GOLD No Jumping Tabata HIIT 2
Tara PutzDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Dumbbells (medium and heavy), mat
Instructor: Tara Putz
Hey, hey, good, healthy UTV squad. My name is Tara and I am here with you for no jumping cardio Number two. I did do the first one, so if you wanna go check that one out, go for it. But I am here with the lovely Sam today. Hey, how are ya?
Good, how are you? Good. I'm ready. All right, I'm ready too. So that is no jumping cardio.
So we're gonna do a true, true Tabata style. I was trying to, I was like tongue twister. Okay, true. Tabata. So we've got 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest.
We've got eight rounds. So we're gonna take two exercises, A B, we're gonna repeat those eight different times, four minutes of work. We got 30 seconds of rest at the very end of that, and then we move on to two new exercises. Yeah. It's gonna be fun.
It's gonna be fast, it's gonna be furious. Fast's and furious is what I always say with Tabatas. That's right. We're gonna not know what happened to us at the very end of this. Exactly.
All right. Keep moving. Yes. We're gonna warm up and then we're gonna get right into it. Sound good?
All right. About a total of like 30 minutes. Yeah. This will be a 30 minute workout. Fast and furious.
All right, big inhale. Exhale. Roll those shoulders back and down. Nice job. Inhale.
Roll those shoulders back and down. Oh goodness. I have one shoulder that just keeps bothering me. Roll those shoulders. Oh.
Back and down. Hands on thigh. Let's check how roundup that spine. Flatten that spine. Round it out.
Flatten. Almost think of like someone kind of like punching you in the gut and you wanna pull your spine all the way up, feeling a nice stretch through that lower back. Couple more. One more. Last one right here.
Come hands into guard. We're gonna rotate side to side, right here. Wake up that spine. Nice job. Come on team.
Woo. We're gonna step touch in four. In 3, 2, 1. Step touch to the right. Let's go.
Bring those arms down. Put a smile on that face if you haven't already. Makes it easier. That's right? More fun.
Hamstring curls. Now open up that chest and squeeze your back together. Like how I sing with the beat of the music right there. I do too. Sometimes you just start talking to the beat.
You're like, what is happening? Keeps me on right. Back to step touches right here. Let's go. Step touch Warming up those legs.
That's right. Come on. Hamstring curls. All right. So, just 'cause we're not jumping today does not mean low intensity.
Hold it still in four. In 3, 2, 1. Inhale, exhale. Forward fold. Feel a nice stretch in the back of those legs.
Oh. Yeah. That feels nice, doesn't it? I could stay here all day. Walk your hands to the right side.
We will be doing one dead lift maybe, at the end if we have time for it. All right. It always feels good to open up the backside of your body. To the left side, if you haven't already. Come all the way back to the center.
Walk your hands out. Find that plain position. Drop those hips and look at the sky. Send those hips. High downward dog.
Cuddle up those feet. So, I said we're not jumping, but that does not mean low intensity. Nope. We still gotta warm up those calves though. Come back to that plain position.
Shoulders stacked over wrists. Pull up on those quads and gauge that core. Now drop those hips and look to the sky. Oh, that feels good. Oh, love that one.
Send those hips high. One more time. Downward dog. Pressing those palms into the ground, spreading those fingers nice and wide. Can you connect that heel to the floor?
You got it. Awesome. All right. Come back to plank. Right leg forward runner's lunge.
Fix that hair. Lion's main. All right. Rotate to the side. Rotate out that wrist.
You're gonna take that hand and you're going to thread it underneath the other, the other side. Now reach the ceiling again. Thread that needle and reach. Thread the needle and reach two more. Thread and reach.
Thread the needle and reach. Plant that hand down. Step back, left foot forward. Runner's lunge right here. We're gonna reach and twist in the sky.
Rotate out that wrist. We're gonna take that hand and we're gonna thread that needle under the other side and reach. Nice final twist. Nice glute, hip flexor. Your glutes are real nice guys.
I can tell. Right? I said nice glutes. Stretch out those glutes is really what I meant to say. Hip flexors.
One more. Plant that hand back down. Step back. Hold that plank. We're gonna drive our knees to the center.
Let's go right and left, right and left, right, left, right, left. We're gonna pick up our pace in four, in 3, 2, 1. Now drive to the center a little faster. You got. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Press back one more time. Downward dog. Woo. Feel a nice stretch down those lats and those calves. Widen that stance slightly.
