GOLD Sweat and Sculpt 5
Tara PutzDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: A set of light and heavy dumbbells, step, mat
Instructor: Tara Putz
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And healthy U TV squad. My name is Tara and I'm here with you today with sweat and Sculpt number five. And I've got the lovely patty with me today. Hello, girl, you ready to go? I am ready to go.
Are you? Yes, let's do this, do this. All right. So if you haven't done sweat and stuff before how this workout looks is, first of all, it's 30 minutes to 30 minute workout. We've got, let's say roughly 12 to 14 blocks of work.
We're gonna see how fast we can get through and what we get through. But each block is going to look like this. We've got one minute of strength followed by 30 seconds of cardio, a 32nd rest break. Then we move on to a whole new set of exercises. There are no repeaters in this.
We have a bench, we have medium to heavy sets of weight. We also will be going to going to the floor. So we have a mat. So make sure you have a mat. Bench is optional.
If you don't have a bench, you're good. You're ok. Um, a quick little warm up, cool down. I'm your Mattifier in the middle and Patty are Matt. Let's go.
All right. Take a deep breath in exhale. Make sure I have a deep breath in exhale. Let all that negativity. Let all those worries out.
Give me one more because why not? You can. Right. Yeah. Take that right arm and pedal it back, left arm, pedal it back.
So I just opening up, that chest shoulders feels so good. Settle it back one more on the side and I'll reverse. I'll swim it forward, right left, right left to this. There is some shoulder work. There's some squats, there's some lunges.
You know, the ones have a dead lift. We do. How can we not have a dead lift if you, you only have one push up? Oh, so look at that friends. That's ok.
Sometimes, you know, it's nice to change it up and do some other stuff. We're gonna cat cow right here. Rounding through that spine. Oh, it feels so good and come back down and flatten all that spine around it. You move at your pace, your tempo.
This is just to wake up, your body, roll it all the way up. Take that right foot up and over opening up those hips, right. So like I said, medium to heavy set of weights you can choose today. It's gonna be a lot of compound moves that we're doing and it's a minute. It is a minute no longer than what we typically internal rotation.
Yeah. So we're going to be working a lot of different muscles while in that minute, lower body, upper body, it's super, this is like a super efficient workout. Actually, if you think about it forward F let's touch those to. Yes. And you know, everyone loves a little cardio burst at the end.
Wake that tail side to side, walk your hands over to the right side, walk your hands over to the left side, center it up, walk your hands out to a downward dog. We're gonna peddle at those feet. Get those calves nice and ready. Ple pedal. Oh, that doesn't look good.
Now, I want you to come to a playing position either on your knees or toes or even on the bench. If you want to put your hands on the bench, go for it. Shoulder stack over wrist, pull up on those quads. We're gonna need an elbow, right knee to elbow, left knee to elbow, right and left, pulling up through the e mid section trying to squeeze those oblique. Come on four three two one.
Can you take it down the center for AM timer? Right knee, left knee, right knee, left knee, you stay right here or you pick up your payslip. So drive those knees, drive those knees, press those palms into the bench. Come on, you've got this Walk your hands back, roll it up, relax those shoulders. We're gonna squat down and up, down and up, get those legs ready.
Come on, lose your group at the top four. We got this team three. We hold in two in one. Hold it right here. Sit your way back into your heels.
Relax those shoulders, lift your chest now, pulse your butt up and down. Come on. 87654321. Jump rope, check it out. So the bench is gonna be used today for a lot of different things, some cardio, some of the strength.
So we'll show you different options too if the bench is not right for you today, right? Take it to a jack jacket. That would come on. Nice work. Get that blood pump in.
You got it. Find that bench if you have it 432 were walking on right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. Nice work. Come on. You've got this at a knee step, knee step, knee, drive that knee to your chest full foot on the bench.
You got this three, two, one, come off that bench right foot forward, left behind three pulses with a stand. Here we go 321 stand and reach 321 stand and reach 321 stand and reach 321 one more. Now switch to the other side, left foot forward, right foot back. Three pulses with a stand. 321 reach, squeeze that butt kick in the back.
