GOLD LIVE Class: Stability Ball Burner
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Stability ball and dumbbells
Instructor: Shelley Hawkins
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Hi there! I'm Shelly Hawkins, one of your Get Healthy U TV trainers. And I'm here today with Kate, my friend! Whoo! Today's workout is a 30-minute stability ball workout, all right?
We're gonna put you through the moves, we're gonna put you through the grooves. We have got our balls off to our sides, all right. We're gonna start with a warm-up, and then we're gonna come straight into our first exercise. And today we have about 10 or 11 exercises we're gonna work through. And each one we're gonna do twice, all right?
You get the ability to work at a lower regression, and then you can progress it. So we're gonna do 40 seconds of a basic move, and then, we're gonna 15 second turbo time! Turbo time, baby. Yes. All right?
So you decide if you're in it to win it, or you decide if you're not feeling it today and you wanna kind of back it off, all right? But let's get started. We've also got a set of weights, and that's off to the side, we're gonna use those on our biceps. And you can obviously use those weights in place of your stability ball. All right, let's get it going, team!
I'm ready, whoo! Are you ready? Okay, let's go girl. Big breath in. Lift the rib cage, and exhale into a squat.
Two more for me, big breath in. Oh, good morning Monday. Oh! And up we come, let's take a hold of that right wrist, and gently pull across the body. Opening up the lats, and opening up that side.
Now make sure your knees are soft and your glutes are engaged and your core is strong. Let's switch sides, oh yeah. Pull over. Nice. Oh that feels so good!
Doesn't it? Wake that body up. We're gonna take it down into a low squat. Hold it there, hands to the front and I want you sitting back in your glutes. Your toes are forward, either parallel or they're slightly turned out, all right?
Hands onto the quads, we're gonna cat-cow stretch. Let's round it out. Cat-cow, and push it down. Two more. Round it out, and push it down.
One more team. Pull it up, nicely done. And bring it up for me, we're gonna windmill. You're gonna take your left hand to your right foot. Hold it, and switch.
Hold it, and switch. Down, get that rotation of the spine. Keep it coming, nice soft legs. Keep those knees forward. Let's go, Kate.
I love it. Yeah. I needed this! Three. Two more.
And one more. Now we're gonna start into that rotation. Back in you're gonna shift your hips, and you're gonna rotate. Right, and left. Slowly, get deep into that muscle.
Nicely done. Wake it up, Monday morning! Whoo! Let's go! Four more.
Four. Three. Two. And one, nicely done. Let's take that right leg, pull that knee up.
Pull that heel into the glute, we're gonna stretch out the quadriceps. Now that we do this after we've worked out, but we need to warm more up. We need to get those muscles lengthened, strengthened. And we need to know that they're ready for work. Let's switch sides.
Pull that heel in, glute extended. Pull in, and give me a pelvic tilt forward. Whoo! Hold it there. Oh that pelvic tilt makes all the difference.
Doesn't it just? Three, whoop! Two, and, one. Open up the chest for me. Squeeze the shoulder blades together, lift the chin.
Nice big pec extension. Now take those arms to the front, round out the back. And gently lower that chin. Hold it there for me. And a big breath in, let's go Kate.
We are warm, we are ready. We're gonna pick up our ball, the first progression is a wall squat with the ball behind your back, all right? I'm gonna start my timer and I've got you. Don't you worry about time, I will get you through it. Balls on the wall.
You're gonna make sure that that ball is between the upper glute and those shoulder blades, all right? And what you're gonna do is squat down two, slow and secure, all right? Let me start my timer. In four, three, two, two-two. Let's go down, down.
Up, up. Down, down. Up, up. Now I'm quite a bit shorter than Kate is, all right? She's got a bigger ball, and that's important.
You need to look at the size of that ball as you're working out and choose wisely. Let's keep it coming. Slow, slow. all right, and your 15 second progression here is gonna be a pulse squat, all right? You're gonna hold it down into that squat, and you're gonna pulse it here.
Not yet. In seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now hold it here and pulse. Down, down, down. Now push that lower back into the ball Whoo!
Use it. Hold it here, hold it, down. Work those quads. Oh. Keep those legs parallel.
