Patty Knudsen

GOLD Yoga Tune Up - Chest + Shoulders Opener 1

Patty Knudsen
Duration:   33  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Another one of our Yoga Tune-Up workouts. This time, Trainer Patty Knudsen will focus in on your chest and shoulders to help bring relief to tight muscles. Whether they’re tight from sitting all day, or over-exercising, or hunching over a computer, you’ll feel better after this. Help open up the chest and stretch the shoulders. Plus lubricate the joints, and strengthen your muscles through a series of much-needed poses and stretches.

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Patty Knudsen


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Hey, hey, get healthy, you TV squad. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining us. My name is Patty Kay and I've got Sam cam with us today and we are here to bring you yoga tune up and we're gonna focus on shoulders, the chest. So that rounded posture that we sometimes tend to get, you know, from either on our computer or on our phones.

We're gonna think about really opening up our chest. We're gonna work on a little mobility for our shoulders. I am gonna take you through a little bit of flowing as always because it is yoga, right? We wanna get that flow in there, but we'll, we'll spend a little extra time on our shoulders and on our chest today. So we're gonna start out and I also wanna remind you, make sure you have a towel with you today because we're gonna use it just as a tool.

Ok? So we're gonna start in the middle of our mat. Let's go ahead and have a seat. We're gonna start seated. You can cross your legs in front if you want or you can go into that little double pigeon kind of stack your legs up on top of each other.

Find something that is comfortable for you. I want you to relax your shoulders down. Just close your eyes. Just listen for my voice at this point. Relax in your arms and let's start with just your simple breath.

Nice deep breath in through your nose. And I want you to open your mouth and exhale away. And as you fill up your lungs on that inhale, just think of that whole rib cage just expanding up and out, keeping your shoulders relaxed, keeping that breath in your belly. Keep you a moment to just set your intentions for the next 30 minutes. How can you best serve your body?

And when you're ready, I'm gonna have you transition into your yoga breath, bringing your lips together, inhaling through your nose and exhaling. Go ahead. I want you just to draw your chin down to your chest and just find that nice stretch to those first seven vertebrae right through your neck right through that cervical spine and set it up, bringing your chin up to the sky and set it up. Let's draw our right ear down to our right shoulders and center and our left ear down and center it up. Inhale.

It's just reach to the sky, exhale, reach and stretch, reaching behind your body, inhale, reaching to the sky, exhale, reach and stretch one more inhale, reach to the sky. We're gonna hold right here. Give me that torso twist to the left right hand to left knee, left hand goes behind your body. I want you just to peek over your shoulder. So we talk about this all the time, but our spine is meant to flex, extend it and twist and we'll take care of all of that today.

Let's keep our right hand on our knee. We're just gonna take our left arm and just reach up and over and bring your body up and reaching to the sky. Center up. Give me that torso twist, twist, twist to the right left hand to right knee, right hand goes behind your body, sit up tall and peek over your shoulder. So the majority of this twist is coming right through your mid back, right through that thoracic spine.

But we've got a little bit of play through that cervical spine. So that's where we got that little peak over your shoulder. Keeping your left hand on your knee, release your right arm and just reach up and over and center it up. Good inhale. Let's reach to the sky.

We're gonna bend your left elbow, spread your fingers through your back. We'll just go right into a little tricep stretch and just lean over to the right side and lean over to the left and center it up. Let's go ahead and just switch it up here, spreading out your right palm through your back. Lean over to the left or to the right. I guess, sorry and center over to the left and center it up.

Good. Reaching your arms off to the side. Let's bring our left arm across the body. I want you to grab onto that shoulder. Assist that stretch over.

Give me a little wrist roll and open up thumbs to the sky and rotate thumbs down and thumbs back up. Let's bring that right arm across. Grab onto that shoulder. Give me that little wrist roll and release. I'm gonna have you reach behind your body.

I want you to clasp your hands here or grab that towel. Take the crown of your head towards the front and just hold right here, squeezing through your shoulders. Let's go ahead and just dip your right shoulder down and center it up. Let's dip that left elbow down, left shoulder down and let's do that again. Dip your right shoulder down and if your left shoulder good and bring your body all the way up and hold and really, it's good, we're gonna go ahead and get onto our hands and our knees here, wrist directly below your shoulders, knees directly down from your hips.

