Hi, GHU TV. My name is Leah. I'm here with Lindsey today. Hi. We are coming at you with a low impact fusion 2 workout. This is 30 minutes. It's low impact, so we're pretty much gonna stay on the floor, not jumpin, feet aren't leaving the floor. We are gonna use weights. You're gonna see that we have a heavier and a lighter set of weights. We have mats out for a little bit later, and of course, some water. We talked about maybe bringing coffee, but we're gonna stick with water just to keep ourselves hydrated. We're gonna do a really brief warmup and we're gonna get right in to some movement. It's broken up, lower body, upper body. We've got a total body section. We're gonna finish with some core, and the way that we're gonna keep the heart rate up, since we're not jumping, not running, not doing a lot of that high impact cardio stuff, is we're gonna keep moving. So once we get that space set up, get into our warmup. You're gonna keep going the whole entire way until you get to that 30 minute mark. We'll cool things down and send you on your way. You ready to go? I'm ready to go. All right. We're gonna start with a nice wide stance here. Inhale, reach up a high. As you exhale, bend your knees, sink down. Inhale, up. Exhale. Come on back down We're gonna do this three more times. Now you'll notice, Lindsey over here is backing up. She's gonna bring a couple modifications to the table for you. Oh yeah, got lots of modified. Always follow her. No shame in that modify game. Stay up nice and tall. Arms up, pinch forward. Find a flat back. You're gonna stretch through your hamstrings first. Take a full inhale. On your exhale, drop it down. Soft knees, roll it up. We're gonna do that again. Inhale reach up, exhale into that forward fold. Load your hamstrings first, you wanna feel a little stretch, and then exhale all the way down. Knees are soft. Roll it up. This one, we're taking it all the way down to the floor. Reach up Fold forward, whenever you need to, you can release down outta that flat back. Couple bends of the knee, bend and extend. Yeah. Feel the hamstrings kind of warm up. Get into some movement here. Maybe take each bend a little bit deeper. And then for these last two, I'm gonna sink all the way down to where I can gaze forward at the bottom. Last one. Hips up. Walk your hands over to your right ankle. I always like to say, try to open up your chest towards your leg here, rather than just twist or walk your hands. Come back through the center. Walk it on over. Now, if you're not feeling super flexible, it's always fine to just go to your depth and reach towards your shin, towards the thigh. Come back into the center. Bend your knees, hands come on top of your thighs, roll yourself up. Shoulders go back. Let's do a couple hugs. Alternate. This is where I said it before. I like to feel like Michael Phelps. He makes this look a little cooler, but It just feels good. Nice, big open for the upper body. Two more and release out. All right, we're gonna shake it out. Grab your weights. So we're gonna start with a movement. We're gonna add on to that movement, and then we're gonna switch it up and come back. So get into that workout proper. I'm gonna start with my heavier weights. We're gonna get right into some sumo squats. So we're right here. Zero minutes to start. 30 minutes on the clock, down and up. As you turn your toes out, your knees are tracking over your toes. As you go, think about dropping down rather than hinging forward. You can hold the dumbbells however they feel the best. And then go ahead. Try out that rotation here if you need it. Sometimes even holding the heads of the dumbbells like this. When they're pretty heavy I like to keep my hands right here, nice and tight. So as you're working, you should feel your heart rate lift. How are you feeling, Lindsey? These are awesome, sumo squats are my jam right now, so I really appreciate you throwing them into this workout. Always looking out for a friend. We're getting pretty close to adding on. So you're gonna start to set those dumbbells down. Next one, set the dumbbells down. Stand up without them, arms out wide. You're gonna take a windmill lunge side to side. Come back up and then squat down for the dumbbells. Woo. That's one Much bigger range of motion here. Woo. This is where you want to feel that cardio start to kick in. And you're forcing your range of motion, because instead of dropping the dumbbells, you're setting them down. You've gotta squat nice and deep to pick 'em up. Woo. Right. I like that. So this is something that you'll feel your full lower body. Right, you're getting lots of abductor, lots of abductor work all through the quads. I'm feeling it, right? Especially with