Move Better Mobility 1
Sam CameranesiDescription
Regular mobility work will help you improve the quality of your everyday movements, enhance recovery, and can help prevent injuries. Use this as a stand-alone workout for proactive joint health and better everyday mobility.
Also try our 10-minute Mobility Workout to tack onto the end of another workout or our Chair Mobility and Stretch workout.
Level: All levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hey, hey, get healthy, you TV squad. I'm Sam. Cam. And we have move better mobility today. I've got the lovely Chris I take with me.
Hello. Hello and Shannon, how are you f are we got move better mobility? You can do this workout before another workout. You can tack it on to the beginning of your workout or you can also do it at the end. It is going to be 20 total minutes of like just feeling good with your body or you could do the stand alone also.
Absolutely. That's what I'm gonna do that once a week, right? We're going to hold each other kind of us. So all you need is a mat. If you would prefer nothing else, just your body weight and we're going to get right to it in an athletic chance your feet or shoulder with distance apart.
We're going to start from the head all the way down to the body and hopefully after these 20 minutes, you just feel good and ready to move. All right. Are we ready? Ready? We're going to start from the next.
So all you're gonna do is turn your head to the side and then go to the other side. So this seems really easy. But I wanna see how far you can actually turn your head. Now create fist in your arm and then press down and create some tension. But keep your shoulders squared and then try and really crank that neck as far as you can go.
So it make it a little bit harder, right? So if you feel good, can you turn it just a little bit further, one more each side? Really? Getting the neck ready to work back towards the center? Keep those hands pressing down, your hands are in a fist.
Now, we're gonna tilt side to side. You go all the way down to the right up and over to the left is anyone else's neck just kind of like crash. And honestly, I don't have a whole lot of mobility that yes. Right. That changes Sam.
That's ok. Right. So we should be doing this right. So it should be a little bit uncomfortable, but you should not feel any pain. So go to your range of motion and again, it does not look the same as ours.
That's ok. And you'll notice all three of ours might be a little different. Last one. Each died. Got one more, but relax those fists.
Now, I'm gonna make a fist with my right arm. So you're gonna press down, bring it all the way up in front of you right in front of that shoulder and you're gonna roll your shoulder up, back down and then forward, up, back down. This is for the shoulder blade, but you want to keep your shoulders squared. So what you don't want to do is like, turn your shoulder, just keep them nice and squared all the way. Press it forward up away from the ear, press it down and then shoot it forward.
Last one good right there. Switch arms, drop that arm, raise the opposite arm, straight front, relax those shoulders, press them in. Now you press it forward up, back down and then make it one continuous function. OK? So it feels super easy.
But I want you to actually create some tension with that hand in your fist and then reach that opposite arm down. So those shoulders stay square. I think we forget that our body is a series of joints. You know what I mean? Right.
And mobility is where those two joints come together. This is, this is already, I love it. Right. Right. One more two minutes in, I love it.
Good. Good. Relax those arms. We've done this before. Just circle one arm at a time to the back right there.
So again, making this a little bit longer of a lover good. Right there. One more each side right here. One than the other. Good.
We're gonna take that right arm. Same thing. We're gonna move a little bit slower. You're gonna take your thumb, raise that arm all the way up, thumb goes to the sky as you reach right towards your head, you're gonna flip that thumb to the opposite direction. Now your thumb points down as far as you can and now your pinky is facing the back.
Now you lead with the thumb as far as you can now rotate so that it faces the opposite direction right towards your be, whatever that is, I'm like, what's that body part? Good thumb leads all the way up. Keep the shoulders squared right there. Now, flip your thumb to the opposite direction all the way down. Keep those shoulders squared, thumb faces the sky.
Now the thumb leads again as far as you can, then you have to flip as soon as that no longer feels comfortable. Can we do one more? Nice and slow? You're moving through everything today flip, keep those shoulders square to the front. So it comes right by your side.
Thumb leads. So you no longer can you flip back towards the sky? Other arm, let's go. How does it feel? Awesome?
Those shoulders squared, your thumb faces the sky some leads. Then you flip when you no longer can and you'll notice that every single one of us is probably gonna flip at a different timing, right? So if you have a little bit more shoulder mobility, you might be able to keep it in that direction a little longer or reach straight back. If this is not comfortable. You can reach out to the side a little bit more until you find that full range of motion.