Come on feeling those likes by your up. Let's go. Give me one more now. Stand right behind that bench. You either walk up and down or you're running it.
Ok? Come on, let's get that heart rate up. You do you this morning? Are you gonna put your arms above your head? Get your arms up there.
They are they gonna see? Yep. Below your heart. You gonna follow Patty. Come on, you've got this 432.
Take it off the bench step touch right here. Ok. Let the hurry come down just a little bit. Should have brought that energy up. We're gonna get started here.
We've got a cursey lunch with a roll alternating. You've got 432 and one quick sip of water. Woo hoo, one minute of strength followed by 30 seconds of cardio. You want two eights, two eights, two eights. We're gonna roll from strength right into cardio.
So right after our strength move, which looks like this curtsey row sand switch. So the leg that's crossing behind is the arm that rose. Then we put our waists down and we skate for 30 seconds. Ok? Those are our first two moves.
I got our timer. Keep you honest. Here we go. 32 to the right lunge throw, stand it up. So we are gonna go on and off the beat of the music today and that's OK.
You may wanna move a little faster. You really want time, right? Everything is time. So you don't have to stick with the music. You don't have to stick with us.
No, no. If you don't love the Hersey lung, you guys reverse lunge back. Yes. Love it. Come on, team.
Yes, you can make sure you're breathing. Make sure you're going heavy. You got it. Come on, come on, you're almost there. We got skaters and three in two in one.
Put it down, skaters to the right 321. We're on skate, skate. So again, you want to pick up your pace, move a little faster than us. Go for it. Your workout today, you're gonna add a cake.
You're gonna add a weed, right? We only do this once. Come on. Come on, 12 seconds left. Yes, you can.
You got 30 seconds to rest who work for it. 4321 rest. All right. 30 seconds rest. Now a little, everything is gonna be on the right side.
You're gonna snatch, you're gonna rack, you're gonna plant that right foot back. Two static lunges. Stand. Do it again this time we stay all on the right side the whole time. Next exercise for next like block.
We're going to go to the left side. Ok. Then our cardio quick before we start two jacks to the front, to the side, to the front to the side. Pick up your weight. Let's go snatch rack, plant two lunges.
Yes, you can squat snatch rack plan two lunges. All right. So go heavy. It's only one single sided if you can. Moving through that squat high pole snatching racket all at the same time.
Beautiful friend. It. Now you could just put your weight on the bench, right. Anytime you put anything on the bench that takes off just elevated the floor for you. Right.
Paddy. Come on, I'm almost there. You've got this. What snatch? You got 10 seconds.
We've got those two jacks. Give me one more match rack. Here we go to jack forward, side, forward, side We're on. Jack Jack to the side. Jack to the front to the side.
Now, back to the front. Come on. All right, we're feeling good. Now who you got? It?
Hit the head with those arms. Team. Come on. Absolutely. Those tiny little bounces so good for your bones.
321 and that one fast. All right. Here we go. Now on the left side, the weight's gonna go. Same move swat high pole racket.
Oh sorry. Left leg goes back to lunges. Ok? You got about 12 seconds. Gotta finish.
Fill a mic for the wire. All my face. Here we go. You got five left hand, left leg goes back. 321.
You're on racket. Step back to find that balance squat title. You got it. Really set yourself up in that lung. I wanna make sure you clamp that foot behind you.
You squeeze your back loot as you stand up, keeping your core nice and tight shoulders stacked over your wrist or? Oh God, no, no, we're not on the ground here. Shoulders stacked over your hips, hips, not your wrist, your hips. Come on. We both have our right arm kind of hanging out there for just a little counterbalance.
Love it. Come on. About 15 seconds. Those last 15 seconds should be tough. Right.
If you set up the right way. Come on, we've got DC L on deck 32. Put it down, ski ski lunge. Let's go lunge. 30 seconds.
Here's your little cardio bear. Come on. Come on. Yes, you can. Come on.