Push, three, two, one, up you come for me, second round. Let's go. Love it. Down, down. Squeeze as you come up, I want the knees soft, and I want those quads engaged.
Let's go team, down. I love that cue of pushing your low back into the ball Yes. To really tighten that core Shelly. It makes such a difference. It's a beautiful feeling.
Engage that core. You know, people come to the end of the workout and they want to do a hundred sit ups. Yeah. It's not necessary if you do this. You engage the core throughout the workout.
Keep it coming. Two, squeeze. You've got eight seconds. I'm watching that timer, don't you worry. You do not need to watch your timer.
One more, take it down and pulse for me. You've got 15 seconds, pulse it. Can you go a little lower, Kate? How low, how low can you go? Yes!
Push those heels into the floor. Push, push! Six, five, Whoo! Four, three, two, one, transition. Oh my goodness!
Take off that ball. I like that. Love it! I'm already sweating. And I'm a sweater true enough.
You're misting! You're misting. I'm misting. I'm glowing! All right, lateral lunges, with the ball.
So what we're gonna do is you're gonna go off to your right. You're gonna drop it. You're gonna come across, drop it. Come across, drop it. Are you ready?
I'm gonna start my watch. Here we go. Four, three, two, take it away. Down, hold. Over, hold.
Over. Now lift that ball up. Open up the chest, use the shoulders. Keep it coming. And down.
So you've got that lateral lunge, but it's really into the curtsy, all right, you take the knee down. You're working adductor, abductors. You've got back, leg, and those inner thighs. Firing! Yes!
It's a beautiful feeling. Now your 15 seconds is going to be skaters. So you've gotta step it up for me. And if you choose not to, you can stay where we are right here, all right? Three, two, one, let's go.
Right and left. Push. Push. Push. Down.
Push. Push. Yeah, Kate. Come on there, girl. Whoo!
Push, push. Four, three, two, one. Whoo! Nice work. Back to that exercise, second round.
We've got those lunges straight in. Let's go. Hold. Kate, keep going I'm gonna start my watch. Got it Push.
Push. Lift that ball. Lift that ball. Already breathing heavy Shelly! I know!
I breathe heavy just taking the laundry out of the- the dryer! Me too! Up, down. Down. Working into the laterals.
I want you to crunch that core. Use the obliques! Come on, push. And push. Remember your 15 second spurt, all right?
You take it, or you leave it. You can stay where you are if you wish. Three, two, one. Let's go. Push, push, push, push.
Over, rotate. Whoo! Come on. Come on. Down, down, down.
Three, two, one, out. Ball bump! Ball bump! Bam! Yes!
All right. Whoo! We have got 3rd exercise. Standing alternating knee-up, all right? So the ball is to the front, your arms are soft.
I'm gonna start my timer. Right, left, are you ready? Four, three, two, let's go. Right. Now I know.
This seems like it's a little boring, all right? But I want you to engage that core. I want you to squeeze the belly. I want you to use those abs. And our pulse for 15 seconds is gonna involve some moving It's gonna get tough Oh yes.
And you're gonna high knee it. And you're gonna run it. And maybe you don't see our faces, but that means that we're working hard. Smiling through the pain right now. Come on, push.
No pain, no gain, team. That first exhale, if you pull that knee up, it really drives that belly tight. Oh yes. Are you ready, Kate? Let's go, let's go, let's go!
I'm ready. Come on, keep that ball extended. Keep it extended. Whoo! Six seconds.
And you go back to that basic move. Three, two, one, let's go. Right. Oh my goodness! Left.
Oh yes. Whoo! Get that heart rate up team! Cardio strength. Push.
Love it. Push, I love these balls, don't you? They're so great! You can do so much with them. If you don't have one, I wanna let you know- Get one.
Get one. Oh, yes. Even if you just play with it at home. It's great fun, bouncing around. 12 seconds Kate.
Okay, I've got it. Then we get to run girl. Push, push, push You guys ready at home? Five, four, three, two, High knees, here we come! Ball out, arms soft.
Whoo! Lift those chests. Lift those heads. Come on, come on. Keep it coming!