Can we do one more right there? Cut flip square your shoulders, athletics, dance thumb leads. Oh, right there. Good. Take those arms all the way wide.
You're going round through your spine, but right there, bend those knees and then open up, press those arms back, press them down and open up, round it forward, open up, clash those hands. Chest opener around through, that's fine. A couple more. Open it up, clap. Press down, open that chest two more round, open, press it down, open that chest one so great.
Open up, press those arms down. Good cat cow for that back. Same thing but a little different. Drop your hands to your quads round through that spine. Pull the belly button in race to the top.
Come all the way back down hands. Your quads got to run through. That's fine. Warming every single joint up in the body. It's good right there.
Moving through it. How about two more? OK. I'll do. All right.
Do you want a couple more? Say so if you say so good, roll it down, roll it back up, good feeling good in the upper body a little bit. Loving it. OK. We're gonna do hip circles, not the normal hip circles quite yet.
You're gonna have your hands, they can kind of go wherever you're gonna stick your pelvis. Forward, you're gonna hinge, stick your butt out to the back, roll those hips and it's all about the hinge, right? So you press those t forward. If there's an uncomfortable spot. Can I hang out in it for a second?
Pre those t out h literally a hip circle. Yes. We're getting ready for the sub tonight. I'm thinking of like taking my hips and wiping the inside of a mixing bowl. Right?
Like we actually, oh, there you go. Oh little hula. And I have like right here is like where it really feels good for me. So again, like if you need to hang out there for a second, hinge at the hip, take the booty back one more this direction and then guess what? We gotta go the other direction.
I'll take that, I'll take it. All right. So center it up, you're gonna stick those hips out other direction hinge. So you should feel like that good morning, that dead lift position now, stick your hips forward and hinge good right there. I kind of like that.
Like I was in a bowl of like ice cream. I just along the sides inside of a mixing bowl. Well, you know, my favorite saying motion is whenever you move around all of a sudden it starts to lubricate the joints, you feel better. Absolutely. Got one more in this direction right here.
Oh, but now we're going to go to that regular hip circle. So we're going to stay on the right side the entire time. So you're going to ground through that left leg. This is going to require some balance. So you need to hang on to something, a wallet chair, by all means, grab it from here.
You're gonna take that right leg all the way up to like a 90 degree position from here. This is all about hip mobility flexibility, open it up, then you're going to drive from the knee, you're going to lead to the back and bring it down. Opposite direction. You take it back with the knee. Rotate out to the side.
A lot of balance required to the front and back right here. Got the thing on the right side. Grounding through the left, open up through the hip, make sure those T A square in the lead with the knee rotate back down good right there. If you want to maintain that for balance, the rotate out this, I took it under, rotated back to the front back down. Can we do to more this side right here?
Open up first. Hit stay square. But then you go up and over. Find that balance drowning through that leg. Hips comes over in the ankle.
Lauren. How are we doing? Oh, yes. I'm focusing on that balance. Yeah, this is a tough one.
They're really silent back there. We, we're focused. I like focus right there. Come on, kick it back me out as soon as you get to the side, tuck it under. There we go.
Good. Check it out. Lots of balance on that left or that right side balance is humbling and it is, you know, you go. Whoa, I really got to think. Good ground that right leg onto the floor.
This time, we're taking that left knee up towards the center. So keep those hips under. As soon as you can no longer go, you're gonna lift that knee, rotate it back. Find that balance, neutral. Yeah.
Who take it back? Now, knee lifts out to the side, tuck it, tuck it good. Squeeze. Hands can be on your hips. They can be out in front of you.
You can grab on to something. Wow. And controlled is the name of the game. Honestly, slower is harder than if we were moving quickly. Oh, absolutely.
And with mobility, you're gonna really feel everything like kind of tighten up and then loosen and lengthen, right? So there's a lot happening, but you really want to think about actually contracting the right muscle groups and really feeling that hip squeeze. You should feel both sides one more this direction. So you feel the right side as it's grounded, the left hip as it rotates good right there. Last one.
Oh I need more of this in my life. Who go check it out? How do we feel? Awesome. All right, you're gonna come into your squat position.
So as I said, we're gonna move through everything. You're gonna come all the way down into your squat. And from here, all I want you to do is shift over to your right side and left leg goes straight. So it's not like a full lateral one. You're just going to move back towards the center.
Press up fully squeeze to the top. Come back down to your squat. From here you take the arms, you shift over but back to the center. Low squat slow to stand. Come on down right here.