Come on. 15 left. Use those beautiful legs. Re love it. Patty three two, one done.
Right. Push up. Lunge overhead. Press. Looks like this.
Push up right foot forward in that runners l position lift overhead, come back down, push up. Now the other side. Ok. We got 10 seconds of the water option to be on the floor. You got another option so you could be on your knees or you can put your hands on the floor.
It's actually gonna be step. It's a little bit easier for your shoulder. Here we go up your knees down, push up right foot forward. Left arm goes over your head and this pretty much the only push you have all day. You're welcome, Trainer Kira.
She's so nice. Uh huh. Ok. Come on, sneeze your toes. Get that foot up right in between that bench option.
You could go to the floor making it a little bit harder for you. Elbows fall behind, not out to the side. You got this lead with your chest. People's one push up looking for quality. Come on.
Come on, you got this. Give me one more out there. Come on. Come on one more, one more push up. We got Burpees 32 with your beer without Burpee.
Jump. Come on, dad, he's got your other options. Reach it. Make sure you're back. Come on.
Come on, come on hands on your waist, hands on the bench. They could go to the floor to you. Get to pick team. You got seven seconds. Where are you at today?
54321. Ok. There goes the sweat. Ok. Now it's turned out.
Here we go. All right. So now we're on the floor of the bench. It's an alternating say plink, working those obliques, stabilizing that shoulder and that's all we're doing. Ok.
Ok. Paddy's got your other option and then my knees and you could leave the weight if you wanted to add the open up into that side plank. Here we go. 5432 to the right. Come on.
Now this is where your shoulder is stacked over your wrist. Yes. So keep going patty. I'm gonna talk about that because I'm gonna turn to the side a little bit more. I'm gonna go to the floor.
So often times we see people who are out at a diagonal and trying to do a side plank like this. So see how my shoulder and my wrists are not stacked. I want that shoulder over that wrist to give your shoulder some stability as you do this move because that is a lot of pressure on that shoulder. If you're gonna be out at a diagonal and then pulling up right in those oblique areas to stabilize that core, you're almost there. Come on 20 seconds and we got some mountain climbers who?
Yes, come on, Patty's got a different option. Yeah. If the wrists are starting to bug you, you're gonna stand up. Three, 21 square up. Drive your knees right down the center.
Come on, let's go. Let's go. You got this team shoulders over with through as that knee comes in. You exhale your air. Come on tight.
Strong. Love it. 12 seconds left. Come on. Eight.
Holy shoulders. 321. Yeah. Check it out. All right.
30 seconds. We move on five squats. Five push presses. Oh my. Oh my.
Oh my. It drop it in good old standard squats. Five of them. We rack it. We press it for five.
Ok. You've got 12 seconds and we're gonna pick up those weights and we're gonna go in. If you can go heavy. You got this 43 shoulders. Relax.
Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one racket. You got five, four, 30, hear my shoulder two. Is that your shoulder? Yeah, I did hear that.
Five four three two one rack one arm at a time. If you're choosing something real heavy guys, I love that. I was just gonna say the same thing. Yeah, great mind like where are we at? Five for here now go five four.
You got this three, two one racket. Press it five or three, Give me three spots. Three two hawa put them down. We got a half, half squat. Here we go, half, half squat, half, half squat.
You got this thing. Come on a big old step with that squat. Bring your body high to low is going to drive that heart rate. Come on, love it. Eight seconds left.
321 and done. All right. Find your mat. We're going to our knees. You may wanna roll this twice or once, depending.
You've got your right foot up. Weight is in your left hand. It's a hinge two overhead trips up. Ok? We do the left side.
Next block. You got five seconds. I'm gonna breathe. Let's take them. Let's not rush.
Ok. 321 revenge. Two overhead triceps. You can. Now if it doesn't work to be up on your knees, you guys, you're gonna stand your body up right.
Yep. Just bend your knees up over your head. Chin this off your chest biceps right by your ear. Way to go. Team keeping that elbow nice and tight.
To your head. Arm can be out to the side. You could even put your arm right on that tricep. Yeah. To keep your elbow nice and close to your head.