that wind wheel. Oh yeah. Like that addition. Boom. Arms wide. Now, one option that you have here, we are gonna come back to this movement. If you're ever feeling like you're swinging instead of controlling, you can start to bring your hands to your hips just to test out how it feels to not swing Reach and reach, and then get back into it. Mimic that movement. We've got one more. Boom. Think reach instead of swing Up, down and grab one dumbbell. Leave the other one on the floor. You can get it out of your way. We're moving into some good mornings. This is another familiar movement, I've done these before. You're gonna take the dumbbell behind your head, but not rest it on your neck. So your upper body is strong. Start with your feet. Just hit with knees soft, hinge from your waist and squeeze your glutes to come up Woo. Yes. Love good mornings. They're so fun. Open up those hammies. That's right. Now, if deadlifts are something that are not your favorite, or maybe you need something to warm yourself up before you get to them some days, or maybe you just wanna wake up the entire posterior chain. Good mornings are where its at. Yes, yes. These protect your spine by creating lots of strength for your glutes here. I'm gonna show you from this side. So as you hinge, your hips go back, your shoulders go forward, at the same time, you squeeze your glutes to open your hips at the top. And the one thing that you really wanna avoid letting happen is to let the weight pull into your neck, or to start bending your knees and arching your back. Okay, both of those, turn this into something different. We're gonna start adding on here. We've got two more. Just a good morning. I'm gonna join in with Lindsey Up. Last one. Keep your upper body strong to keep the dumbo where it is. Step your feet wide enough for a squat. Knees stay soft. You're gonna do the good morning again, but you're gonna add on a squat. Boom. With that dumbbell behind your head. Woo, it changes the squat. Yes. How you feel, Lindsey? I love this combination because so often the deadlift or the good morning and the squat get confused so you get both here. So you're seeing the hinge, versus the squat. Yeah. And it's still the posterior chain, right? Oh yeah. You're not changing the main muscle group in general that you're focused on. A lot of times we think front or back, this is all back. However, you're using your glutes in different ways. You're activating the hamstrings. You're lengthening them on the hinge, shortening them as you lift up and squeeze your glutes, pushing your hips forward at the top of the slot. Let's do two more. Nice work. Boom. You've got this. Stay strong in the upper body. Squat it out. Woo. All right. Carefully change over. You're gonna grab those two dumbbells again. Bring them in front, right into the sumo squat. Woo. Feet are wide. Now you've already done this. So notice that your feet are turned out feet are wide, and you're sinking down and up Right here. Check in with your upper body. How lifted you feel right now. That's what you want in the regular spots too, right? Oh yeah. It's harder. Especially with the weights in front of you holding forward And with this belly. So whether you've got a belly that you're working around or just fatiguing in the upper body Right now, even though you're really working in the legs, think about the muscles in your upper back. Try to squeeze them. Pull your shoulder blades towards each other. Open through your chest. That means that you're holding the weights. The weights are not pulling you down, and there's a difference. Yes, keep it going. Nice work. Big squeeze. Let's do two more here. Then we're gonna add on that set down with the dumbbells. Here it is. Last one, staying up This time, put the dumbbells down. Squat, set 'em down. Lift up. Windmill lunges. Boom. Lift. Go get those dumbbells again. Woo. That bigger range of motion right away gets ya. Woo. You've got this at home. As you're lifting up, something that can happen is you'll notice that your knees want to start to collapse forward. So that's where those abductors really get a workout. You're pulling your knees back. I'm gonna turn sideways again. So as you go into your lunges, you'll notice that your toes stay turned out when you head down to reach for the weights, this might happen. What you want is to squeeze back here. Keep your knees pressed open. Same thing on the lunges, but it's much easier to do without the weights. So I'm gonna join in. We've got two more full sets here. Knees pressed open. Knees stay open. Yes. Boom. Boom. Last one through. Pull the knees out, press 'em back. Your reaching down just for one dumbbell here. Squat down to get it. Pull it up. Yes. Nice