Hip Shoulder Spine Mobility Workout
Sam CameranesiDescription
Regular mobility work will help you improve the quality of your everyday movements, enhance recovery, and can help prevent injuries. Use this as a stand-alone workout for proactive joint health and better everyday mobility.
Also try our 10-Minute Mobility Workout to tack onto the end of another workout or our Move Better Mobility 1 Workout.
Level: All levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hi, I'm Sam. Cam and we're coming at you with hip, shoulder and spine mobility. This is going to be moving through every single movement. We're not going to hold so many stretches, but we're going to move through it. So you should feel the hip, the shoulder, the, but the back and the spine kind of loosen up throughout this 15 to 20 minute workout.
Are we ready? Ready? Let's hop right into it. So you're going to see a little bit wider than shoulder with a part uh with your feet nice and parallel to the front, you're going to take your chin to your chest and we're gonna really roll through the spine. So you want to think about rolling through one vertebrae at a time all the way down to the bottom.
You're gonna kind of hang out here when you're ready, you're gonna lead with your head and you're going to keep a nice straight back as you come all the way back up, feeling a little bit of that hamstring stretch and a nice long spine. Take it again, chin to chest roll, one vertebrae at a time. Do you feel that in your back. Yeah. Nice and slow.
Now, lead with your head. Legs are gonna stay as straight as possible. If you need a soft little bend into them, take that soft little bend again. Let's do that two more times to a chest all the way down. Really articulating that movement through your back.
Lead with the head. Spine is long spine is neutral right there. Core is tight. Let's do that one more time. Chin to chest roll all the way down, relax your shoulders away from your ears.
Got all the way up leading with that head. Ok. We're gonna do the opposite direction, right? So you're gonna lead all the way down. Stick your booty back a little bit.
Spine stays long, all the way down, all the way down. Come to hang out at the very bottom. Roll one vertebrae at a time, your head, shoulders and neck are the very last thing to come to the top, taking it nice and slow. We're not doing anything too crazy. Lean forward, stick your booty back spine, long cord tight all the way down.
Let let yourself kind of round at the very bottom. Roll up one vertebrae at a time. How does that feel so good? Sometimes the most obvious movements are the ones we forget to do, right? Like roll through your back all the way down, hang on at the bottom.
Kind of let yourself relax there for a second and roll yourself up one vertebrae at a time. Had that shoulder last thing to come to the top, roll those shoulders back. You're gonna bring your feet in a little bit closer together just under shoulder with the part you're gonna come all the way down to like a chair squat. You're gonna reach those arms overhead. Good.
So you're not gonna be in my, like that full squat all of your weight through your heels. Right? So rock your weight back into your heels, you're gonna stand up tall and you're gonna twist that arm all the way to the back. Oh Feeling that spinal rotation come back towards the center, drop yourself into a squat standing all the way up spinal twist, keeping those hips nice and square to the front. You should be rotating through your spine.
Yes. Yes. Relaxing those shoulders. I don't know. I feel my shoulders in this one too.
This is my mid back because it's tighter. Yep. If you feel at any point, something feels a little bit sticky. You can hang out in a position maybe a bit, a little bit longer right there, then maybe that we're holding it. But again, we're talking about mobility today.
So different than stretching, we move through movements. So you find lengthening and strengthening through that muscle one more time each side. How does that feel? Awesome. Well, I need more time spending doing all this right there.
Good. All right. So just a little bit, starting with the back on that one. We're going to come all the way down to your mat. If you need extra cushion underneath your knees, you can double up your mat.
We are going to spend some time on our knees working on our hips. We're going to start right here and you're going to come out to the side with that, right, like 9090 degrees in that leg. You're gonna push your hips out to the side. Two little pulses, 12, you're gonna bring it back into the center a little bit of a balance. Now you're going to come to a 45 degree angle right there forward 12, bring it back in and then straight front, your hips say square to the front pulse for 12.
Now switch side, we're going to go to the left leg out to the side. 90 degrees. Pulse one two right there, bring it back in 45 degrees. So as you feel a little bit different on those hips as you press forward now, square your hips to the front, pulse two and squeeze your back booty again out to the side, 90 degrees. Pulse 12, pressel hips forward now 45 degree angle right to the corner.