And let's do that little cat and cow, that little flexion and extension we talked about at the very start of class, talk about this all the time, but every single day when you get up and you get out of bed, either do this at the edge of your bed, you can drop down to the floor. You could do the standing, ok? And hold nice flat back. You're just gonna give me a couple of shoulder rolls here and hold abdominals are nice and tight. Let's take our left arm, reach to the sky and take your left arm and just thread underneath your right arm, placing your left ear down to the mat.

Now, your hips are a little higher here. I want you right on top of that shoulder stretch, extending your right arm out and hold now from here. I want you to stay right here, but just take your right leg straight back. Bring in your right hand back, place your left hand down. We're gonna open up into that modified side plank stacking up your shoulders.

Abdominals are nice and tight. Bring your body right up to your gate pose and we're gonna take an eagle arm so that right arm goes down, take that wrap around and halls and if that seems a little aggressive for your shoulders right away, reach back and give yourself just a little hug. Alright. Let's go ahead now, release your hands, place it down to the mat. Excuse me, we're gonna lift your left knee up, tighten up your belly and just give me a little pulse here for Go set your left knee down.

We're gonna take our right leg over to the left and I want you just to look to the left for your c curve. Nice little stretch to your lower back. And we're gonna swing our leg all the way around to the side. Bring in your right arm to the sky, place it in your hand behind your head and let's lower down. Tap your elbow if you can and come right back up and come down.

Give me a little tap, tap, come right back up, two more lower down and one more go ahead and place your right hand down to the mat. Let's bring our right knee in and let's do our shoulder rolls. We're just gonna reverse that direction and hold right arm to the sky. Let's thread that right arm underneath your left arm, place your right ear down to the mat. Hips are just a little higher here.

Nice assisted shoulder stretch, walking your left hand out, keeping that breath going through your body, inhale and exhale. Let's go ahead and slide your left leg back, bring your left hand back, place your right hand down, open up into your modified side plank, stacking up your shoulders and let's bring your body all the way up to your gate pose. Left arm is gonna come down around. Take that wrap, lift your elbows up, bring your hands away from your face for your eagle arms. And again, if this is too much, just reach behind your body and give yourself a little hug here, releasing your arms off to the side.

Let's go ahead and set your hands down. We're gonna go ahead and lift your right knee and tuck it into your belly and pulse Set your knee down. Let's take that left leg over to the right and take your focus to the right and swinging your leg back around to the side, reaching up, take your hand behind your head and let's dip down, tap, tap, tap and come right back up and dip down. I'm right back up two more good. One more and placing your hand back down to the mat.

Let's bring our left knee in all friends. We're gonna go ahead and just walk your hands back to your knees onto your feet and let's just hold our fold, releasing the crown of your head down and give your head a little shake. Yes or no. Feel free to soften up your knees here planting your feet, reaching your arms up, interlace your fingers for a little chest expansion. Good.

Now, this is another great opportunity to grab that towel again. If your hands, shoulders are just not gonna allow your hands to clasp, then grab that towel and let it assist you, releasing your hands down to the mat, spreading out your toes, anchor your feet and stack your body all the way up. Taking your time up, up, up, rolling out your shoulders up and around. Let's go ahead. Now we'll take our hands behind our head.

We're gonna slide our booty back, nice flat back, squeeze right up and we're gonna bring that right arm forward. Left arm back. Give me that little torso twist, center it up, slide your booty back. Squeeze up. Left arm forward, right arm back and center it up.

Let's go slide back, squeeze up right arm forward, left arm back and one more slide back. Squeeze up, left arm forward, right arm back. Good. Reaching to the sky. Grab, hold your left wrist stretch up and over.

Let's squeeze your glutes right. Lifting up through your rib cage and center it up, grabbing hold of your right wrist, stretch up and over and center it up. Swan, dive down. We go to our fold. We're gonna go ahead and walk our hands back out, finding a high plank position.

And when you are ready, let's find our first chatter runga. One long linear line, tucking your elbows tight to your good cage into a nice lower high coal brush shoulders, relax. Crown of your head to the sky. Exhale your air into your down dog. Oh, let's take a moment here and just bicycle down your heels, spreading out your fingers, pushing through your palms, caressing through your fingertips.

But it's all about a journey friends. Your heels may never ever make it to the ground. And that is ok. Inhale. Let's lift both heels, high exhale, press your heels down and stretch.

Let's do that one more time. Inhale, lift high exhale, press good. Now we're gonna take our left hand. Let's find the plank position first and then we're gonna take our left hand to our right foot. So just reach to your right foot, you're gonna come forward.