Four, three, two, one, out. Ball bump. Ball bump! I love that ball bump! Whoo!
All right, team. I gotta get some water. I gotta some water, dunno about you. Cheers. Our next exercise is our, Whoopsie daisy!
We've got a seated ball bounce, all right? So that ball is under you. Between those inner thighs. Adductor, abductor muscle, we're gonna be working those. All right?
Let me sip. This is a good one, guys. Whoo! This is hard work! All right, we're gonna show you first, all right?
So that ball is between the inner thighs. You've got a nice strong inner thigh. And all you're gonna do is bounce it. You're gonna hesitate, and hold it for a second at the top, and you're working those quads and glutes. Sure.
Are you ready? Three, two, one. Let's go, Kate. 'Kay. Come on.
Push. And if that ball wants to move, I want you to squeeze tighter with that inner thigh. Get it back, whoo! Come on. Bounce, bounce.
Who needs a thigh master when you've got this? Oh yes! Sorry, Suzanne, this is working! You feel it in those hip flexors? You feel it in adductor, abductors.
On fire! Right! And I thought that 40 seconds would be nothing. Come on. Come on, push.
We were wrong. Are you ready to jack it up? Yes. This is your progression, all right? Those legs will stay where they are.
You're coming up, and down. Are you ready? Hit it! 15 seconds, let's go! Keep the knees soft.
Don't extend those legs. Pulse that leg out, I love that Kate, come on. Two, one. Back to those squats. Whoo!
Down, up. Second round. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my goodness!
Such a simple exercise. and those balls want to come away from you. Come on, Kate. Let's do this. I'm sticking with it.
Good girl. This is what I need Monday's a great way to get started for the week, all right? You have no option. Monday you get to work. That's all it's about.
Let's go. If you're shaking, that's a good thing. Whoo! Inner thigh! Upper, let's go!
Five seconds, and then you come to that jack. Are you ready? Yes. Two, one. Let's go!
Up. 15 seconds! Squeeze! Watch that ball. Oh yes.
There is that word. Squeeze in your turbo time. Let's go! Turbo time! One more, out.
Nicely done. Whoa! All right team. We're coming to the ball. Seated, weights are up, biceps.
I'm so excited to do weights right now. So much better. I wanna leave those inner thighs alone for a few seconds. All right team. You've got your weights, let's set up.
We're gonna start basic curl, two-two. Let's go. Slow. Up, up. Down.
Now I want you to think about your form here. You've got a long kinetic chain, all right? You're head is being lifted. You have an invisible piece of string. Pulling that head up towards the ceiling.
Keep coming. So Shelly we're using fives. Right. What's the highest you would go on this one? On this one, I would probably go to a 12, 15 That's what I was thinking.
And you can alternate, yes. If it becomes too much, alternate. Sure. But this is a great way to get those small muscle groups here. And to really fire them up, all right?
Now, are you ready for your 15 second jam? You're gonna hold the squat and curl. Up you come. Let's go. Up, down.
Up, down. Up, down. Hold that squat. Whoo! Hold that squat!
Do not come out of it. I will not allow you to back out. Come on, come on! Three, two, one, take it down. Back to those curls.
Two by two, let's go, Kate. Up, slow. Now do not disengage those biceps, all right? Keep the weights off the shoulders. And keep those long lean muscle groups.
And I want you to remember, full range of motion team. All the way up, all the way down. Up, up, down, down. Breathe in, and, keep it coming. Eight seconds and you've got that hold squat with the bicep curl.
And we're gonna move it up, all right? We're gonna alternate right, left. Are you ready Kate? I'm ready! Squat it.
Let's go. Right, left, right, left. Push. Hold that squat, hold that squat. Do not come out.
Come on. Come on, challenge yourself. You can do anything for 15 seconds. Yes you can! Two, and, out you come.
Nicely done. Whoo! Weights down team! Weights down! Our next exercise.
We're moving straight into it. It's a push up. On, or off the ball. Your feet are on the ball, you're coming into that push up on the ground. For that we're going to pull our mats out.
All right? We're gonna pull our mats out. Whoopsie. All right team. Now remember, the option is this.
