How to Make a Delicious and Healthy Muffin in a Minute
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
Many of us are looking for a quick, delicious breakfast that’s protein-packed and will set us on the right track for the rest of the day. But too often, mornings are a hectic time where we’re drawn to quick fixes like coffee shop treats or on-the-go snacks. These give us a short burst of energy but fail to deliver the protein our bodies need to stay energized throughout the day. Don’t crash mid-morning because you ate a bunch of sugar and nothing of sustenance—you don’t have time for that!
Luckily, we’re sharing our favorite recipe for hectic mornings. Coffee shop goodies are often laden with calories and sugar, but this muffin-in-a minute is a flourless, Paleo, gluten-free version that has tons of protein and fills you up for the day. This recipe can also be used as a mid-day snack that won’t weigh you down. It’s so delicious and something we make at Get Healthy U TV at least once a week because it’s so easy and healthy.
Our muffin-in-a-minute is filled with omega 3’s, fiber and tons of protein. All you’ll need is a microwave, a coffee mug, and a few simple ingredients like an egg, baking powder, cinnamon, and more. You can also add in fresh berries for extra nutrients or a touch of sweetness. Watch this short video for yourself and see how easy it is to make a muffin in a minute.
Find the written recipe here!
Delicious/Healthy Muffin for One (or add in additional coffee mugs to make more) ¼ Cup- GROUND FLAX SEED ½ TSP- BAKING POWDER ¼ TSP- STEVIA POWDER (or honey) 1- TSP CINNAMON 1- EGG TSP OLIVE OIL or COCONUT OIL MIX: THEN ADD IN Handful of WALNUTS (if you like nuts) Handful of BLUEBERRIES (or berry of your choice) Mix again and microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds
It's in the microwave right now!! I actually had some ground flax seed on hand and bought blueberries yesterday, it was meant to be! (It's done, and quite tasty!! :) )