You're gonna set your right knee down, open up to the side and give me a little knee crunch and center it up. Here we go left hand to right foot. Coming down. Crunch. Crunch, crunch.

Center it up. Reach good. Set your knee down. Crunch. Crunch.

Crunch. Beautiful. Let's try one more. Reach and set your knee down. Open up into that side.

Crunch finding me your high plank position and hold Chang co bar up, dock down, dug beautiful high plank position. Right hand to left foot. Set your knee down, open up. Crunch. Crunch good.

Center it up, reach, set it down. Crunch. Crunch, center and up, reach, reach God and let's do one more here. Reach, reach, set your knees down. Crunch.

Crunch into your high plank position. Chatter, run guy. Hold up, dog, pulling your quads. After that down, dog, exhale your air, lift your heels. So on your knees have her float to the top of the mast.

Reverse your swan dive. Reach to the sky. Let's open up into your cactus. We use your booty. So you have that support through your low back.

Reach into the sky. Swan dive down, inhale, half lift, exhale, fold your body up, half step your feet back, high plank position. Charanga, hold up, dog down, dog, exhale your air. Right leg flies high. Let's pull our knee to our nose, squeeze your belly, fly high, sweeping to the top of the mat.

Reaching up, stretching up crescent lunge opening up into our warrior. Two shoulders are relaxed. Let's go ahead. Now, we're gonna stay right here. Reach behind your body, interlace your fingers, open up your chest again.

Grab that towel if that's gonna work for you and we're gonna go ahead. We're gonna humble our warrior. So we're gonna take our right shoulder to the inside of your right knee, reaching your arms up as high as they'll go and then release your head down. Friends. That is where you're humbled, comes into play, releasing your hands, reaching back, stretching back.

Beautiful. Let's windmill our arms down to the mat. Right leg goes back. Charanga. Whole bar up, dog down dog, left leg flies high, need to nose, fly high, sweeping to the top of the mat, reaching up, stretching up crescent lunge, open up into your warrior.

Two shoulders are relaxed. Left knee is bent, take a peek down and just make sure that your knee is not collapsing in. You wanna really open up here reaching behind your body, interlace your fingers, open up your chest. You ready to humble. Let's go ahead.

Lower your left shoulder to the inside of your left knee, release your head down, releasing your hands, reaching back, stretching back and windmill down. We go left leg back, chatter. Run God co up, dag down, dog, exhale your air. Right leg flies high. Need to nose, fly high, sweeping to the top of the net.

Reaching up, stretching up where you two. Let's humble our warrior. Open your chest, lower down, release your head down, releasing your hands, reaching back, stretching back one more little add on. We're gonna come forward. You can set your elbow onto your knee, reaching up or release and come all the way down to the ground.

Stacking up your shoulders. Let's take our left arm and you're just gonna sweep around for three for chill and one come all the way up. Let's grab hold of your right wrist, stretch back into your sky. Archer and down. We go right hand or right foot back.

Chatter runga co bar up, dog down, dog, left leg flies high, need your nose, fly high, sweeping to the top of the mat, reaching up, stretching up, open up. Warrior, two shoulders are relaxed, reach behind, open up your chest and humble your warrior. Releasing down, releasing your hands, reaching back, stretching back, setting your elbow to your knee. Reach high or come all the way down to the ground. Stacking up your shoulders, right arm down to around three, two, come all the way up, up, up, up up, you go grab, hold your left wrist, stretch back, extend your left leg.

And down, we go framing up your left foot, Charanga Co Bar at dag down dog high plank position. Let's lower our body down. Slowly. Take your time. My friends and release all the way down to the mat.

Let's take our right arm, reach it off to the side. Your left hand is gonna stay right by your shoulder and then just angle your right hand up just a little bit here. And from here you're gonna go ahead and just gonna roll your body. So we're gonna grab that nice stretch to the front of your shoulder. This is a fairly aggressive stretch my friend.

So I really want you to take your time on it. Kind of see how your body does, how it feels. Some of you may be able to bend your knees, set your feet to the ground. Some of you might be able to release your left arm back. Some of you are maybe just hanging out right here.

Hips are stacked with the support of your left hand. Good. One more nice full breath. And remember if you find that you're holding your breath, ah, that means you've probably gone in just a little too far. So back at us, grab that breath back, releasing back down to the mat.