Good. Squeeze your back butt cheek as you do this and then straight front 9090. Do you feel that in the front hip flexor? Love it, love it out to the side one to bring it in take your time one to send those hips as far forward as you kind of knowing that everybody's range of motion is gonna look a little bit different because of your foot. Wow, hip flexibility.
One more time each side right there. One to bring it back in 45 degree angle. Square, those hips press forward, go right there right to the front and other direction. Last time, 90 degrees out to the side. Really finding that heel going out to the side on that 90 you should feel a little bit of that inner thigh on that one.
And then you should feel the back hip flexor as you press forward one more. Love all the angles. Yes. Good. Right there.
We're gonna come to a Yogi spot position. So bulk heels, heels and toes out right here, using those apples to spray those, spray those knees wide and then just kind of rock around here for a second. They should feel good on the ankles. You can go to your toes, you can keep the heels down, just kind of move around. See what feels good.
Maybe your hands wrapped to the floor, maybe they stay up and really help you keep those knees a little bit wider. Feels different without shoes on. It does, it does, it feels good. It feels real good. Sometimes I feel like I should work out with no shoes, holding it in the center, you're gonna drop both palms, your right arm is gonna go high to the sky.
Open up. You should feel this rotation through your hips through your back and then place that hand down and switch opposite direction. Left arm goes high through the sky, focusing on those hips trying to stay open, drop that hand down, reach to the opposite arm to the guy. Rotate through that spine, drop it and lift it good right there. One more each side option for you to come a little higher.
Love that and here's our modifier today. So if you ever need new options and things don't feel good, Tara's gonna give you those. Come back to the center. Good right there. All right, we're gonna come back to all fours, dropping your knees and your feet if you need on to your mat.
Ok? We're gonna do hip car. So, again, back to the hip mobility here, you're gonna flex your right foot. You're gonna bring it all the way up to the sky to a 90 degree position. You should feel your glute activation, keeping a nice long neutral spine.
So you don't want to arch that low back from here. You're gonna take that right knee. Draw it out towards your elbow with control, squeeze hold and then you're gonna bring it down towards the center up and around. Draw it up towards the sky. Flexing your heel, neutral spine, your knee leads that movement out towards the side, bring it back down.
You should also feel a little bit of your oblique. Yeah, you really have to maintain that neutral position in your spine. Your hips are staying squared towards the floor. They open up a little bit as you go out to the side and make sure you're breathing come in with those knees back together. We're gonna do the opposite direction.
So leading with the knee, you go out towards the side, fire hydrant hold, squeeze that gluten out from here, your knee is gonna rotate towards the back, finding that heel towards the sky, bring it back down and around and squeeze out to the side. How are we doing? Good? You really have to kind of think when you're doing mobility or at least I feel like I do. I feel like I think about my hip like a bowl of batter and my leg is the spatula.
That's a really good analogy, Chris, you're really thinking about moving that hip and also maintaining that stability on the opposite side. So you're not dumping in the other direction. You must be hungry. All right, let's see the other side, other direction. So again, find a neutral spine before you even start, you're gonna flex that left foot, reach it high to the sky.
Gaze is neutral spine is neutral. You're gonna bring that knee all the way out to your elbow or as close to your elbow as you can get it pressing away from your, the floor with your palms, rotating it back around all the way up high to this guy. And this might not feel like much while you're doing it, but you should feel mobility and a lubrication in those hips after doing these a couple of times, if this is an easy first round, maybe come back to this and see if you do this once a week, how your mobility might change how things might not feel as tight Coming back towards the center. We're gonna go the opposite direction leading with the knee. You go out to the side, a neutral lift with the knee, pull it across, finding it in the center, bring it all the way back down.
Knee leads out to the side. Core is tight. Don't dump in the opposite hip. Flexor knee leads towards the back. A neutral press away from the floor with your palms one more this direction.
It's really easy to forget about the other side. When you're thinking about that hip. It really is, isn't it? And both knees down again, if you need extra padding, make sure you have it underneath your knees and underneath your foot, you're gonna extend that right leg long all the way up to the side from here. You're gonna rock your booty back towards your heel as far as you can go without feeling any pain, you're gonna rock back forward, rock it back.
