GOLD Yoga Sculpt 10
Patty KnudsenDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Yoga mat, light dumbbells (2-5 lbs)
Instructor: Patty Knudsen
Hey, hey, get healthy U TV squad. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining us, Shannon and I, my name is Patty Kay. We are here to bring you yoga sculpt 10. You guys.
So you know, I know this is my favorite format. This is like, so my jam. So we're gonna start out with a little bit of peace and quiet, right? A little bit of stretch work, a little bit of breath work. We'll hit our cardio, we're gonna hit our sculpting.
So that's where you've got your weights. You've got something a little bit lighter and then something a little bit heavier. Honestly, some of the things we do today you could do, we have fives and threes, you could do, you could do eight, maybe even tens, right. We got a little back row that we're gonna do. So if you wanna grab the flavors, feel free to do that.
And also just know you could do this whole format without weights. So it's just a good stretch um class that we've got going on. And also I wanted to, just to say real quick that you do not have to be a Yogi for this class. Ok? You don't, I don't want you to think oh, I've never done yoga before.
I can't do this. This is actually gonna be the perfect class for you because you're gonna get a little bit of everything. All right. You ready to go? I'm ready.
Let's do this. We're gonna start down in our extended child's post. So come on down on to our knees, you're gonna bring your big toes together, your knees are gonna come nice and wide, sink back into your hips, releasing your forehead down to the mat. And let's just start with just your simple breath. Nice deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
So that will be your bread for the next 30 minutes. So it is a little bit different than a tip yoga flow class that you might take nice deep breath in through your nose. Exhale through your mouth just allowing your body to release down to your mat, relaxing along your jawline and just right between your eyes, taking a moment to just set your intention. How can you best serve your body? Then maybe you're just gonna stay here for the next 30 minutes.
I'm down for that. Maybe just get a little peace and quiet to yourself. If you are with us, let's go ahead. We're gonna draw our bodies up onto all fours. Let's walk our knees in hands directly below your shoulders.
Let's start with your cat and cow flexion and extension through your spine every day. We talk about this, every single yoga class, Pilates class. Anything we take every day, get up. If you get out of bed, I want you to get your spine moving. So whether you're just sitting at the side of your bed or you come down to the floor, you could do the stand.
Oh God. But take a couple more and we're gonna bring our bodies all the way up onto your knees. Inhale. Let's reach to the sky. Exhale, reach and stretch behind your body.
Interlace your fingers. Let's open up our chest with just a little chest expansion shoulders. I relax. This is a full body workout, which I love you. Get a little bit of everything today.
Is he fishing? Yeah. Let's go ahead now, releasing back down to the mat. You're gonna take your right leg back and I want you to keep your toes on the mat and just gonna push through your heels. Just grab that nice little extra stretch through your calf and then just pull your body forward and sink back and pull your body forward and sink back.
Nice stretch two more. Go ahead and hold right here. We're gonna take our right leg and just swing it around to the side, bringing your body right up to your gate pulse. We're gonna reach and stretch all the way over and then draw your body up. Let's place your left hand down to the floor, you're gonna lift your right leg up right into that modified side plank stacking up your shoulders.
Let's bring your body right back up, reach and stretch over and come up and slide down and hold good coming right up. You take your right arm down, left arm goes up, wrap around into our eagle arm. So lifting your elbows up nice and high, bringing your hands away from your face and let's just pull this right here. If this seems a little aggressive for you right away or maybe your shoulders are just super tight today, you can just reach back and just give yourself a little hug here, but otherwise hold and releasing back down to the mat. Let's bring your right knee in.
Left leg goes back and just give me a little press through your heels, pull your body forward, sink back, stretch, draw your body forward, sink back, stretch good and one more and hole coming around to the side, bringing your body all the way up. Let's reach and stretch. Right arm goes high this time. Draw your body center coming down, lifting up modified side planes, bring your body up, reach and stretch and center up and lift up. Hold and coming right up.
