How to Do a Proper Plank
Chris FreytagDescription
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.
Hi, I'm Chris Freytag, and I want to talk about planks today because they are truly one of the best core body strengtheners that you can do. But proper form, as I always say, will give you great results. So let me give you some tips and pointers in a plank. When you come into a plank, you want those hands comfortably on the floor with your shoulders over your wrists. And then, you're going to lift to your toes.
Now, you should be pulling your belly to your spine. Your spine should be nice and long. Neutral neck, don't let your neck hang down. Abs tight, quads engaged, lift your kneecaps and squeeze those quads but, most importantly, squeeze your glutes, if you are not squeezing your glutes you're not doing a proper plank. Hold onto this and keep those abs tight as you breathe.
To modify a full plank, you can drop your knees to the mat, which is just fine, keeping your spine long and breathing. Another modification would be to come into a forearm plank. You can make a fist or place your hands firmly on the mat on your knees, or on your toes. This is a great way to reduce stress to the wrists. Again, keep your abs tight, squeeze your glutes, and practice those planks.
They are a great way to strengthen and tone up the core.
I love doing plank!