Soften those knees. Walk your hands back. Roll it up. One vertebrae at a time. We're squatting down, up, down, up.
Gotta get that lower body nice and ready to work. Let's do it. Let's go squat down and up. Now add a knee. You squat, you lift, you squat.
I like that, Sam. Let's rotate. Squat. Oh my God. Let's do that.
Squat. Lift. 4, 3, 2, 1 We're going to jack without jumping. Just tap it out right here. Come on.
Picked ahead with those arms. That's right. Big range of motion. Come on. Breathe.
4, 3, 2. Are we gonna be ready after this? Let's do it. And one. All right.
That's your warm up guys. Woo. Let's get after it. It's up there. Yep.
Yep. All right. And we weren't even jumping yet. No. We're not even jumping.
All right. So we have two exercises. You've got a renegade row, so grab your mat and or your weights. You're going to roll. Right, left.
Then you're driving your knees down to the center. Three times, 3, 2, 1. Row left, row right. Then you drive 3, 2, 1. So if you want, you keep it nice and slow down the center.
Hurry, you pick up your pace. Maybe a little bit faster. Yep. And I can show you knees for the rows, too. That's right.
I love it. Okay. And then the next one we'll stand up and I'll show you what's on tap. A little cardio kickboxing in here too. Love it.
All right. We're ready team? We're ready. We're ready. You're on in.
3, 2, 1. Let's go. You got 20 seconds of work. 10 seconds of rest. Drive those knees to the center.
You're rowing. You're rowing. And then you're driving. So you wanna pick up the pace. Add a little tiny bit of a jump or some energy to that.
You got five seconds left. We stand it up in 3, 2, 1. All right. Stand it up. We take that right arm.
We punch high, we punch low. We knee, we knee. We punch high, low, knee. We're on. High, low, knee, knee.
High, low, use your legs Come on! High, low. Onto that back. Come on. Breathe.
High, low, rest. And we repeat that. Renegade row. All right. All right.
Okay. Get down on the ground. Easy peasy. It goes fast. It does.
You've got three seconds. Run. Ah. two, one. Let's go.
Row. Row. Drive your knees. 3, 2, 1. Now row again.
Your weights go to your hips. Your hips stay square to the ground. You're rowing. Shoulders stack over your wrists. Your core is nice and tight and rest.
Woo. Okay, stand it up. This time we take our left hand. We punch high, we punch low. Other side, 3, 2, 1.
Let's go. You go high, low, knee, knee. High, low, knee, knee. High, low. Come on team.
10. Breathe. Two, one. And you're out. All right.
Woo. One more. Yes. Get down on the ground. Renegade row, three knee.
Here we go. You row, you row, you drive those knees to the center. So, your heart rate's gonna stay elevated, but more in that aerobic space. So, you're not getting it maybe too high. That rest is gonna go by pretty fast.
3, 2, 1. And I won't even call it a rest. I call it transition. Transition time. Yeah.
How about that? Right Arm. High, low. 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
High, low, knee, knee. High, low, knee, knee. Come on. Punch with , right? I like it.
Come on team. Directional changes. You gotta use that core. Keep them nice and tight. And rest.
Let's go, let's go. back to their ren row. Woo. Down on the ground. One more set right here.
We get a 30 second break and we go on to two new exercises. Timers on row, right and left. Drive your knees. Row, row. Are you rocking your hips?
I hope not. Right in the center. That's right. Squeezin' the booty. Come on.
3, 2, 1. And transition. I'm not even gonna say rest, it's gonna be transition. Transition. I love it.
Transition. High, low with the left arm you go. High, low, knee, knee. Timers on. High Let's do it.
Low, Come on. Knee. last time here. Use that core. Come on.
Hi, low Five seconds. Let's do it. All the way. 3, 2, 1. Rest.
All right. There it is. That's not so bad. Block one. Block one.
Next up, get 30 seconds. We've got a lunge squat. Grab one heavy weight. Grab a quick sip of water and I'm gonna show you what's next. You know I love this workout for like days when you just don't wanna jump, but like seriously, get that hurried up, Right?
Good strength training too. It is. And you're not having to run outside. Maybe you can't run outside right now. Who knows?
Yep. Everyone's in a different climate. We're going to lunge to the right. We're lunging, we're squatting, we're lunging, we're squatting. We stay low the whole time.