Left arm goes down, right arm comes up. Let's take that wrap around, lifting your elbows high, bringing your hands away from your face hanging on, they stretch open up to your back and releasing all the way down to the mat. Let's bring your left knee in good. So right leg goes back, tuck your toes, squeeze your quad, squeeze your gluten when you are ready, left leg comes right up into your high plank position and help prepare on your exhale. Lift your hips and let's find our first down doc.
We're gonna go ahead and just paddle down your heels. I want you to think about spreading out your fingers, pushing through your palms, pressing through your fingertips good on your next inhale. Lift your heels high to the sky. Soften your knees. Hop or float your feet to the top of the mat.
Holding our first forward, fold, releasing the crown of your head down. Give your head a little shake. Yes or no good. Let's go ahead now and just bend your knees, drop your booty down and lift up and stretch. And as you stretch, anchor in your heels, feel that nice stretch to the back of your leg.
Let's try one more. Drop your booty down and lift up and stretch lengthen through the back of your legs. Good inhale. Prepare on your exhale. Stacking your body all the way up.
We go. Oh That feels good. Rolling out your shoulders up and around inhale. Let's reach to the sky. Exhale, swine, dive down.
We go to our fold. Inhale half, lift nice flat back, exhale, fold your body up p or step your feet back, high plank position. And when you're ready, we're going to find our first Charanga. Nice long linear line into that nice, lower, high cold brush shoulders, relaxed. Exhale your air down the good lift your heel, soften your knees.
Have her float to the top of the mat. Stacking your body all the way up. Let's try that one more time. Inhale, reach to the sky. Exhale.
So wan dive down, inhale, half lift, fold your body up, hover up your feet back, high plank position, chatter runga Coal row or if you're ready up, dog, pulling your quads off the mat down, dog, my friend's right leg flies high. Now, let's sweep our right foot to the top of the mat. We're gonna stay right here and you're gonna pull your body all the way up right up into our balance, pulling your left knee through good. We're gonna come all the way back down, right, like flies high, sweeping to the top of the mat. Stand all the way up, pulling your left knee up high, high, high abs, tight down.
We go. Let's try that again. There we go. Fly high, sweeping to the top. Come on up, reach up, stretch up and we're gonna do one more.
Here we go. Fly your right leg high to the sky. Sweep to the top. Come all the way up and hold good. Now we're gonna go right into that nice lateral lunch.
We're gonna take our left leg off to the side, sink down. Bring your right arm to the sky. Nice stretch. And let's pull all the way through reaching your left arm up and over here we go, slide down, reach up and over and come up. Reach stretch, anchor your feet, squeeze your glutes.
Let's try one more all the way down. Love it. Come on up, reach up and over. Good. Center it up.
We're gonna lift our left knee up. Nice and high. Hold that balance and we're just gonna cradle. I want you to reach underneath, grab your foot and hold a little balance. Grab that nice little outer hip stretch.
It's ok if we're wobbling a little bit. Right. Absolutely. Just readjust. Let's take that left leg to the back of the mat.
Reaching up, stretching a crescent lunge open up into that warrior. Two shoulders are relaxed, reach back and reverse and windmill our arms all the way down to the mat. Right leg goes back, chatter around co up, dog down, dog left leg flies high. Here we go. Sweep to the top of the mat.
Change your body up, reach up, stretch up. Give me that balance and down. We go left leg flies high, sweeping to the top, reaching up, stretching up, hold down. We go left leg flies high. I'm a little wobbly on this side.
Oh my. Here we go. Stand up. Reach up, stretch up and one more fly high. Sweet to the top.
Stand up. Reach up, stretch up and hold good. Here we go right leg. So we go off to the side, reach and stretch. Bring your body all the way up, reach and stretch over and let's do that again.
Sink low, reach up and over and up. We go and reach beautiful. Centering up your body, pull your right knee and hold, reach underneath. Let's give that little crate of right leg to the back of the mat. Reaching up, stretching up, open up into that warrior too.