work. Set the other one off to the side. Two moves and then you're at your first water break. Bring the dumbbell in that nice supportive position. Feet start hip width. Good morning. Hinge. Squeeze. Blow with the hamstrings. Squeeze the glutes. Nice work. Yes. This is one of those moves where I really like to think about the muscles I'm working. I like to think like this is where my butt meets my hamstrings. That's where I'm really focusing on pinching. And mind body connection. There are a lot of exercise modalities that talk about that. It's important in no matter which one you're doing. You wanna match what you're focusing on, what your brain is doing with what you want your body to be doing. This is one of those moves where it's easy to like zone out and just like hinge forward and you're like, well, I don't really feel it. But if you do this right, you will feel this tomorrow in those hammies. And if you do it a little bit lackluster and don't focus Tomorrow you might feel it in your low back. That's true too. We don't want that at all. Right. Your core is strong. We're got three more with a feet hip width apart. You almost wanna think about pulling your navel so tight to your spine. You're creating a girdle for yourself. Not to hold anything in, but to keep your back supported. Lift up, step your feet wide enough that you've got room for a squat. Keep your knees soft again, right back into it. Hinge Lift Squat Stand. Yes. Woo. So I just kept my feet this width, like pretty much the whole time to make room for my belly on that, that hamstring for that hinge forward. But normally, yeah, I take a nice narrow stance. Also, depending on how your hips feel, your squat stands might be a little closer to hip width. It might be a little wider Right, you wanna find what works best for you. At the bottom of the squat. You should still have your chest lifted. Your feet should be able to plant firmly on the floor with your heels holding some weight. So if you're noticing that at the bottom of your squat, you're almost coming up to tippy toes, maybe your heels are staying on the floor, but you don't have any weight in them. Test out a little narrower or a little wider stance and see how that feels. Right, squats should be pain free. There should be, you should start to fatigue. There should be a burn Yes, but no pain in the joints. Let's do two more. Last one. Woo. Lift it up. Squeeze. Set the dumbbell off to the side. We will be hitting the ground after this so take a moment, get some water. Grab a mat if you want it, and I'm gonna switch out to some lighter weights. Now we're getting into the upper body segment. I like it. Water's so good. All right. I'm gonna pull my mat out. We're gonna start with some chest work, just like that lower body section that we just did. You're gonna start with one movement. Then we're gonna add on to it. Completely switch and do the same thing again. Anytime you're working with dumbbells on the floor, as you're getting yourself set, we really wanna think about supporting your body with the dumbbells, especially the heavier that they are. It's easy to throw twos and threes around. When I've got a little bit heavier, I make sure that I keep the dumbbells in nice and close to my body as I roll back. Yeah. Then I can set myself up. Back is flat. Feet can go about hip width apart flat. Start with your arms, nice and wide. Elbows soft. You're gonna press right up, squeeze in, and then fly open. Woo. Right away. Digging into the chest, yes. Feel those pecs. Now as you focus chest fly. Yes. As you focus on the chest, don't forget about the core. Right? Actually, think about pressing through your abdominal muscles. Holding your upper body stable. Right, the floor is gonna help hold you in place cuz it's not going anywhere. But you gotta pretend like if the floor dropped out from under you, you would be so strong, your body would stay in this position. Awesome. Think about connecting the weights without crushing them together. That forces you to squeeze and control all the way to the center. All the way open. Two more just like this. So we're adding on. Last one. All right. Next one takes a little extra. Go out, squeeze together, connect the weights, then drop them towards your forehead. Press back up through your triceps. Yeah, little skull pressure action. Get into it That's right. And since we're not stopping, you're really keeping that heart rate lifted. Right? It might not be as high as interval training will get it, but boy, can I feel it. Whew. Push yourself to use those heavier weights too. You can always switch them out for lighter ones after a few reps. Whoa. All right. Okay, We got three more of these and then we're