You get to do it on the floor, if you hate this ball, all right? If you're not happy with the stability or instability of the ball, you get to do your push ups on the ground. But, I want a full range of motion, all right? So your feet are coming up, and you are going to go up into that push up. I'm just going to move my bits off.
Here we go. Three, two, one. Are you ready Kate? I'm ready, babe! Let's go.
Two, down, down. Up, up! Down, down. As you come up, squeeze the glutes. Whoo!
Down, down. Up, up. Down, squeeze! All right now our progression is going to be a tuck, or a pike. It's only 15 seconds, you've got four more push ups.
Let's go team. Down, down, up. Two more! Down, and up. You've got a single push up to a crunch or a pike.
Let's go. Down, up, pull in. Down, up, pull in. Squeeze, up, pull in. Squeeze, up.
Whoo! Just two more and you are done. Two. Pull in. One more!
Push up, pull in. Rest it out for me. _ Oh my goodness! We're gonna give you a break only because I'm sweating. That's good stuff!
Yes! Really good stuff! We're gonna do that again, all right? But we first have to wipe those dew drops off ourselves. All right?
It's hot. It's hot. It's hot. Summer is here. We're melting it.
All right team. One more time. Push up down two up two into those pecs. And then you add the single push up with that crunch. All right?
Are you ready? Let's go. In three, two, one, let's do it. Let's do it. Two-two.
Down two. Up, two. Down, two. Oh! I forgot.
Up two. Squeeze! Now my ball is really high up. You see it's on my quads? I need to get it down all right?
I need to get it down. This way it's a lot easier, and there's more stability in the core. And I will pull it down on that knee up. Down, down. Up, keep it coming.
Come on, Kate. Whoo! All the way down. Use those hands as a landmark to put those chests between. Two more.
And up. One more. Are you ready? Single push up to that pull in. Down, up, into that chest.
Down, up, 15 seconds team! Push up. And crunch. Push up. And crunch Whoo!
Two more! Push up. And crunch. One more. Push up.
And crunch. Nicely done. Whoo! That dismount is what I'm looking at. It was beautiful.
Okay. Kate, I'm sorry. That was me glowing in front of you. I love your glow. I love your glow.
Best friends, you see? Friends who sweat together, stay together. We do, we do. Yes! All right, so, you just had your push up.
You've now got your V sit up, all right? So for that, we're gonna be laying on our mats. Your balls are going to be out in front of you. You're gonna put the heel of your foot on the ball. I'm going to have to start this again.
All right team. Are you ready? You're going to extend into that V push up. You're going to extend into the V push up, and you're gonna hold it there, all right? So extend those legs.
Hands behind your head. In four, three, 40 seconds starts now. Up, hold, down, hold. Up, hold, down, hold. Up, hold, down, squeeze!
Whoo! Hold. And push. Now Kate is gonna continue for me, because my timer is not working correctly and I do not want to push you over your limits, all right? So I'm gonna talk you through with us.
Kate has a nice strong core. Her abs are pulled into her belly, into her spine rather, and she has a long extension in the spine. All right. Are you ready Kate? I'm ready babe.
I love it, keep it coming. You've got two more. Up, two, down. One more! Up, two.
Are you ready, now. You've got a up two, down two, and hamstring curl. In, in, out, out. Up, two, down, two. In, in, out.
Let's go. Love it. Up, two. Whoo! Down, two.
In, in, out. One more. Up, two. Down, two. Hamstring curl, and out.
Nicely done Turbo time. Straight into, that was your turbo time, girl! All right. 40 seconds, we get to do it again, all right? Are you ready?
We're ready. Are you ready? Here we go. In three, two, now we're going to speed it up, here we go. Up, down.
Up, down. It's a small crunch, your feet are flexed. Come on, up, down. Up, down. Pull that navel into the sky.
Whoo! Let's go. Oh yes. Up, squeeze! Now you know what you're doing, make sure your form is nice and strong.
Up, down. 15 seconds Kate. Abs on fire! Yes! Flex your feet, pull the toes toward your nose.
Up, down. Up, down. Squeeze! Are you ready? Yes!
