Quick Cardio Kickboxing Routine
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
Kickboxing is an amazing total-body workout that not only burns calories, but leaves you feeling powerful and strong. Chris will guide you through a quick warm up to get you started in this cardio kickboxing routine. This will wake up your muscles and prepare you for the high-energy workout ahead. You’ll do some squats and a boxer shuffle as she shows you the proper stance and form to take during the workout. Chris will remind you to stay light on your feet and keep your abs engaged throughout this cardio kickboxing routine.
You’ll perform basic kickboxing moves like uppercuts, jabs, and kicks as Chris leads you through each series of movements, interspersing squats and other bodyweight moves to give you a full-body workout. You’ll do front and back kicks that target your glutes and leg as well as cross-punches and squat kicks that get your heart rate up and work your total body. You’ll also try some cardio kickboxing moves like the speed bag and bob and weave.
Combining light plyometric work with kickboxing go-to’s and bodyweight moves, this quick cardio kickboxing routine will torch calories and make you feel stronger than ever. On days when you’re pressed for time, this quick routine is the perfect workout to squeeze in first thing in the morning or over your lunch break; or add this cardio kickboxing routine on to some of our other at home workouts for women.
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.
Hi, I'm Chris Freytag and I have a quick cardio kickboxing workout for you. Even in five to 10 minutes, we can get our heart rate up, we can feel empowered and feel good about ourselves. So let's just start by rolling our shoulders back. You wanna loosen up that upper body. Good, relax your neck.
Go the other direction. Awesome, and then we're just gonna do a couple hip circles to warm ourselves up. Just wake up your hip flexors and your legs. You got it? Good, now let's squat down and up right here.
Just finishing up a quick warmup. Get that lower body, ready to move. Two more, awesome boxer shuffle. So light on your toes, you always wanna be light on your feet. You got it?
Hands in guard that's what we do in kickboxing. You're protecting your chest and your chin right here. Last four, All right, jumping jacks. Here we go. Jack it out.
Now, you can always pick the low impact version. You can go side to side. That's up to you, right here. Good, just a couple more. Getting our heart rate up a little bit.
Four, three, two, now punch it front. It's right and left. Now when you punch some side, when you punch you wanna lean into that punching bag and release. Always bring your elbows back in towards your rib cage, protecting that chest and chin. They're called your boxer face eyes up, chin down.
Right there. Now, speed it up right here. Just pick it up. It doesn't matter which arm you're on. It doesn't really matter.
Just reach, reach. You got it. Last four and three. We're gonna go to a hook. Start with your right arm this time, right and left.
Now this comes to the side of their face. Boom, right there. Bring it up right there. Contract that muscle. We're gonna go double time when you're ready.
Are you ready? Try it out right here. Double time, bringing it around. Always bringing those elbows back to the rib cage. Light on your feet underneath their chin.
Here we go. This is an upper cut right here. Now come underneath. Make sure you're breathing. My heart rate's going up a little bit.
Right here good. Underneath their chin. Now we're gonna double time this. Got it? Right there.
So you never want your feet to be in quick sand, you always wanna be kind of light on your toes, abdominals tight. Bring that hand under their chin. Last four, three, two squat down here, let's go. Down and up. We're gonna add a low kick.
So it's a push kick. Like you're shutting your car door shut. You're ready? We're gonna squat and kick right here. Squat, kick it front.
Keep it low, make sure you're warmed up . Flexibility is how you get it higher. So that's entirely up to you. Hands in guard. You can kick a little higher, right there.
Come on, four more good ones. Three, we're gonna go to kicks only. Take the squat out. Here we go. Just push, kick.
Like you're kicking that car door shut with your heel. Right there come on, keep a pace. Go eight, seven, six, five, you got it. Four, three, two bob and weave right here. So you're getting down low.
When you bob and weave you're actually ducking the other person's punch. So you want to keep her chin and eyes up, you don't want to do this. Don't do this. Use your glutes to get down low. Right here.
Let's add a punch. right there. You got it. Punch it out. Are you ready to go back to a quick punch?
Are you ready? Join in when you're ready, right here. Punch it out. Nice job. Go a few more.
Breathe through your mouth. Get those and get oxygen to the working muscles, last four, three speed bag. Looks like, this above the head. Can you get it above the head? Good, right there.
I'm light on my feet. You can always keep your toes in contact with the ground. Keep it low impact. Four more, three, two. All right.
Bring your right shoulder to the front towards me. So lean into me. Just like you're leaning into that punching bag. You're ready? Now reach, jab, jab right there.
Think about using your shoulders and back, not your wrist and your elbow. Power comes from the whole body. Double time, pushing. Right there, now lean into that punching bag. Body weight forward.
Come on four, three, two, good. We're gonna jab now, cross punch. Bring that back arm through, right there. Keep leaning forward. So you don't wanna do this in kickboxing, you wanna lean forward and hit that bag.
Pick up your pace, right there. Hit it, light on your feet. Come on, keep it coming. Go four, three, two, jack it out. Jumping jacks right here, very nice.
awesome. We'll go to the other arm four, three, two, turn it now lean. All right, you got it? Right there, so you're leaning into your punching bag. Punch, right there.
Remember thumb side when you hit, power from the shoulder and the back. So you're not doing this from the elbow, but you reach, reach. Now, double time. Let's go, right there come on, push it. You got it.
Here we go last four, three, now jab and cross. So front jab, back cross. Pull it through, right there. You got it. push, push.
Should we go double time? Let's try it out. Here. Keep on going, breathe, awesome. Go four, three, two.
Very nice. All right, relax those shoulders. Here we go a few more front kicks, push, push, hands in guard. Keep open from hip to rib. So you want to make sure you aren't slouching like this, push your pelvis is slightly turned under, arms in guard.
Now we're gonna go to a back kick. Just push it straight back. You push it back. It looks like a mule kick, right here. You kick it back.
Abs are tight, spine is long. Kick it back. All right, here we go. We're gonna go for four front, four back kicks. Here we go.
Four, three, two, kick it back. Four, three, two, kick it front. Now really use those glutes. Pump it, come on right here. Now two to the front.
Here we go. Here we go. Two the front, two the back. Right there, two the front, two the back. You've got it.
All right, grand finale here. We're gonna go one front, one back try it out. Front and back. Come on, abs nice and tight right here. Hands in guard.
You got it. Give me four more, three more, then we're gonna switch sides on the fly, do your best. Right here, right here. Switch it, good. Right there, we're moving fast.
If this is fast for you, no problem. Slow it down. Work up to it. Agility and reaction is use it or lose it. So it's good to practice.
Give me four more and three and two, speed bag at the chest right here. Awesome job, woo! Quick cardio, kickboxing workout. Burn off some calories, it's not that hard, right? Last set of jacks right here.
Good work today. Let's bring those arms all the way round. Good, four, three, two, done, good job. All right, relax those shoulders. I'm breathing heavy.
So see how quickly you can get your heart rate up and burn off some calories. Circle those legs again. If you have time now, just do a couple quick stretches. Get the quad, then pull forward get the hamstring and get the hip flexor. Do that on both sides.
Thanks for joining me. Hope to see you soon.
Fun and quick!!!!