gonna flip over to everybody's favorite. Two more. Yeah. Lindsey knows whats coming Right? Push it in. Then the arm. This is the last one. Big open arms fly and close triceps bend to load them. Squeeze to contract them. Set the weights down. Bring yourself up. We're gonna flip right over. Take the dumbbells with you. We're gonna use the dumbbells for pushups. Your hands are gonna be on the dumbbells. Now I'm gonna give you a choice. If you prefer nice and narrow pushups. You can keep the dumbbells in this angle here. That's gonna be more focused on your triceps. If you want a little bit more focus on the chest Angle the dumbbells out at about 45 degrees. So it's gonna look a little more open. You're gonna grab them with your hands Step yourself back to a plank or come to your knees and you're just gonna do some pushups here. Go in. Press all the way up Down. Press up. You'll know it's time to drop to your knees when this starts to happen. The Arial pushup, right under the sea, when she's coming up from the rock. Right? When you start dipping and driving up that way, it's time to drop to your knees, reengage your core, and get back into it. Woo. You were headed for some renegade rolls. We're gonna do two more. Just the pushups. Lindsey's hanging out on her knees. I can see that she's still completely controlled through her spine. Get ready to add on. We're gonna do a pushup, renegade roll on each side. Pop back to your toes to try the first one. Push it up. Pull. Ooh, I took the mat with me. Pull And down. Up. Pull And pull. Now your hips are gonna sway a little bit, but you really wanna try to avoid doing this right? You're gonna fire up your oak leafs. That's gonna keep you in place. You can always do pushups on the knees. Hop up to your toes. Grow. Grow Knees for the pushups. That's a great option that I love to take when I'm not pregnant because this is still a really challenging exercise. Always, the last one. The more pushups you do, the more you get fatigued. And I gotta tell you, that's a limiting factor for me. All right. Knees down. That's your upper body section. If you're gonna flip over, do the same thing. Remember what I said about the weights Use them close to your body as you roll down. Then they're in place. Open it up nice and wide. Feet planted. Press your feet down, keep your core tight. Squeeze the weights up and center, and then let them fall open. So another thing that I'm gonna point out, flies are different than presses. So a press, you're pulling your elbows down, almost to 90 degrees with the elbow joint, and then you're pressing up almost like an upside down pushup Flies are different. You're opening wide. You're squeezing in almost like you've got a ball that you're trying to give a big hug to and it changes the work. So make sure you're noticing the difference. Go back to that mind body connection we talked about earlier. This is where you start to fatigue, right? I mean this combination, holy chest. Next one, we're adding the tricep extension. Go into that skull pressure, squeeze the weights together to touch, bend the elbows Push it up. Woo. I am feeling the fatigue. Right, trust on fire. Love it. Just know you're out of this and you're standing up after you get those pushups done the second time through. Woo. We've got three more of these. Nice work you guys. Hang in and hang in. These last three should be challenging. If they're not, that means heavier weights, right? That's right. It sure does. That's another way you can listen to your body too. You never wanna feel like your workouts are easy. Even if the movements are simple, they should still be challenging. There you go. Set the weights down, roll it up. Flip on over. You know what's coming here. Basic pushups first. Then we're adding the renegade rows. Here we go. And just like that, we're getting close to the halfway point of the workout. Yes, you can. I'm actually starting right on my knees here. I know I'm fatigued, and I want my form to stay nice and strong. If you're on your knees, think about what feels better for you. Sometimes toes on the floor, sometimes really tucking in Big bend in the knees feels better and that depends on your own body and your own joints. Another option you always have is to elevate so your hands are higher and you can put your dumbbells up onto a box. You can take your hands to a couch, to a chair. Woo. Push it up. Right? Holy bananas. Holy bananas. This next one is the renegade row. You've got it. We're gonna push up. Row Row Set it back down. We've got time to do five of these total. That was two. Boom. Push it up. Hold. Hold. Two more. Hop up to the toes if you can on the rows Yes. Got it. Last one. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Let's go. Pull Set it down. Oh yeah. Woo. High five on that one. Nice work. That's right. All right. Get everything out of the way. We're standing back up and you have some time for some more water. We're gonna get the mat out of the way. We're gonna start a little total body, total body, little coordination circuit, actually here. So you're gonna have the dumbbells in one hand to start. I like to recommend the heavier dumbbells, because with a total body, you're not as focusing on your upper body. You're using your lower body to propel it. Right? So you're gonna start with the weight right hand up at your shoulder. Your feet are gonna be about hip width apart, maybe a little bit wider. You're gonna bend your knees without sending them forward. You're just gonna bend, blow the glutes and then squeeze the glutes to press up overhead. Go ahead and join in Down. Push press. Cool up. So this is gonna get into your shoulder a little bit. Heck yes. But your shoulder's not the one that's doing the full push. Woo. You want your glutes, you want your hips. Move it. Boom. Press. I even get a little lift of the heels on the way up. Oh yeah. They pop off the ground. Little pop. Yep. Go. All right That's two Three more Come on. Come on. Two. Last one and then the dumbbell goes down. You're staying on the same side. We only are doing this entire section one time. So this is it for this side. You're gonna pull the dumbbell off of the ground with your legs. You're gonna pull your elbow up and punch up overhead Faster. It looks like this. Yeah. So these are dumbbell snatches. Boom. You're really pushing off of both feet, but you're gonna feel a little more push through your opposite foot The foot that the weight is not in. You wanna drive that down so that you stay centered instead of heaving to one side or the other. Woo. Again, I find my heels pop off the ground here, so I'm using that power to explode up, right. Yes. It's almost like you'd be prepping to do a big broad jump. That's how far and fast you're opening your hips, but you're not jumping. You're just using that power. Keep a low impact. And I'm modifying here. I'm not tapping the ground. My range motion is a little limited, so I'm just going to the point where I can. about the chin cap area This is your last one. Push. All right. Switch the dumbbell. Become a little bit narrower. Bring it up to your shoulder. Right into it this time. Knees bend. Press through to push up overhead. Now I'm gonna show you from the side what I was meaning when I said, don't send your knees forward. When you bend your knees, your hip should stay right over your ankles. If you let your knees fall forward, you start to lift your heels, you lose power, and your low back isn't supported. So it's bend, push and press. Bend and squeeze the glutes. Push and press. All right, three more. Nice work. Getting that full lock out Boom. Set the dumbbell down. Get ready for those snatches. Same arm, see if you can go a little wider. Pull through the backside of your body to bring that weight up. It stays close to the body, so your elbow kind of leads on the way up. Think shoulder, elbow, pull. Yes, right. Quick and powerful. Boom. And almost like you're catching the weight at the top. Locking out in this position is also strengthening your joints, right. Sometimes we gotta keep the joints soft. This one, lock your arm at the top. Three more Powerful moves that raises your heart rate Two One All right. We gotta get the other dumbbell. We've got a flow. It's gonna feel a little bit like a slowdown burpy. We're a little bit like a man maker, woman maker. If you're you familiar with those, we're a little bit like a yoga flow. Your dumbbells are gonna be down. You're gonna bring your hands to the dumbbells. Step your right foot back to a lunge. This is your choice. You can keep the dumbbell and row. You can open up, empty hand. Step back to a plank. Push up Down Up. Only one before you switch. Right foot comes forward, open or dumbbell row, your choice. Feet come together. Keep the dumbbells. Stand it up. Join in here. Right foot back, big open, and close. Step it back, push up, step the right foot forward. Switching sides. So I'm gonna alternate opening and rowing with the dumbbells each rep. So this next one, I'm gonna pull the dumbbell with me. Right foot back, pull, Push Down. Bend, press the push up. Yes. Whew. Step the feet in. Take your gaze forward as soon as you can. We're gonna do two more full sets. Row, boom, step it back. Push up. Remember your modifications. Boom. Pull, feet down. Gaze forward. Squeeze the glutes to come up. Last time through. I'm going through a big open with the chest, big reach, back