One more. Up, let's go. Crunch, down, hamstring. Crunch, down, hamstring, whoo! Talk about total body here.
Right! And it takes extreme balance. As you see my feet are trying to come over their ball! Come on! In, out, push, pull, one more.
Let's go. Crunch, down, hamstring, and out you come. Whoo! Nice work. Oh my goodness sakes!
Nice work! How does that feel? It felt like everything was firing. You guys are doing awesome at home! That's hard stuff!
You are. You are. That's hard for us, and we are like, pretty good at this. We think! We're professionals.
We're professionals. We like to think we are, but you know what, we're in this together, all right? Yes we are. Now, triceps, on deck. Triceps, weights are up.
You've got a nice long torso, and you're going to get into those smaller muscle groups. All right? Are you ready? It's a kick back. That's all it is.
It's a kick back, all right? In three. Three, two, one. Ignite from those hips out. And you're slightly forward, all right?
Push that chest forward. Yes, push. Now this is a 30-minute workout. All right? So we pack a lot of punch into that 30 minutes.
You have to. Sometimes you don't have an hour. Or 45 minutes, all right? You need to work it. Come on, kick, up.
Kick, up. Kick, And this has been flying by Shelly! I know! It's fast when you're having fun. Come on.
Eight seconds, Kate. And then you're gonna do the hold back squeeze. Three, two, one. Now I want you to think about this. You're hugging a tree, but it's behind you.
Oh yes, we like to hug trees. Oh yeah. Come on. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, Yeah! squeeze, squeeze.
Come on. Whoo! Up, get those shoulder blades back. Push, push, push, push. Feel the burn, baby!
I love it. Four, three, two, one, up you come. We're gonna start again. Are you ready? Oh!
Three, two- I think we've got like, five minutes left. One, Let's go strong! Let's go. All right. Push back.
Oh my goodness. It does go fast when you're having fun. It does! Up. Come on, squeeze!
Five minutes guys. Come on, stay with us. We can do it. Five minutes. We've got this.
Oh yeah. Really, keep it coming. Keep it coming. Push, pull. Whoo!
Get into the smaller groups. Those smaller muscle groups. Those triceps are a hard one. And a lot of it is genetic, I know. 'Cause I deal with that too.
But, you can make a difference every day. Absolutely. Every day! Are you ready Kate? I'm ready baby.
Here we go. Three, two, are you ready to hug that tree? Let's go. Hug, hug. Squeeze, squeeze!
Whoo! Pull! Get those lats in! Tank tops! Oh yes, Summer!
Summer! Five, four, three, two, one. Out you come. Oh my goodness sakes. Whoo!
Weights off to the side. Weights off to the side. All right. Our next progression is our squat, our squeeze, and then we're gonna pulse squat with an up onto your toes. All right?
And once again we're working into those legs, big muscle. Shelly designed this for my thighs. And mine! This is really, a crusher. It is so effective, you guys are going to love this one.
So, the most important thing is, you lift that ball. And you put it between your inner thighs. And it's not touching the floor, all right? I'm gonna start my timer, and we're gonna start. A squat squeeze.
Squeeze, up. Squeeze, up. Squeeze, up. Whoo! Squeeze, up.
Come on, up, down. Up The good news is- Crush it. This is the last adductor, abductor before we move down into that ball hand over and we work in the core, all right? You're nearly there, team! Come on, pull.
Now my ball is falling, so I have to lift, and squeeze. Squeeze, and lift. Squeeze, lift. Come on, up. That ball does not want to stay, Kate.
Three- My legs are crying! Two- Now we're going to pulse down for three, and squeeze. Three, two, one. Come up on your toes or just come up on your feet. Three, up.
Three, two, one, up. One more. Two, one, back to that squat, and up. Squat, squeeze. Squeeze, squat.
Squeeze, squat. Why does that ball like to come out? Push, pull. Push, pull. Drop it like a squat.
Yeah. Maybe it's our pants that are a little slippery. Keep it coming. Squeeze. We're working!
Adductor, abductor, come on. Those glutes are on fire! They should be pushing back. Let's do it, 12 seconds. 12 seconds you can do anything.