You switch. Yeah. Right. Like those left leg straightens. Now try the other side.
Left leg stays bent. You shift your weight over, you use your core and your back to twist. Love that. Yeah. So it's like upper body.
Twist back towards the center. I'm like it hot. Anyone else? Body is warm? Yes.
Right. Got a chef and slowly come the skin one more each side because we can shift your body. You should feel those hips. Oh Yeah. And your back and the glutes maybe in that squad holding it in the center right here.
Good squeeze and hold. Lift up halfway all the way down to your full range of motion halfway up all the way down. But 43 were coming to the floor. One just bring yourself all the way down to your knees. You're in a quadruped position.
So your hands are right underneath your shoulders and I want you to actively the entire time press away from the floor. So you're actually pressing away from the floor. You're gonna take that right leg to a donkey or like that 90 degrees from here, you're gonna rotate your knee towards that shoulder towards the elbow. Squeeze. Now round and press up all the way to the center and right back down, press high 90 degrees.
Now rotate, rotate, rotate, bring it into your shoulder, then your elbow, press away from the floor back around. Hello hips. Oh baby. Anyone else? Totally.
Exactly. Press away and keep moving. So you go 90 degrees. Rotate through the hip to the elbow to the knee through the center. And anyone else who in a little bit of court?
Oh Yeah. Oh Yeah. Trying not to sag my low back. I'm really gripping a lot to focus on one more. Let your waves on the floor.
Good right there. Find the center cat cow. Drop your belly, lift your gaze right there around through that sign. Press away from the floor. Hello back.
Drop your belly. Lift your gaze wrong. That's fine. One more in pull that belly button in, find a neutral position. Now, actively press to the floor.
Left leg leads this time. Here we go. You press up, hold, rotate through the knee. You come all the way need to elbow, same elbow, same knee, bring it all the way around. Then you bring it towards the center, press away from the floor and you do it all again, all the way up, rotate, rotate, rotate, press up up, up and around.
Honestly, mobility is like kinda hard to talk through because you have to focus on so many things and your entire body is active here. Press away from the floor. You got it one more bolted in the center. Absolutely. No easy way to transition.
But we're gonna go to a butterfly. It's, I'm gonna come all the way down to your butt. The soles of your feet are gonna be together to start. I want you to press those hands behind you and the easier to make it easier, you're gonna sit closer to your legs to make it harder. You're gonna come away and your fingertips are gonna point towards the back and you're just gonna open up that chest good right there.
So fingertips should be facing away from your butt to make it easier. Your butt gets closer to your hands to make it harder. Walk your butt forward, 344, three to walk your hands towards your butt. This time, one, walk yourself up to sit right here. So now we're going to move through it.
You're going to bring your right hand down. Left arm goes up and over. You're going to tilt up and over, but back towards the top and then the opposite hand goes the other direction towards your head, press your head down, switch arms up and over, reach elongate. Then that side body stretch up and over hand goes to your head, press that back down, adding a little bit of extra resistance. This time sit up, then you lift, tilt it over hits are squared and they're really not moving it up tall.
Press that head extra resistance for that neck. One more T squeeze back towards the center at resistance right here. For the next 321 come back towards the center. This time that right arm is going to lead all the way up, sit up tall. Then you find that T body stretch, come back to the center head presses just slightly.
But if you want to go a little further, the hand goes, can go out a little further to provide a little bit more of that side body stretch. How we doing? Awesome. Last one, stretch it over. Say party green 321 right here.
We're gonna come to all fours. We're gonna face this direction and come to a high plank shoulder, sat down c A wrist option to take it from your knees. But we're just gonna flow through this. We're in a high plank and you press those tips high down dog 4321, high plank for two, press your hips high for it to come down and press high. Hi plank down dogs two more moving through those shoulders and the core, last one come back to that high plank and hold.
But from here, we're gonna take that right for our actual right foot and step it forward to a runner's lunch position. But right there from here, I want you to take that handle on top of your knee on top of that quad and you're just gonna shift your knee out and in, out and in. Right. So option to drop the back knee if you ever need, you're just moving that hip joint around that knee around just a little bit three, two and I'll show them on one hand goes behind your head. You're gonna open up that chest elbow to elbow.
Final twist, rotate and open. You're holding this runners lunch position good right there. Squeeze one more right here, rotate and open. But from here, drop both hands back down. You're gonna come down, bring that back knee down to the floor.