You feel it fire up and in that hinge, I want your butt to go back. But I also want your glutes to squeeze as you come back to that kneeling position. Come on. Oh boy. Oh boy.
Less than almost 10 seconds. Come on. Hello, baby. Little tricep. Yeah.
Yeah. You stand up and we got bench taps in 320 my goodness. One. Move that mat out of the way. You got anything on your bench.
Maybe move it. Tap tap. Come on. Let's go. Arms above your head.
If you wish, just tap that bench maybe move side to side. You pick where are you going today? Come on, get hold arms up, get your arms up. 10 seconds left. Four, 321 and done.
All right. Bring that map back. We've got weight in our right hand. Left knee is up, right. Knee is down.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go. So again that hinge swing long arm, other triceps is what we're working.
You've got seven seconds. Then we get up off the floor. We run the bench again. Yep. Let's do it.
321. Let's go hinge. Arm can be out for counterbalance. Yes, you can. Come on.
Come on, breathe. If you're up with me, scooch your booty back. Love it. What's up? You got it.
Like Patty said earlier. One minute of strength is a long time. Right. Most of our intervals are about 30 seconds to 45 seconds. Often times.
They're not as long as a minute. Right. Normally followed by cardio right away. Right. Come on.
Come on. Oh, hello. Tricep 20 left. It should start to get ugly. Start switching your face wishing it was over.
Come on, you move that mat out of your way in five four three to put that way down. Let's go run the bench. Let's go. Let's go up, up, down, down. Come on right here.
Right here. Option. Arms above your head. Option. Patty right here it up.
Come on. Come on soft feet on those. Right. I don't wanna herd of elephants. Come on light and eerie.
Come on. Come on. 4321. Who done? All right.
Moving on. We're moving on. All right. Reverse lunge with a bi three bicep curls alternating. So you're on top of our bench or I'll be on the floor.
Yep. It's a lunge. Three curls. Love it it up. Little time on the leg.
Ok. Little time under tension. Yep. My favorite. See if I can do these 15.
Let's go. Here we go. 321. We're on right leg. Goes back.
L three two one. Stand it up other side. Lunge three elbows right at your side. One. Love it as low as you can hips are square two one, but it's tucked, your hips are tucked under your butt's not back.
My leg's not way back here either. It's 290 degree angle with both of my knees, either on the bench or the floor. Ok. Come on breath. Oh, these fifteens?
Oh, you got this girl. Hello? Hello? Feeling the burn. Come on.
12 seconds. The longest minute right here. Come on. Give me one more. Come on, come on one more.
You got this. You got this. You've got lunge backs on the bench. Here we go. Put those weights down.
Who you're here here for? 30 seconds. Come on. Yes, you can breathe. And of course, if you don't love it on the bench, just come to the floor.
Yep. Love it. Patty. Come on. Team less than 10.
You got it. 54321 W and rest. All right. Ok. It's down now.
Yeah. Not for the rest of the class. Just, just for a little bit. So really on our bench or the floor grabbing one weight we're gonna lay on our backs. It's a full body.
Roll up with a wood chop. Ok, then make sure your bench is fully cleared. So it looks like this. Roll up wood chop, straight arms. Ok?
He 21, roll back, roll up, chop, do it again. Roll back, roll up, shop really using those obliques. Come on one vertebrae at a time as you roll up and roll back. You got it. Now, if you keep your weight a little closer to your body, that's gonna make it a little bit easier on that top.
Yep. Farther away. A lot more pressure on the shoulders. A longer lever gotta really work that core. Come on.
We, we got Box gym after this. So you're gonna slip up, turn around towards your bench as fast as you can and jump on top of the bench. Here we go in five, four, 321. That way down. Let's go.
Box jumps right here. Box jumps. You can add a little hop if you want or maybe step off. You got lots of options. Come on or maybe you're here here.
Come on. Light on those be on that bench. You've got 12 seconds. Come on. Yes, you can.