So again, everyone's range of motion is gonna look a little bit different feel a little bit different. You should feel a stretch through that inner thigh, right. They're lifting up and lifting back again, moving through every single movement. So it's again different than maybe a cool down or a stretch where you hold positions for a couple of seconds or minutes, depending on what you're doing. God, give me one more and come back towards the center from here.
You're gonna stay nice and neutral. So your knee is right underneath your hip, you're extending that right leg long from here, your right arm is gonna go high to the sky. Open up, rotate through your spine, dropping that right hand to your head. You're gonna twist elbow to elbow, trying to find that spinal rotation, feeling it on the inner thigh, rotate back towards the sky. Elbow goes high to the sky.
Lift your arm towards the sky, bring it back towards your head and rotate again. This is all coming from that spine. You'll feel a little bit of that inner thigh stretch as you're doing it. Let's do one more right here. Twist good and bring both palms back down towards the center.
How about we do the opposite side, pulling that right knee back in the left leg goes along all the way up to the side from here. You're gonna rock your way back. Oh Yeah. See, I feel it a little bit more on one side than the other you think about rocking in those knees and those hips and it's mobility is all about the joints. Right motion is lotion motion is lotion and you might even feel like a little bit of the tops of your toes or your ankles might even feel a little bit of a stretch depending on how tight you are.
So again, if you find a sticky spot, kind of move a round in it, maybe settle on in for a second and then come back to that movement one more, rocking it all the way back, pressing it further and further every single time. Oh Good. Come back towards the center. Left arm is going to reach high to the sky. Lift all the way up, rotate through that spine, left hand behind your head, final t elbow to elbow, reach all the way.
Go ahead, reach back high to the sky. Open up God hand behind your head. Rotate, twist, twist, twist, twist. Are you breathing in through the nose out through the mouth? I know now, friendly reminder, twist gotta rotate back out of the sky and drop both hands down towards the floor.
Good. Right here, we are going to sit on our knees and kind of focus on a little bit of the uh shoulders and the t spine all together. So you're gonna reach those arms right in front of you. You're gonna rotate towards the back, palm faces out. Yep.
And then rotate back towards the front, drive those shoulders down away from your ears. Rotate, twist, this is what they kind of call it t spine rotation. Yeah, you really stuck there. Rotate, twist, well, the ball and socket joints, the shoulders and the hips are the hardest. You know, the hinge joints like moving your wrists, your elbows.
Ok. No problem. But oh man, the hips and the shoulders and the goal on this one too, right is you might not be able to reach right behind you. But as you do this more and more often you will find that your range of motion will become a little bit deeper. So maybe it doesn't go straight behind you and it kind of goes up to the corner if that's all you can do.
Great. Keep rotating one more each side. God right there. Oh Yeah. Roll our shoulders away from your ears.
Good right there, back towards the center. Good. We're gonna come all the way down and we're gonna face this side so that you can see us from the side. Essentially. It's kind of like a push up, but we're gonna be assisted.
Everyone's gonna be on your knees. You can separate your knees or have them really close together. You choose hands right underneath your shoulders. You're gonna come all the way down in a tricep, push up so your elbows are gonna stay tight from here, your feet are gonna stay on the mat, you're gonna reach your arms forward, using that low back extensors reach those arms all the way behind. You kind of making like a little snow position.
Feet. Say on the floor, plant your hands right underneath your shoulders where you are for the push up and not push back up from your knees. Slowly lower yourself all the way down towards the mat. Using a lot of control, reach those arms forward, feet. Say on the mat, now, can you lift a little higher in that low back as you swim around, go to reach those hands underneath your chest and then press back up.
Can we do two more reps just like that? Thank you all the way down. Relax those shoulders. Feet, sit on the floor, press them into the mat, reach those arms forward. Now, back, extensor, squeeze to the back, placing those hands right underneath your chest, push back up, squeeze your butt, squeeze your core and one more all the way down.
Lower yourself, slow, slow, slow, press your feet into the mat. Rachel arms forward, swim yourself all the way around. Squeeze through that little mid back, place those hands back down and lower yourself all the way down. Did we feel that in our low back? Just a little bit?