Lift your chest hands, go to your quads and your hips forward. Press that hip forward by squeezing that back, booty, sink yourself all the way back, press that front leg straight close to the sky. Hips back and press yourself forward. Lift your chest off, send that hip forward and press it back. Front leg goes straight to towards the sky.
Feel that hamstring good. Press it forward. You should feel that front hip flexor right here. Yes. And then that front straight leg and that hamstring give me one more but press it back behind that hamstring.
321 from here. I want you to go to a 99 you're going to bring this front leg to a 90 degree position back. Like to that 90 degree position. I want you to try to sit up on top of the 10. If you can, if you can kind of roll back just a little bit from here.
Hand, go forward, you're going to lead with the need. So you're going to draw that knee towards the sky as you keep that friendly, leading towards the sky, you're going to open up towards the center. You're gonna try and keep those heels grounded. You're gonna rotate over to the other 9090. Now, option here if hands here too much, drop your hands behind you, you support me first back, first, front, knee open and then you rotate.
Ok. So I want you to do this mobility routine a couple times. You might start with your hands back here. That is absolutely a OK. That's totally normal.
What you want to try and do is keep your hips, your shoulder, sorry, stacked on top of your hips and try not to lean backward. How are we doing ladies? Good. I put my hands down or I lean too far back. Yep.
Hold it right here on this side. Good. Great. Plant those hands down. We're gonna come to all fours because it's just easier to transition left leg forward, right me back by a runner's lunch position.
Pop that back to up if you're ready. But now move that front me out and in on your own pace. And it's just again, adding a little extra resistance for that body good. Hold it in that regular neutral position. Hand behind your head.
Open up spinal twist, elbow to elbow, you twist as far as you can holding that runners lunch position and then using that back and quarter rotate good. This is just like your thread, the needle, but a different way to do it right elbow to elbow good. We're almost there. How are we doing? Good?
We gotta do everything on both sides. Last one good. Come back towards the center plant, both palms when you're ready. If you're ready, acne drops, lift your chest hands to your quads, press your hips forward, squeeze your gloats right here. This is that first little stretch and you're going to come up, sit yourself back from like go straight to, to the sky that your head back as far down as you can go.
Your butt might not touch your heels, come back up, find neutral, then press your hips forward, bread, press it back to, to this guy. But we're moving through that hip flexor and hamstring on actually the opposite side. Good back, hip flexor, front hamstring, send yourself back right there. Good. Give me one more pass through, send your hips forward and press the back.
You got it right there. But coming on to your butt from here, swinging one knee into your chest, a little hamstring to finish. So you're going to take one arm underneath that leg doesn't matter what leg, opposite hand goes on top. And then I like to grab onto my bicep. You're going to straighten your leg and then bend as straight as you can get it.
Now, if that is like way too much hands go behind, you try to keep lifted, but if you want to add a little bit resistance, it's right there. Good. So you bend and extend, hold for a second and then bring it right back down. Does anyone else feel that hamstring? I sure do.
OK. We're gonna do you a little shake. A little shake is good. Good. Give me one more.
Hold it at the top. Here we go. Now, release those hands and f for a 321 slowly send it down. Hello? Hi.
Flexors switch legs. Go grab underneath the other hand goes on top. I like to grab the opposite bicep. Lift your chest if you can. Otherwise hands behind here is totally OK.
You kick it up and resist it down. Did we hear some cracking back here? That was me. Cracking is normal mobility in the joints right? Last little stretch right here.
Come on. And I hate to say stretch because we're not really holding. We're like being mobile. Good. How are hamstrings?
Oh, my feeling I could do like another 10 minutes for the lower body, but maybe we'll have to do another one. Last one. You kick it high and you hold, hold real li arms all four, three, grip your quad two and one. Send it forward, stretch those legs out. Long reach those arms all the way overhead.
Lift yourself up and over. Alright. That was move better mobility. I love it. Do we feel better that I do feel better?
Oh, I need this like I said daily or weekly, daily. So good to do at the beginning of a workout. If you're like, I just need a couple extra minutes to like actually warm up my body. Please yourself. Bring yourself all the way up, bring your feet in.
If you need a couple extra minutes, we do have more yoga. We do have more stretching if that is something that you need, otherwise you're ready to do your workout or maybe this is all you had time for it. Thanks for joining us getting that body. Those move uh those joints ready to move. Thanks for joining ladies.
Thank you.
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