're moving on to shoulders, upper body. We're gonna start with an overhead press, it's right left.

Two in the center. Perfect. So pick up weight that feel heavy but allow you to kind of do those movements. Yes. Yep.

All right. Roll the shoulders back, rack them, press them out. 321 right arm, right left. Two again. You pick your pace.

We're not really even going to the beat because we're just choosing our own pace. Yeah. Choose your pace. Choose your own path. What does that look like for you today?

Maybe you stick with the one arm and you don't add the two arm. That's totally good up to you. Burn it out right there we go. There it is. Two.

Yeah. Two. Yeah. In the center I want to cheat for a second. That's not cheating.

You're good. Alright, I'm starting to feel this already. Oh yeah. How we doing good. Just keeping that core strong.

Yes. Tuck your booty under athletics. Dance in that lower body. Don't forget about it one more set if you need to drop down in weights, ditch them. Find a lighter set of weights.

Get right back into it. Wait to come down for a hot second. That's right here. That's burn out. We're gonna rack it and now you're gonna pump, they're gonna face in, you're gonna go right left.

Two in the center pump face in. Let's go. You go right left. Two in the center one to fully yep. Shoulders.

It didn't take too long. No, we won't be here for long if you need to add that little dip drive to pop those over on a double, do it. I like that double go. I need that little dip drive. I'm hanging on though.

Yeah. How you doing? Melissa? I'm doing good too, but I do need that little dip. Yep.

All right. Let's do one more. Yes, we can. Come on. Ah, here we go.

One, two down for a second. Check it out because we're not done. I'm gonna explain what's happening next. Front rack, squat pump face in Arnold. Press, rotate open, rotate close.

Ok. Not gonna do this one for long either. No, a lot of shoulders. Yep. Are we ready?

Burns out quick. Palms face in squat down and up. Squat rotate. Press, rotate three. It's all good in the back though when you come up and then come down.

Yeah, right there. Right there. Come on. Rotate open. Rotate, shut.

Ah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Feeling it all the way down a one arm at a time. If you're like, that is just too much.

Yeah. Burning right there. From the front. Option. One arm.

Let's go. You have two more? Can we do it? 10, I forgot a sweat towel today. Bad idea.

I, I wasn't thinking we'd be dripping this. What the heck? Oh, all right. Lateral raise right then. Less than two in the center.

That's kind of like our little 112. Yep. I love it later. Raise 32 right arm, right arm. Ok.

Left arm and then two, just one time through right arm. Right, just the shoulder height. No higher. Yes. Now we're working the top half of the shoulders.

She's gonna keep going. She's gonna try to keep her shoulders down. There. It is right there. So, before we're kinda working like overhead, now, you're right at the top half right there.

Relax those shoulders down. Are you on both of them there? Yep. We're back in sync. Yep.

There we go. You got it. Team. Come on. We got it.

Just the shoulder height. One, one. Love it. Tuck your tailbone under. Yeah, Chris always said squeezing an orange underneath your armpit.

So throw that weight down so good. One more black swine. Last little shoulder move. We have a burp. So you're gonna go here, Burpee right here.

Curl press. Last set of shoulders. Four big burn 21 go. Now you curl. You press.

Love. Is your burn out. Definitely nice work. I like to bring my weight or my feet around my weight. Wide sands.

Yeah. As we bring those feet in. I love that. Yes. How are we doing at home?

We're crushing it so good. Quit flying everywhere. It's flying literally everywhere. Burn it out. Let's do four more because you can.

All right, heart rate's coming up. Oh Yeah. But I'm feeling the fatigue in the shoulders big time. All right. Two more love it.

Yes, you can last one all the way. Crust. Nice. Who work? All right.

Set them down. Holy bananas. Wow. Water towel. If you need it, we're gonna bring out that mat.

Ok. Wow. I've got a lot of clean up to do so much sweat. There is a lot of sweat today flying. All right, we're gonna go to core.

This is your core. Burn out. We'll stretch you out when we'll get out. We'll get you out of here. We had hamstrings back, inner thigh, legs, shoulders, love it.

Let's end with some core. We're gonna go body weight to start and we're gonna start with leg raisers. Ok? So I'll give you some options, but I want you flat on the floor. Arms can be in a t that you go underneath your butt wherever you need them, we're gonna lower and lift down for two, up for two.

And then if you need to shorten the lever, you can kind of bend the knees or you can do one leg at a time. Let's go down two, lift two down, two, lift two. Nice work. Ok? So your low back is pressing down into the floor and it's slow and controlled Melissa.

What's that modification back there? I'm doing the one with the bent leg. Love it. So, just a little shorter lever that really helps you really engage that lower abdominal. So I got to keep that low back pressing into the floor.

Yeah, you got it lower and left. Love it all right. Now we're gonna go down for four up for four. It's lower. 321 now.

Up 432. Nice work. Love it. 432. Awesome job right here.

Squeeze those inner thighs together if you can. Mine are really shaky right now. Up for 43. Back to two. Let's go 12 up, two down two.

Lift two. Awesome mark. WW. Be on this. Yep.