Yup! Push, pull, squeeze, pull. Five, four, three, two, one, pulse down. Three, two, one, up. Three, two one, up.
Three, two one, more only. Three, two one, done. Whoo! Nicely done, team! On our backs, how do those inner thighs feel?
They feel like they've worked very hard for you. Good! That's what we want, all right? All right, our last round is our ball hand over, all right? This is a good one.
So, we start with our ball between our feet. We bring it up, you exchange into your hands, and then you pull down, all right? So it's a full body, I want those chests open. I want the arms soft, try not to touch the ground. Are you ready?
Here we go, Kate. Okay, here we go. Let's go. Three, two, one, take it away. Up, up, down, and parallel.
Up, up, down, parallel. Up, up, down. Try not to touch the floor. Up, down. Squeeze those abs Whoo!
Pull them into the navel! Come on. Big finish, people. Big finish. Up, up, down, down.
Up, up, down, keep coming! Squeeze! All those adductors are working still! They are. Are you ready?
You're gonna shorten the range of motion, here we go. Out, up down, up. 15 seconds. Down. Playing a little catch.
Oh yes. As we do when we go to the beach. Just like this. Two more. Down, up.
Last one, and you are out. Back into it. Whoo! Second round, all right? Do you feel those?
I feel them, everywhere. Lower abs, you feel them into those hip flexors, you feel them into the quads. The quads are firing, the inner sides are firing. I keep my ball a little bit higher so it doesn't go into my low back. 'Cause I know that's a sensitive area for me.
Right, and, you keep that upper back off the floor, and I love that. And my abs are really working. Get that crunch. Right. Let's do it again!
Let's do it one more time. Are you ready? Okay, so up. Pass it over. Head up.
Pass it down. And squeeze, slow and steady, all right? There's no race here. Second progression you can rev it up a little. Turbo time.
Up, turbo time! Yes! Pull, and push. Keep it coming. Down, up.
Are you ready? Turbo time, out. Pull. Down. And pull!
Our team! Four more. Squeeze. Three more. Squeeze.
Two more! Last one, Kate. Come on, team let's do it. Whoo! Last one, and you are out.
Beautiful work team. Let's take our balls, put them off to the side. We're gonna stretch it out, all right? Love stretching! You deserve that stretch.
But first, a little agua. A little water. We gotta get hydrated. Amazing workout Shelly. Wasn't it great?
Yes. All right team. Let's stagger both legs over to your right side. Pulling the heel of the right leg into the glute. Now, we're going to extend the quad, and I want you to give me a pelvic tilt.
So gently push that pelvis forward. Ooh. Release that hip flexor. Hold it there. Oh my goodness, Kate.
You know, we say 30 minutes, it's like oh gosh. It's going to be over in a second. Well it is, but you pack so much into it. You really do. But you feel like you've done a one hour.
This is a complete workout. In 30 minutes This is no joking around here guys. This is no time to hang out. We get going, and we go fast. Let's switch sides.
Taking care of business. Switching sides team. Stagger both those legs over, up comes the heel of the left foot into the glute. Oh, I hope you feel good. I hope you feel long lean, and stretched out, oh.
Shelly that makes a huge difference, that pelvic tilt. Doesn't it? Yes! Gives you that extra oomph. All right, let's take the feet out into a wide V.
Now you're gonna take your hands behind you, and you're gonna push up. So you're sitting on your sits bones, all right? Releasing those adductor, abductor muscles. So nice long, lean, line. Lift that chin, and hold that stretch.
Flex your feet for me, get that stretch in that inner thigh. Hold for four, three, two, one. Cross your feet over, let's open up the chest. Palms to the ceiling squeeze the shoulder blades together. Lift the chin, oh yeah.
All right, Hands behind your back. Clasp your fingers together, squeeze the shoulder blades one more time. Lift off the glutes, and lift that chin. Opening up the pec wall. Well guys, you did an amazing job.
Get Healthy U TV squad, every week you set it on fire with us. Thank you so much for joining us today. Our 30 minute stability ball workout has come to you from Kate and myself. Nice job, sweetheart. Have a great day!
Have a good one guys. Stay healthy.
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