Let's bring your right hand in. Left arm goes off to the side, walk up just slightly and from here you're gonna roll, roll, roll give yourself a little push, see what you can do. Typically in one side, maybe it is just a little more user friendly, right? You got it one more nice, full breath and release that beautiful, nice job. Placing your hands by your shoulders, squeeze your booty and just lift your legs up for me and just hold, looking down to the mat.

Your spine is nice and lined up and release your legs down and help prepare, squeeze your booty and lift your upper body up. Now you can bring your hands up off the mat if you want or give yourself a little push or little support whatever you need here, some of you may be able to go arms back, arms, side, arms out. What do you need here and down to the mats in. Help prepare on your exhale. You can go back to alternating otherwise lift your whole body up and hold, keep your arms where you need them.

I'm gonna keep them by my side today. That's just gonna be a better option for me and release down. Beautiful. Give yourself a push all the way back into your extended child's pose. Nice little counter stretch.

Let's walk our hands over to the right side of your mat. Placing your left hand on top and walk over to the left side. Place your right hand on tap and center it up. Let's tuck our toes. Finding our down dog.

Lift your heels soften your knees, have her float to the top of the mat and have a seat. Great job extending your legs straight out in front. Turn my mic, we're gonna head down onto our backs. So just listen for our voices, right. You got it.

It might be not much to see. Ok, I'm actually gonna have you soften your knees just a little bit. Let's go ahead and lower down on to our back. Ok. So we're gonna have you lift your booty up, take your hands underneath your booty and then set your booty right back down onto your hands.

I want you to think about tucking your sh your elbows under your body and you're gonna lift your chest up and you're gonna place the top of your head down towards the mat. Now, of course, you're not leaning on to it. It's not a lot of pressure. We're going into that fish pose, opening up your chest, opening up your breathing. If you can extend your legs here, I wanna offer that up for you.

Otherwise you keep your knees bent. If you wanted to grab a towel or a blanket or a pillow and place it underneath your bag just for a little assistance. That's a great idea as well. One more nice full breath, push your hands to the mat, lift your head up, tuck your chin down and lower all the way down to the mat. Good.

Bend your knees be leash your hands fingertips are reaching towards your heels as you draw your heels in towards your booty inhale. Prepare on your exhale. Scooping out your belly, peeling up your tailbone. Lift right up to the sky into your bridge pose and hold on your next inhale. Let's take your arms and just reach over your head, keeping your rib cage down and in exhale, bring your arms up and release along this side of your body one more in how rich exhale draw up and release along the side of your body.

Starting at your shoulder blades, lower your body all the way down, close your eyes and just drip, drip, drip, one vertebrae at a time releasing through your booty. We're gonna do that one more time friends and help prepare scooping out your belly, lifting your tailbone coming right up to your bridge pose. Now this time I'm gonna have you wedge, wedge, take underneath your body with your hands. If you can clasp your hands together, tuck your shoulders under your body and just hold, you have one of those little red spongy balls just right between your knees. So I want you to think about squeezing that ball, staying active through your inner thighs and let's release your hands.

And again, taking your time, lower down your spine. Love to articulate my friends. We rarely give it that opportunity. So really take the time here and lower down good. Engage in your abdominals.

Let's draw your knees into your chest. Give yourself a little hug, gently, rock your bodies side to side. Go ahead. Now I'm gonna have you keep your knees table. Tap here.

Take your arms and just make a t with your body, rotate your palms down to the ground. Shoulder blades are gonna stay on your mat and help prepare on your exhale. I want you just to lower your legs down to that right side. So do your best to keep your chest open. Create a nice little twist through your spine.

Nice stretch through your outer hip. You could take your right hand and just assist that stretch over a little bit. If you'd like, you could take your right leg, cross it over your left leg and just weigh that leg down just for a little added stretch. And let's go ahead and center your legs all the way up and lower down to that left side again. Doing your best to keep your shoulder blades on the mat.

One side might be a little more flexi, I guess right chest is open. Bring that left hand over, assist that stretch a little more or bend your left knee, cross it over. It's nice to get a little bit of an extra assisted stretch where we can and let's center our knees up, reach around, grabbing onto your hamstrings. We're gonna roll front to back. We're just gonna come up to a seated position, crossing your legs in front, taking your shoulders rolling up and around.

Go ahead, drying your chin down to your chest, bringing your chin up and center up. Inhale. It's reach to the sky, drawing your hands down. Heart center. Thank you so much for joining us today, Sam.

It was so fun to stretch it out a little bit. That was yoga tune ups targeting our chest and our shoulders. We'll see you next time now. Must stay friends.

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