Time and attention. Yes. Yes. And then we have a two pulse lunge. Lunge.
You can use a weight or no weight. Okay? So that's where we're going. We're on in 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
Lunge, squat, lunge, squat, lunge. Can you kiss that knee to the ground? You got it? Yes. Lunge and squat.
Oh boy. Oh, these legs are gonna kill after this I think. That's right. Feel the burn. Lunge and squat.
Get low. And transition. Woo. Weight or no weight, you pick. I'm gonna maybe start with the weight.
Maybe I'll take the weight out. I'll show no weight. Okay. You got a two pulse lunge, right leg forward. We're kicking forward and back.
Here we go. Two, pulse lunge, kick forward and back. Set it down, two pulse, lunge, kick forward and back. Plant it. Lunge forward back.
Plant it. Kick with that heel. You gotta really think about where that leg is going after you kick it and you can't flail it. Otherwise you're late and rest. Woo.
Okay, lunge. We're gonna go to the left side this time. Let's do it. 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
Lunge, squat, lunge, squat. If you need to take it a little slower. Yep. Catch your heart rate or your breath. Let your heart rate come down.
Catch your breath. We're really focusing on that form. Slow it down. That's right. Ah.
Rest. All right. Left leg forward. These legs! like that one.
Left leg forward. You two pulses. Kick front and back. You're on. Here we go.
Two pulse lunge, kick front, kick back, plant it. Lunge. Front. Back. Plant it, lunge.
Keep that chest tall. Core is tight. Never stops being engaged. Come on team. You've got this.
Four seconds, and rest. Okay. Hoo wee. Lunge and squat to the right. All right.
Feel those legs. One second. And we're on. Here we go. Lunge, squat.
We're breathing big muscle grooves to keep that heart rate elevated. You've got it. Stay strong Come on. team. Five seconds.
Woo. You got it. Rest. Oh. All right.
Right leg forward. Two pulse, kick and kick in 3, 2, 1. And smile while you're at it. Smile. More fun.
Kick front, back. Planted. Find that balance. Core is really strong here. You really got keep that core nice and Yep.
Especially if we got that weight in your hand too. Absolutely. Can't tip yourself too much. Forward or back. No.
Come on, team. Rest. There we go. Woo All right. Lunge to the left.
Last round? Yes. Yep. Had a look at my timer. Here we go.
Squat or lunge, sorry. Lunge. Squat. Lunge. Squat.
Can you say lower? Ooo. last round. Come on. Yes you can.
Oh, it feels so good. Ah. And rest. Feeling it. That's right.
Left leg forward, two lunges, kick forward and back in 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Two lunges. Kick front, kick back. So, I may be kicking higher, then what feels right for your body.
Same with Sam. So, it all depends on the flexibility of those hamstrings. Come on. 3, 2, 1. Done.
I was all over the place there. Woo. You got it. Okay. That's round two.
That's round two. Yep. Done. Check, done. All right, 30 seconds.
We got squat. Pick 'em up. You're gonna need two weights. You're shuffling or stepping. You're going to shuffle to the right.
Pick it up, set it down. Shuffle to the other side. Pick it up. Set it down. Okay.
Farther apart they are, the bigger you have to shuffle or step. Yeah. Closer they are, the less you have to. So challenge yourself. Okay.
Here we go. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Shuffle to the right. Pick it up, set it down.
Shuffle to the left. Make sure your feet are right underneath, Oo, forgot the weight there. Yeah. Definitely don't trip over your weights. Come on.
We got eight seconds. You're gonna pick up one weight and 3, 2, 1. Pick up one weight. We're pressing to a diagonal and we're stepping back. Okay.
In three, that's gonna keep our heart rate high. Yes it is. Two, one. Here we go. Let's go.
Press, press, press. Keep your weight at your chest and press from there. Tara, where are you pressing this weight out? Diagonally. So I'm gonna turn to the side.
So I'm going diagonal from my chest, not straight up. Diagonal. A little more tension on those shoulders and you're out. Woo. We'll review that one again.
Okay. Spread those weights out. You got three seconds to shuffle to the right again in 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Shuffle.
Pick it up. Set it down. Shuffle. I'm just taking two little steps to say really low impact. If you're like, hey, I don't even wanna do that shuffle.
That's right. I like it, Sam. Thank you. You got it. Use your glutes as you stand and rest.