down, push up, Down Up. Right foot forward. I'm opening. I'm closing. Feet forward. Squeeze and lift. Yes. Time to set these big, heavy dumbbells down. You're gonna grab your mat, grab a little bit of water. You are on your mat for the rest of this workout. You're so close. We got some core to do. Nice work, you guys. I've got a little smiley face in the top of my water bottle. I don't know if you can see it, but every time I take a sip, I feel a little bit happier about my Monday. All right. All right. Lets get the mats out. Once we're on the floor here, again, you'll notice that Lindsey's gonna take some modifications, especially when we're on the front side. Follow her if the position that I'm in is not feeling comfortable for you, you don't have to be pregnant to take a modification, right They're useful for pregnancy, but they're useful for so many other things. So we're gonna get into this core work in a plank position, stepping the feet into tabletop. So first thing you'll do is set your hands just a little wider than your shoulders. That's your anchor for the top part of your body. If you go back to a plank, and then imagine that I'm setting a whole tray of breakfast on your back, you're gonna keep it there. Then you're gonna step your feet in. Go for 90 degree bends in your knees, and then step back out. So take a peek at Lindsey for the modification. She's still using the same muscle groups, right This is all about core, lots of work for the front side of the body. Right, your abdominals are pulling up. As you step in, quads on fire, I can feel it right away. Boom. You're even pushing through the floor with your palms. Same muscles that you used in the pushup, but they're a little less active. You're not moving through that strength. You're just using it to stabilize. Yes. We're gonna do two more steps after this. Take step in, In Back Back Step in hold and set your knees down. You're ready to flip onto your belly. So this is where Lindsey's gonna stay in this tabletop position. I'm gonna come all the way down to the floor. Reach all the way forward. You're gonna squeeze and lift through the muscles of your back. Then use your lats to pull your elbows down, press back up overhead, squeeze, pull and press. You're not holding a single weight here in this position. I promise you, your body weight is plenty here. Yes. Now, if you wanna make it a little more challenging, think about your legs. They might be a little wider than hip width. Chances are, they probably are. You can bring them in a little narrower. Rotate, truly to parallel, so the tops of your legs are pointed straight down. Hamstrings up to the ceiling. Ooh. Feel that extra squeeze. Right? You got two more. Pull slow. Press up. Last one Last press. Then you're gonna flip over onto your back side. This is your last movement. We're gonna have time to do this core, two times through. Have a seat. You can start with your feet, hip width apart in parallel. Extend one leg up into the air. I'm starting with the right leg in the air. You're gonna crawl up your leg to your foot. You'll crawl up. Two, three, try four steps. Crawl back. Two, three, hands to your head, like switch. Switch, switch, switch. Switch sides, left leg up, crawl up, boom, to the top. Walk it back to the bottom. Switch, switch, switch, switch. Now Lindsey's got the modifications going. Remember, you can go all the way up. You could go just as high as you can without losing the control in the core. You could also start high and stay high, right. You can start up at the top and stay a little bit higher instead of coming down to the floor. Push Push Push Push. One more each side, roll it up. Fingertips as light as you can. You're just guiding yourself up your leg. Instead of gripping for dear life, you want to say just walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. Last one, switch. Switch Switch Switch Hug it in. Roll it over. Woo. Play tabletops into Supermans, into those crunches, and then we're cooling down. Last set, last set. You've got this plank position stepping in, in, in. Back Back. Now your elbows are soft. I like to talk about planks like they are ready for a pushup at any time, even though you're not gonna drop into that pushup, you wouldn't be surprised by one if it popped up, right? Woo. Lindsey, how you feeling? Good. I love these core moves You can still do so much core. Yes. Core is so much more than what we think of like crunches, right? Yeah. You'll use your core for way more than crunches. Oh, yeah. This is what's gonna stabilize you through your full day. Two more steps forward, step it back. This one, step forward and stay knees down. Make your way down to the front side here. Reach long. Remember