654321 press. Oh yeah, that's a woohoo. Huh? Next up we're just squatting. You're gonna put your weights underneath your heels and grab your heaviest set.
Love that in your hands. Ok? We're gonna play around with tempo. You got about eight seconds heeled on those weights. We float down to cut, to catch your breath down to that one.
Rolls right off. I can't speak who really brought my heart rate up. Come on. So we're putting a little more pressure into our quads as we squat. Come on, shortening up your calf muscle.
We can maybe get a little deeper in your set. A little more user friendly. If you get these NIA shoes. Love it. Single here we go down, up, down, up, driving through those heels still, even though they're lifted.
Come on. Yes, you can keep your knees lined up going. Three two, we're going to hold one, sit down. Now. Hold it right here in pulse, pulse, pulse.
You've got 10 seconds left. Feel the burn. Yes, you can. 4321 for those ways aside, you've got four high knees. Two jacks.
Let's go. 43212 jacks. 4321. Guys got another option. I got two knees.
You, you got this. Come on almost there. Come on, come on. All right. Team way to go.
All right, we got time for one more. Yeah. Do it dead lift. We got to end with that. Yes.
All right. So we've got two dead lifts, alternating lunges. So two dead lift, lunch to the right row with the last. Love it up to the last I That's efficient right there. Go 32.
Last block of work here to dead, stand it up. Let L to the right roll with the left. Stand it up. True. Dead lift.
Come on. We use that backside flat lunge ro stabilizing with those inner thighs and that gluteus medius and that lat lunge. Come on, you got this full body move right here as well. Lots of compound moves today. Come on, team, make sure you're breathing last bit of cardio.
We ski it out right down that bone. Right. Kidding. Without falling. Yes, you got it.
Team. Come on, 12 seconds. Let's go. Let's go one more. One more.
Put those waists down. W right here for the final final. Come on. Yes, you can. Let's go.
Team. It's 30 seconds and we're all done. Come on, come on, abs are tight. Finish, strong, finish, strong. Put your head in the game.
Come on. Love it. You've got seven seconds left. And that's a nice way to go. Team.
A lot of stuff. Yeah, that was a lot of stuff that I was busy. Busy. That's right. All right.
Let's come to a nice little yoga squat. Yeah. Let that heart rate come down. I'll open up those hips. Oh, I'm so proud of you guys.
It was fun. I like that cadence too. Like a minute. 30 of street work of work. That's hard.
That's really hard stuff. You guys, I turn my timer off otherwise we could keep going. Right. Awesome work team. Come up a little higher.
Open up that hip. Oh, right side. Now to the left. We had to go. All right.
If the heart rate is low enough toes forward, heals back a forward, go to nice stretch at the back of those legs. So, if you like sweat and salt five, we'll check out the first four. I think I actually back up Shelly in the fourth one. Love it and I like it. Yeah, it's fun.
It's different. Definitely sweaty and salting. Yeah, exactly. So, in those knees shake your head. No.
Shake your head. Yes. Roll it up one at a time. Take that right arm out. Put your right foot in it.
Give that squad some love. Oh boy. Oh boy. Don't try to wipe the sweat off your face and stand on your foot. Balance.
Find that focal point, cross it over, sit back, give a lot of glut some love. Awesome work team. It's fun to do the no repeat after a while. You know, sometimes too, you know, I, I like the repeat too because you can get into it and kind of go for it, right. But this kind of like works your brain a little bit because I think you feel like you can maybe go a little heavier because it's just a one time through and you don't feel that, I mean, you should feel fatigue in those muscles towards the end, but then we don't go back and redo it really feel the burn.
So yes, they encourage you to go heavy so that you feel that burn those last 20 seconds of that minute. Cross that foot over and I'll get you guys out of here. All right, team. So, so proud of you. Yes.
Way to push, play, way to work hard. We'll plant that foot on the ground. Take one big inhale. Exhale. Give yourselves a round of applause.
Thank you so much, team. Thank you so much, Patty. Hi, thanks, girl. Yes, we'll see you guys later. See you next time.
Great workout on the rainy Friday in TN.