Okay grab that weight. So like I was saying, diagonally from the chest right here. Okay. Not straight up and behind you. Out in front of you.
3, 2, 1. Let's go. Come on, press it. Keep those elbows nice and tight to your chest. Slight bend in the knees.
That's right. Hold the glutes. 4, 3, 2, 1. Done. Ew.
Ew is right. Oh, that shoulder burn. Yeah. Shuffling to the right again. 3, 2, 1.
Let's go. You should be breathing outta your mouth. My heart rate. It's slightly elevated right now. Yep.
And that's okay. I'm working hard. I'm still breathing. I'm not completely dying. Come on.
You got this. Let's go. Come on. And rest. And rest.
Pick up one weight. Woo. Here on in four. Relax those shoulders. Yes.
As we get tired, they're gonna start to squinch up here. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Press. You got this.
Come on team. Core tight. Get that heart rate up here. Breathe. Yes, you can.
You got 5, 4, 3, 2, Woo. Oh. All right, one more time. All right. Do those two moves.
We're on in three. Shuffle to the right. Two, one. Let's go. Pick 'em up.
Last round. Right here. Come on. Come on. Thirty seconds rest.
With these two exercises. Come on, let's go. Yes, you can. Fast effective, furious. Isn't that what we said?
And fun. That's right. You know what? I love these 20 10s. Totally doable.
But they fly. They really do. And they, oh, go ahead. Sneak up on you. And you rest, rest, rest.
They like really sneak up on you. You're like 20 10. That's gonna be easy. Yeah. Especially if you're like, maybe not in the mood.
Okay, let's go, press. Maybe you weren't in the mood to maybe work out and you're like, oh, I just want a little sweat sesh. Yeah. Turn it on. I bet you finish the end.
Come on. My favorite ones to do while on vacation too. Oh, me too. In your, you can do this easily in your hotel room. 3, 2, 1, rest.
Woo. Shoulders. All righty. 30 seconds. We move on.
Ho, go. Okay. Okay. Let me catch my breath. Yeah, right.
like ho go. I can't even talk. See. All right, lat lunge, tricep kick back. So pick up those weights.
You know this move. We've done this before. Lat lunge, tricep kick back, other side. Lat lunge, tricep kick back. Okay, we're gonna go in 3, 2, 1 to the right.
Lat lunge, tricep kick back, lat lunge, tricep kick back. Really try and control those weights on this one. In that kickback. That's right. They don't swing.
Your weights stop by your hips, right? Yep. Sometimes I even have to go a little bit lighter. Same. Just so I can make sure I focus on form and rest.
Get rid of those weights. We've got calf free, slam. Take a pillow if you like. You could grab your towel. Here we go.
Calf free, slam. Slam. You're using your lats, your core, your legs. Come on, breathe. Heart rate's climbing.
Come on. That's right. 3, 2, 1. Rest. Woo.
Lat lunge kick back. That's right. Yeah. Oh. And we're not even jumping team.
No. To the right. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. kick back.
So like we were saying, focus on form and really think about where your weights are. Because if every time you're having to swing, I'm gonna turn to the side. Swing your waist from here. That's disengaging your triceps. They should stop up your hips.
Go out, come back in and you're done. All right, put those waists down. I'll get off my soapbox about form. No, we love form. Form is like super important.
Slams. Here we go. Come on, up on those calves. Throw that ball down. Get that aggression out.
Let's go team. Come on. All that stress. Let it go. That's right.
Seven seconds. You've got this. Woo. 3, 2, 1. Oh.
Oh All right. Two more sets. Two more times through those four exercises. Or two exercises. Lat lunge, to the right.
Here we go. Let's do it. So think about that form right here. So very important, let that heart rate come down too. If it's too high.
Compound moves. Yeah. You're really working like the entire body. Right? An active recovery right here.
Last one. Set 'em down. Slams. You're on in 4, 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
Slam it. Sweat's a dripping? It is. It's a flying'. And you know Sam and I, do truly love to jump.
Yeah. But I'm telling you, I'm kind of loving This is great. this right now. Five seconds. We were saying before this too.
Sometimes it's just nice to not jump rest. Oh. And I'm like loving this right now. Yeah. I love to jump but today, Maybe not.
I don't know if I'd want to. Yes. Okay, lat lunge. Try some kick back last time. Here we go.