like narrower for more of a challenge, squeeze to lift. Pull your lats. Reach up overhead. So your lats are big muscles that run all the way through your back. They're a pretty large muscle group, but you'll notice them down the sides of your torso, and they attach down here almost like a upside down triangle, and you're using that big muscle group to squeeze and pull your arms down towards your sides. Boom. A lot of lat engagement can help with a lot of back issues Right? I love this because typically in group fitness or these, these at-home, dumbbell workouts, you don't get a lot lateral flexion. Boom. You got two more. Last one, pull. Reach it out, and then press yourself up to spin over. You know, this is it. You got that crawl up the legs Start low leg up in the air. Now, if you're a little tight in the hamstring, you can still crawl up with a bent leg. I'm gonna show that here. I realize not everybody that works out has a dance background, right? So sometimes we got tight hamstrings. You can work on that flexibility here with this move as well. Boom Boom, boom. But you don't have to lock your knee out, right? That straight leg is accessible to some of us. Everybody else, bend the knee. That's fine. Ooh, a little Game of thrones reference. Woo. Back it up. We're gonna do one more on each side. How you feeling, Lindsey? Good. I love it. I love this leg climb. That leg climb is like my favorite core exercise now that I'm pregnant It builds in range of motion that ordinarily you might not get. It forces you, a little bit higher, forces you to go all the way down. Last switch, Switch Switch Switch. Tuck your knees in. Give yourself a little hug here. Relax down on the floor. It's time to breathe it out. Woo. However, you need to get yourself up to a seated position. Turn and face your screen. It's time to cool down. You can find a position where your legs feel the most comfortable. We're gonna start with the upper body, and then finish stretching the legs. Sit up nice and tall. Reach your right arm up high. Give yourself a little wave, and then drop your hand to reach back behind you. Once you've done that, you can grab your elbow Step by step. You're lifting, you're side bending, and then applying a little bit of pressure to that grip where it is right at your elbow. This way, you're stretching instead of simply bending or moving There's a little difference there. Right back to that mind body connection. Lift up, switch it down. Reach your left arm up. Drop your hand. Right there you've gotta stretch in your tricep. You're gonna increase the stretch by gripping your elbow, staying long, crunching up and over. So that stretch should now travel down your triceps, down your side. Woo. Yes. Feels very nice. Lift yourself up. We're gonna do it across the front of the body. Bring your right arm forward and across. You can grab above or below your elbow. Just avoid your joints, and as you stretch across, send your shoulder down. Ooh, a little extra push down of the shoulder always makes a difference for me. Shake it out. Switch sides. Reach forward, across. Avoid the elbow. Pull your arm. Once you feel stretched, actively, press your shoulder down. Oh, yeah Right? This feels so good. I took a plane yesterday, so I'm like, I need a good stretch. Loosen up. I'm about to get on a plane. It's travel week here. All right. Send your legs straight forward. So we're gonna get into the legs. You did a lot of work in the back of the legs today, so don't neglect that stretch. Now, if you want, you can take your legs a little bit wider. I'm gonna keep mine straightforward in front. Start by just flexing your feet. We're just gonna pull your toes back towards you, reach your arms forward, and then start to bring yourself into a stretch. Yes, right here, I can already feel my calves are stretching, my hamstrings are stretching. I'm gonna set my hands down, relax my feet, and then walk forward until I can't go any further, drop my head. This is how you know you're at your deepest stretch You do a step by step. You get there and you breathe. One more big inhale here. As you exhale, collapse a little bit further, and then start to walk your hands back, roll yourself up. You're going to roll your shoulder blades up and back. Chin and chest lift. Ah. Take a nice big breath. If you want more stretching, I encourage you to go ahead, check out some of the stretch videos, or just hang out here, do some of your own. But that's time. Woohoo. That's done. 30 minutes and done Awesome work today, everybody come back and join us. There's more low impact fusion. There's more workouts in general. We'll see you soon at GHU TV.
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