I always get a foot cramp. So I always end up having to do that with my toes. If that happens to anybody else, we need to figure out your, your feet cramp. All right, from here, you're gonna reach those arms all the way out in front of you. If you haven't in your low back, your feet and your arms are going to lift from the floor, you're in a Y, you're going to pull your hands back behind you into a W position, squeezing your shoulder blades together, you're gonna go back to that Y position and slowly lower yourself back down to the floor.
Inhale, lift yourself off the mat, exhale Y to w you're going to go back to that. Y and slowly lower. My feet are staying on the floor as a modification for this. Love that lift. W squeeze your shoulder blades, reach those arms forward.
Exhale back down to the floor. Inhale. Last one right here. Squeeze, bring your arms to that w position. Can you hold, can you lift a little bit higher?
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, reach those arms back forward and all the way back down to the mat. How did that feel? Oh, great. Oh my goodness. That was hard though.
Right? All right. From here. You're gonna take that right leg. That's for us.
That's facing the front. You're gonna reach the arms out to the side first from here, you're gonna take that right leg into a 9090 degrees and then just tap it to the floor if you can. Oh My goodness. Yep. Hello back.
Really amazing. Good. Trying to keep your shoulders a little bit more squared. Your hips are obviously gonna open and bring it back towards the center, you're gonna do it on the opposite side. Left leg, bring it to a 90 degrees rotate, but you should feel it in your low back.
This should feel pretty good and back towards the center. Dude. The guy right leg comes up. It's like a little floor scorpion type. I feel it in my shoulders too.
It's so beautiful doing it. I don't know that. I look that way, Chris, he said, do you feel it in your shoulders? I do as I press my shoulders into the mat. I love that and bring it back down and around.
We're gonna flip on over to our backs. So we're just gonna do a nice little butt spin and we'll face this direction and we're gonna go into a glute bridge. So laying down on the mat, your feet are right underneath your hips. Spine is neutral from here. You're gonna lift your hips high, squeezing your glutes.
You should feel that glute squeeze and activation. You're gonna bring your palms all the way out to the side first. Keep lifting your glutes. OK? Then we're gonna reach both hands up towards the center right there.
We're gonna drop our right arm down towards the front and then you're gonna keep those hips as square as possible. The arm that's reaching up towards the sky is gonna twist towards the arm that's on the ground without moving your hip. So you, you may not be able to like actually touch the opposite arm. You can see I'm not touching, I'll bring it back towards the sky. That arm that's towards the sky is gonna drop down to the floor.
Opposite arm goes up towards the sky. You rotate, you twist, rotate back towards the sky. Drop that same arm back down to the front. Other arm lifts towards the sky. Can you lift your glutes a little higher twist?
Oh, right there. Back towards the sky. Drop that palm down. Lift the opposite arm high and twist. Don't hold your breath.
Bring it back toward the center. One more each side, lifting that opposite arm high, twist and one more the opposite direction. Hopefully we're throwing some new mobility movements at you today. I know this one's a new one for me. It feels good.
Bringing it back down, bring both palms towards the mat. Drop your glutes all the way down one vertebra at a time. Holy bananas. Yeah, he gloats right and bringing yourself, bring your knees all the way in towards your chest right here. Go ahead.
Now, rotate your knees all the way out to the side and bring it back around and towards the center. Hug it in tight. Open up those hips. Kinda like a little bit of a happy baby. Bring it back around in towards your chest.
One more good knees all the way out to the side. Open up those hip flexors back around. Give yourself a nice big squeeze knees to chest. Li lift your chin to your chest and extend those legs all the way along. Arms are gonna go overhead, reach those arms all the way up towards the sky, chin to chest.
One full body roll up because why not roll yourself all the way up to a seated position, lean yourself forward. A little bit of hamstring stretch for the very end. That should also feel really good on your low back. We did a lot of like spinal rotations. We use our back in those wide t so, so this should feel good to kind of do the opposite and really just let yourself relax forward in that low back, let your shoulders kind of relax, hang heavy and roll yourself all the way back up.
We're gonna face the front to just say, thanks for joining us for that hip, shoulder and spine mobility. Come back and try this 15 to 20 minutes. We got it, we got it done. Thanks for joining.
This is so great to do a couple of times per week. Feels fantastic!