Kick back. Lat lunge. You've got it team. Come on. Last set right here with these two exercises.
Keep those elbows high, shoulders relaxed. 3, 2, 1. rest. Last time slams. Here we go.
You're on in 4, 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Slam. Little standing crunch for that core. That's right.
Squat. Action. Yep. Little lat action for that back. That's right.
Come on. Work for that rest. 3, 2, 1 rest. Quick countdown. Woo.
I need to towel. Yes. Okay. So next up. Next two exercises.
Yeah. Alternating, reverse lunge, wood chop. Lunge and wood chop, right here. Okay? Switching sides?
Yep. Alternate. Okay Excuse me. You did say that. I wasn't listening.
I'm sorry. It's Okay. Bad student. There's a good chance I might have been like trying to breathe and talk at the same time. I wasn't listening.
And then we are going to, I'm gonna show you this move cause we're gonna squat and curl at the same time. Squat and bicep curl. Curl, we're gonna rack it. Stand it. Two overhead presses.
Okay? You got it. So curling and squatting. It's a little more challenging than if you were to squat. And then stand up and curl.
Okay. Compound movement. All right. 3, 2, 1. Reverse lunge.
Wood shop, right here. Yes, team. You got this. Get low in those legs. That's right.
Ooh. Come on. Five seconds. Find your pace. And rest.
Grab that other weight. Two bicep curls, two overhead presses. Your bicep curling in that squat. Here on in 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
Curl and squat. Curl and squat racket. Stand it. Two overhead presses. So we squat and curl.
Squat and curl racket. Two overhead presses. I'm flipping my weight in that squat position right here. Curl. So I'm not doing a hammer curl.
So I guess if you are doing a hammer curl, you're fine. Rest. All right, look at that. Wood chops! 3, 2, 1.
Little less rest this time. Woo. Let's go team, find it. Use those obliques. Low lunge.
When you let that weight go a little bit farther past your hip, you really gotta squeeze. 3, 2, 1. All right. Ooh. Squat and curl.
Rack and press. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Squat and curl. Squat and curl rack.
Two presses. Nice job. Squat and curl. Squat and curl. Clip rack.
Nice job team. You got this. You've got this. Heart rate's gonna stay up because arms are going overhead. That's right.
If you need to take it slower and rest, or one overhead. One weight at a time. One at a time. Love it. Three, two.
Wood chop. Here we go! Come on. We're almost there team. Keep that body moving.
Yes. Yes. You can. Smile for Tara. That's right.
3, 2, 1. Smile for yourself too. Yeah. Come on. Oh.
Five seconds. Curl and press. Here we go. Curl and squat. Whoops, missed the first.
That's okay. Curl squat rack. Two over. Prep presses. Let's go.
Curl and squat. Total body. That's right. Keep that core tight as those weights go overhead. Do not dump in that low back.
Nope. Last set. Right here. Overhead. Come on.
All right. Nice job. Last and final. Last and final. Wood chop.
Wood chop. 3, 2, 1. Rotate. Chop that wood. Obliques.
With intention. Don't pass through it because it's round four. Best set right here. That's right. Come on team.
Ooh, I lost my balance. Okay. Right. See, we messed up too. I know.
I was gonna say You're out. We are not perfect. Far from it. That's right. Woo.
That's as easy. You lose your, like focus on something else and it's gone. It's gone. 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
Curl, curl, squat. Two overhead presses. Come on team. Squat. Squat.
Two overhead presses. Let's go. Squat Right here. Squat. Two overhead presses.
And you're out. Rest. All right. All right. Towel off.
We got one more set. One more set. Let's do it. I'm actually gonna take us to the ground. Okay?
Let's do it. We're gonna go to the ground. Love it. So full body roll up. Weights or no weight.
Your choice. Depending on how those shoulders feel. Okay. Then we are gonna stand it up. So you're gonna get up off the ground too.
On the ground, so, I'm gonna show you, no weight option. So, full body roll up, knee to elbow, sit back down, roll all the way back. Come all the way back up. Knee to elbow. Okay, so we're gonna alternate.
Option to have a weight in your hand. I probably could go even lighter than this. Knee to elbow. Okay. Woo, find that control.
That is, it's tough stuff. Okay. Do you want my ten? I think I'm gonna go no weights. Actually, I'm gonna go no weights.