Reaching back and reverse windmill down. We go left foot back. Chat Aranga co bar up, dog down, dog, right leg flies high. Need to know. Squeeze your belly fly high, sweeping to the top of the mat.
Let's grab our weights reaching up, stretching up. Weights are over your shoulders, shoulders are over your hips, open up into your warrior too. And I want your thumbs up and your pinkies down here, abdominals are tight, bringing your weights to your shoulders, reaching up, stretching up. Really? Sink into that right quad lifting high.
Let's bring your waist to your chest. Pivot down. You go right foot, goes back, try to run God up, dog down, dog. Left leg flies high. Need to no fly high.
Sweeping to the top of the mat. Reaching up, stretching up good, open up into that warrior. Two thumbs up, he's down, bring your waist to your shoulders, reach up, stretch up, bring your waist to your chest. Pivot down, you go left foot back, Charanga bar up, dog down, dog, exhale your air high plank position. Hold it.
Let's bring your feet nice and wide drop through your booty. Lift your chest sink low. We're gonna stand all the way up. We go bicep curl. Hammer curl 4321 down.
We go 432 one up 4321 down 4321 up 4321 down 43. We're gonna add on because why not? Why? Number 321 here we go. Four Jacks 43 21 and 4321 and up Ho Jack 4321 down.
43 21 and up Whole Jack 4321 down. Got it to come on up. We go 432. Jack last four, last three, last two. Last one.
Nice job. Waits right in front. Drop down. Squeeze up, drop chest up, go. Here we go.
Friends shoulders coming right to your shoulder height. Sink low. You can alternate if you need that a girl that a girl. Yes. Here we go four more.
The two one. Now we're gonna drop, drop right arm only up out center left arm up out center right arm up out center. Here's left. Good. Here's right.
Oh and here's left. Come on, you got this one more. Each side. Here's right up out center shoulders. Relax.
Got it up out center and up right here we go. Up, drop seven. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Five four.
I'm on team three two. Hold her up, hold it. Abdominals nice and tight and kick out here we go eight seven six. Fine four three. C.
What a beautiful job down. We go, set your weights down, hop or step your feet back high plank. Charanga Cobra. A dark down dog. Exhale your air nice deep breath in through your nose.
Exhale through your mouth. Set your knees down to the mat. Let's keep your lighter weight. Set them right at the middle of your mat. Shoulders are relaxed.
Here we go. My friends, we're gonna come down, walk your body out, knees or toes. Four tricep, push ups. Here's four, three leading with your chest. Two, one.
Now walk back, grab your weights shoulders, relax. Chest fly. Four, three c one. Good set your weights down. Walk it out.
Here's four, here's three, here's two. Here's what? Good. Walk back, abs tight. Grab your weights.
Four, three chew one. Beautiful set your weights down. Walk it out. Four the rear two. What a nice walk back.
Oh, grab your weights for hugging that big round tree. The three elbows are soft. Two. Squeeze your chest one. Beautiful.
Walk it out last time. Last four, last three, last two. Last one. Go walk back. Grab your weights.
Here's four, here's three, here's two. And what nice job you guys. Now, let's go ahead and set your weights to the top of the mat. I wanna find your forearm plank right here. Abdominals are nice and tight elbows directly down from your shoulders.
Hold it. Let's do a little knee drop. Here's right, here's left, here's right, here's left. 87 six. I'm holding it.
Love it on my knees. You got it two more. Both knees down. Let's go. Eight 76 five.
Keep it tight for three C one. Nice job. High plank position. Hold it right here. You're gonna take your left hand to your right foot and come back to your plank right hand, left foot and come back.
What are you doing over there? I'm staying right here on my knees, but I'm still driving my hips back and I'm just tapping my knee with the opposite hand. I love it. Come on, we can do it. Cut us out.
Right. Beautiful. Here's four, here's three, here's two, here's one good high plank position. Charanga Cobra up dog, down dog. Exhale high plank, Charanga Cobra of dag down dog, high plank.