This last one. Hold it down here. Now, crisscross your feet over under. So this one, if you wanna still do this with a little bit bent leg, it can just be up a little higher and you've got a little bent 321 set, those feet all the way down. Arms reach over head, full body, roll up, reach those arms to the sky, chin to chest, roll yourself up one vertebra at a time.

Reach her those toes. Now, sit up, roll yourself all the way back, roll, roll, roll, reach those arms all the way behind you. We're still working the core, but this is kind of a little bit mini of a break from those leg. Razors, roll, roll, roll, full body roll ups are so good for you. They will articulate through, you're fine.

So if I control, sit up, roll over, sit all the way up, roll down one more, I'm like really able to feel every single muscle in your core. Right. And this one, we're taking our time. So you're going through it, muscle by muscle. You got it.

All right. Roll back down. Now, this time we're gonna reach those legs back towards the sky. And all you're gonna do is lift your butt up off the floor. So it's a mini little hip lift.

But what I don't want you to do is have those legs go behind you, your legs are gonna go straight up towards the ceiling. You're just gonna lift and lower that booty. Let's go lift and lower, lift lower. Now I like this one because it's low abs. Yep.

You gotta use your low abs to pick your booty up off the floor. You can bend the knees. Same thing you just lift your butt about the floor. Yes. Yep.

How we do it feeling it good. Nice work. It's an a burn out right now. We go one hip left, one leg, drop one hip left, slowly lower the legs and then lift the legs, one hip left, left, lower, breathe through the nose out through the mouth. Nice work.

Two more lower left black one Melissa. Here it is. Alright. WW we all right now. Nice work.

We're gonna come to a plank position. This is where we're gonna end our core today. You do need one dumbbell and we're gonna do a dumbbell plank pull through. So I'm gonna be on my toes. Melissa can go from her knees OK, you're gonna reach opposite hand underneath, pull that dumbbell through, set it down and switch.

We're just gonna alternate from side to side. Are we ready? Yep. 4321. Grab it, pull it through, grab it, pull it through.

So now what I want you to do, no matter where you're at is to try to keep those hips down, they're gonna wanna kind of open up and I want you to keep those hips squared. You might have to widen the base of your feet a little bit for more support. Pull, pull. Nice work. Do you feel those obliques starting to kick in?

Oh Yeah. And when you're on your knees, you can feel it a lot at the front top. Abs. Yep. When you're on your knees.

Four, three, last two, one, setting it down here, we're gonna go to a side plank. I'm gonna come down to my forearms. We're gonna do one t plank, lower the weight, one hip drop, reach it hip down, hip up. Cool. Yep.

And I'll do my inside leg down. I love my modification. Awesome. OK. A 4321 lift with the weight.

Set it down. Now, drop your hips down up there it is. Yep. Now try to get that hip as low to the ground and then squeeze as high off the ground as you can. Yeah.

Right there. Breathe. Hello. Oblique. Oh Yeah.

Feeling it. Yep. Down up. Let's go. Last one.

Or the hep dab, lower left, lower left. Four, three two 100 yeah, that one gets hard to talk through. Yeah. I'm like I can't breathe, especially when you're all the way up. Right.

Oh, yeah. All right. Talking other side. T plank. Hip dip.

Yep. Same thing. Other side M 432. Let's finish it. Lift down, up, lift, set it down, lower lift.

You can stack the feet or you can do top leg over in front. If you're on those toes, you got it lower left. Last one. Woo hoo. Now stick with that hip depth.

Lower left. Four more. Four, three, squeeze two 10 yeah. Oh alright, nice. What we gonna do?

We're gonna find I'm just gonna stay this way. We're gonna find a forearm plank and we're gonna drop our hips side to side to finish. So you're gonna kind of make up and over that rainbow. We have 30 seconds on the clock and we're done. All right.

Are we ready? We're ready? 32 side to side, right left. Do you find the center in between? Nice work option to do it from your knees?

You got it left. You've got it. Come on. Finish it strong. 15 down.

15 to go. Woo hoo. Finish your core. Your shoulders are on freaking fire. Oh yeah.

Big time. 4321. Cut those knees down. Woo hoo. Push your butt back towards your heels.

Reach those finger tips forward. Nice work. Wow. Holy banana. That was no joke.

That was no joke. I'm, I'm muscle burn out for sure. Oh, yeah. All right. You all force knees on top of your knees underneath your head.

Cat cow. A couple of rounds. Drop your belly. Look your gaze. Oh, round through that time.

Pull your belly button in. Drop your belly. Lift your games. Run through that clime. Pull your B button in, find a neutral position.

Tuck your toes under, press your hips high downward facing dog peddle up those heels, right and left. Walk your hands or your feet towards your hands. Either way it doesn't really matter, slowly. Roll yourself up one degree at a time. Head next shoulders.

Last thing to come to the top, reach those arms all the way overhead. Oh, sorry, buddy. Stretch up and over to the right a shoulder. Yep. Back towards the center up and over to the left.

Bring out your heart center, giving yourself a nice round way to go. Way to go. That was burn out number. That was awesome. I'm done for the day.

I am sure you are too. But if not takes like a couple of minutes to stretch down 10 minutes, we've got plenty of a mobility stretching, yoga, any of that sort to kind of pull your body down after you just built all that muscle strength. Thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.

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