Thank you though, Sam. Yep. All right. We're on in 3, 2, 1. Full body roll up.
This way we can move maybe a little faster. Keep that heart up. Yep. But if you want more of the strength piece, add that weight. Make sure that hand is placed underneath you and a good support.
And that foot, the supporting foot, you're driving through that as you lift your glutes up off the floor and stand up. All right. That was 20 seconds. We've got four hooks. You're gonna start right, right, left, right, left, knee, knee.
You're on 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Right, left, right, left. Knee, knee. Feel those obliques.
Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Hook, hook, hook, hook.
Knee, knee. Yes you can. Let's go. 3, 2, 1. Done.
Back on the ground. And this one here for a low impact, like your butt doesn't have to get that very far off the ground. That's true. Yes, exactly. Three.
Lay back. Two, one. Let's go. Roll up. Knee to elbow.
Can be really tiny. Knee to elbow, but just a little lift is gonna activate like your entire body. You're really thinking about those low abs. You gotta squeeze those in as you crunch that knee to that elbow and rest. You know what else I feel?
Stand up. What do you feel? Triceps? Ah. Like pushing yourself off the ground.
That's right. Little bit of tricep. This time we leave with the left, left, right, left, right knee. We're on left, right, left, right. Knee, knee, breathe.
Come on, get that knee up. Use your core. Woo. Knee. I screwed up It's okay.
that timing. Let's go. Come on. I'm thinking about my obliques. Right there.
Come on. Rest, here. Down the ground. Up, down, down! That's right.
Gonna keep that heart rate moving. Lay on the ground. Full body. Roll up. Kneed to elbow.
Come on, team. You've got this. Let's finish strong today. Whenever you're doing this. Feel proud.
You should. This is hard stuff, but doable. And you're strong, you're fit. 3, 2, 1, transition. Not rest.
No rest. This time. What did we do last time we left? This is the right time. Yep.
Our right arm. Hook it with your right. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Right.
Knee. Come on. Find that energy. Woo. You've got this.
Come on. Come on. Let's go. Use your back. Five seconds left.
And your out right here. Woo. All right. Last set. Last set.
And look at that. We're there. We're all done. 30 minutes. Yep.
No jumping Tabata. Cardio number two. Let's go. True Tabata fashion right here. People.
Right. Try to almost pause a little bit in that crunch too. Yeah. And don't, just like move through the motions and roll up transition. Sometimes when you go slower, it's actually harder.
It sure is. Come on, we're leading with the the left. This time. 3, 2, 1. Finish strong right here.
Keep it tight. Come on, let's go, left. Come on, let's go. 10 seconds. Come on.
You're almost there. Three. One more. Set. Two, one.
Done. Woo. All righty team. Way to go. Took my headset off.
She's punching you so hard. All right. Take a big inhale. Exhale. Roll those shoulders backing down.
Let that heart rate come down. Holy shoulders. I know. Wowzahs. Feeling them.
I am too. All right. Let's take that right arm. Cross it over. Thank you.
Stretch those out. I was like uh oh. And you know me, my shoulders are always the thing that's giving me an issue, but it is also a way that keeps our heart rate a little bit more elevated. Correct. When we're not able to jump, take that arm behind you.
Get that tricep. Nice job team. I'm so proud of you. That is awesome work. Like I said, there's no jumping cardio number one.
I think Shelly and I did that one, so go check that out. If you liked this. There's a lot of other no jumping options out there as well. Take that arm behind your head. Let's get that tricep.
And there'll be a lot more coming at you. We, ooh, just got a survey from the members. Okay. And we know what they want, so they want a lot of like pure strength, low impact. So Okay.
More coming at you in the future. Heard it from the person behind the scene. Switch it up, other foot. Awesome job team. Take some time to stretch if you need to, but I'm gonna get you outta here so that I can stay true to our time.
Yep. All right. Take one more big inhale. Exhale. Give yourselves a round of applause.
You guys were amazing. Thanks Sam for joining me. Thanks for having me. It was fun. You're welcome.
Yeah. All right. We'll see you guys later.
Holy heart rate and sweat!!! My heart rate was as high as it would be jumping. This was intense, thank you!
Love the Tabata style - would love a longer one too! Thanks ladies. (215)
Tough one; kept my heart rate up and mind engaged.
Brilliant work out. Loved the variety and intensity. Thank you.🇦🇺😁