Charanga Co up dog. Yes, you can one more. Yes, you can. High plank Charanga cover up dog. Beautiful.
Touch your knee to the mat. Take your hips all the way back and take a moment and just stretch. Sink into your head. Nice deep breath in through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.
Reconnect your breath. Beautiful. Ah big open mouth breath out when you are ready. Let's find our down dog. Right leg flies high.
We're gonna bring our right knee to our nose. Scoop out your belly and hold fly high, sweeping to the top of the mat. Now, if you've got a little bit of a heavier weight, this would be a time to grab it. Pull your body forward, nice and long through your spine. We're gonna row, kick back, center down, row, kick back, center.
Now we did all those tricep push ups. So our triceps are warmed up. They are ready to go. Here we go. We're gonna add on.
Of course. So we have a row to a tap center down row. Tap, center down. Good spine is nice and long here you got it two more. One more.
We're gonna hold that tap up, hold it right here and push eight, seven, six, isolate to the back of the arms. C one. Beautiful. Bringing your body up nice and tall. So we're shifting into our right side.
We got about 80 85% of your weight in your right leg at about 20 15% in that left big toe stagger dead lift, slide your booty all the way back, squeeze up. Left arm, left leg goes back, reverse slides. Here we go. Stagger deadlift. So here as you see, you could go a little heavier with those weights, right.
Yes. If you've got that option, go ahead and grab them challenge yourself. Nice. Slide your booty back two more. Now, on this last one, I'm gonna have you stay back onto your knee.
You're gonna set your right way down. If you wanna grab your towel, let's set to have towels, but you could set a towel underneath your left knee for just a little extra padding. And if you need it, we're gonna take your left arm nice and long underneath your body, you're gonna drive to your shoulder, you're gonna stand your body up, big shoulder, press up over your head. Drop down, swing here we go. Hinge drive.
Stand nice. You got it. Hinge drive stand, drop down, hinge drive. Stand good. Two more hinge drive.
Stand one more for me. Yes, you can. You've got this up. Drive, hold it right here, soften up your knees, soften up your elbow and push press. Let's go.
21 now. Drop nice and low. We're gonna bring our left foot to our right foot. Reach up over your head, elbow to knee. Let's go drop, reach elbow, knee.
So Shannon and I both have our right arm wide to the side, right? For just a little counterbalance. Right. Whoa Keeping everything in check right there. Breath in.
You got it two more. One more and hold good. Reach up. Excuse me, grab that weight end to end, bend your elbows, rest away. Eight seven six five four.
Those triceps. Three two one good. Fold your body over. Hold right here. Let's reach back.
I wanna grab that right way and just get it out of the way. Peeling up your left heel, left foot, close back, reaching up, stretching up. We have two knee drives. One pot. Looks like this.
Two drives, one pot straight up, two drives, one pot straight up. Two drives. Come on cut. Oh, you got it. You got it.
Yes, we can do it. Beautiful. Come on two more. One more. Yes.
Nice back. You go reach up, stretch up, open up. Warrior. Two shoulders are relaxed. Reach back, reverse windmill down.
We go right foot, goes back. Charanga Co bar up, dog down, dog, exhale your air. Left leg flies high. Need to know. Squeeze your belly fly high, sweeping to the top of the mat.
Let's grab your heavy weights, bring your body up, pull your body forward this time. It's high and wide. Long arm back, high and wide, long back. Adding in high and wide T us high and wide. So Prince still working back.
Still working triceps. Just a little differently. Yep. I on. Squeeze the upper back right there.
Nice. Long arms. Push two more. Who? One more?
Hold it up and press 8765 s into that left side. Good body comes up nice and tall. Here we go. Stagger. Deadlift.
Slide your booty back. Squeeze up right like it goes back. Dol staggered reverse lung, good shoulders, relax. Grabbing those heavier ones. If you can.
It's you do you? Yes, perfect opportunity for that right here. Good. Or maybe today is the day of like, nope, I'm just doing light weights. Right.
Or no weight. Maybe you're doing body weight. Little endurance day. I love that. Yep.
Two more. That's what I love about this class. You get a little bit of everything. Yes, for sure. Back you go.
Drop down and hold, set your left weight down. Here we go. We're gonna hinge it. Drive to your shoulder. Stand up.
Abs are nice and tight here. Drop hinge drive. Drive. Good. Come on, friends.
You got this two more. One more. Please hold it up. Hold it up, soften up your knees, bend your elbow and press. Let's go.
drop right foot, left foot, elbow knee. Let's go drop. Press who shoulders are burning. Love it. Come on team.
Don't let that quiet, soothing music, fool you. It's a trick. Two more. Yes. One more.
Got it. Hold it. N two N bend your elbows. Eight seven six five 43 C one. Nice job.
Fold over reach and grab that left weight. Hold it here, healing up your right heel. Float your right foot back. Reach up. Drive forward.
Here we go. Two drives, one, pop straight up. Two drives straight up. Come on. Come on, you got it.
Push it. Come on. You're going, he catch that little bit of air, a little bit of impact friends. That is good for you if you can do it, let's do it. Yes.
Drive through those bones. Come on. Come on two more. One more. Woo, woo.
And back, we go, reach up, stretch up, open up for you. Two reach back, reverse windmill down. We go left at that Charanga Hoar up, dog down up, nice deep breath in through your nose. Exhale. Let's bring your feet right to the edges of your mat.
Walking your hands back to your feet, holding me your fold, releasing your head down. Let's take your right hand to your left foot, left arm to the sky. Circle out your wrist and center it up, left hand to right foot, right arm to the sky. Circle out and center it up, heels in toes wide, drop your booty, lift your chest. I'm back to my Yogi voice now you are.
She's quieted down again. That's always a good sign. Right. Good. Nice stretch.
You get as low as you can on this one. This is gonna look different for everybody. Beautiful. Let's go ahead now and kick out your heels, lifting your hips back up. Give me a little tail wag a little side to side tired and from here we're gonna walk our hands back out, bring your feet together, lower into your cheddar, Ranga Cobar of D down dog.
Exhale your air. That's high plank position. We're gonna bring our left foot up to our left hand giraffe through your hip, reaching to the sky. And I want you to open up your chest for me, reach to the back of the room and then just draw that line up over your head and reach to us and then draw that line up over your head, reach to the back of the room and one more reach up, reach to us. Placing your left hand down, left foot goes back, right foot comes up.
Draw through your hip, reach to the sky circle out. Let's open up your chest. Draw that line up over your head. Reach, draw up towards the back up and over. Reached uh good right hand goes down, right foot goes back down, dog, lift your heels, soften your knees, hop or make your way to the top of the mat.
Have a seat. My friends, I love that. I love that cue. That's the best. Right.
That's my favorite that or like four more good. Relax in your shoulders down away from your ears. In hell, we're gonna reach to the sky. Give me that torso twist to the left. So twist, twist, twist, twist, keeping your hips steady, right hand to left knee, left hand goes behind your body.
Peek over your shoulder, keeping your right hand on your knee. Let's release your left arm and just reach up and over and center it up and how reach into the sky twist, twist, twist to the right left hand to right knee, right hand goes behind your body. Peek over your shoulder, releasing your right hand, reach up and over friends. If you need more time for a cool down 44 stretch, please take that time for yourself. Right.
Just turn us off and continue that stretching or maybe put on a 10 minute stretch or mobility work that would work as well too. Inhale. It's reached to the sky, drying your hands down, hurt center. Let's take a moment and just set your intention for the rest of your day or for the rest of your evening. What kind of day?
What kind of evening are you gonna have? What kind of words are you gonna use? Not only to people around you, friends and family, but how about to yourself many times? We're super hard on ourselves. Keep that in mind and send it up.
Thank you so much, Shannon. Thanks. Any time I get to stretch her out just makes me super, super happy. That was yoga. Sculpt 10 friends have an amazing day.
Nama. Stay.
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