Get Healthy U TV Editors

Step Strength 4

Get Healthy U TV Editors
Duration:   1 mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Trainer Sam Cam will take you through Round 4 of Step Strength. Get ready to feel your muscles burn in a good way. This workout is strength focused. You will sweat and burn calories from the hard work but the focus is on strength. The step adds an element of difficulty to some of the exercises but you can do it without the step platform and just modify. Get ready to rev your metabolism with muscle!

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Step, medium to heavy dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi

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Hey, hey, Get Healthy U TV squad! I'm Sam Cam and we have the lovely Val with us. Hey, y'all! It's been forever. Forever. I'm so excited to be working out with you today. Me too! With like strictly strength, like our favorite, not a ton of jumping. So we're super pumped about this. Hopefully you are too. We've got "Step Strength 4". So today in Step Strength, you are gonna need a step. You can take one riser, no risers underneath. We've got two underneath us today. Again, we're using the step as a little bit of a prop and then we're gonna challenge you to go a little heavier today. So what is heavy for you, is different for Val and I know it's different for me. So grab heavy weights. We have two sets of weights, just cause it's like, hey, if we hit fatigue, maybe drop down to a lighter set of dumbbells. So set yourself up, of course, towel, water. We got a little quick warm-up and we're gonna get right into it. Are you ready? Let's go. I'm ready. All right. Deep squat down, reach those arms overhead. Exhale, let it all go. Inhale, squat it down. Exhale, let it all go. Let's do it one more just like that. Deep squat down. Inhale. Exhale, roll the shoulders to the back of the space. waking up the shoulders. I don't know about you, but my shoulders have been so tight lately. You say that, you've been working out all weekend. Right? Let's go forward. I'm like, I think I hold all my stress in my shoulders. Yes, you do. Yeah, I do. She's like, "you do." All right, take that right arm. Just figure 8 forward and back, because you know, we gotta get the shoulder joint ready to work, to hold those weights. all right. Left arm or opposite arm, whatever you choose. Forward and back. Big ball-and-socket joints, to get ready to work. All right, give yourself a nice big hug. Flex those wings. Hug it out. I like to call this my Michael Phelps, you know, cause he always used to do this before he stepped up onto that block. All right, one more deep squat down. Reach those arms all the way up and over, and then we need to swan dive forward. Let's stay straight. Bring those hands to the bench in front of you or the floor, whatever feels best for you. To find a little bit deeper stretch of the hamstrings. Wiggle your hips from side to side. Do what feels good here. All right, we're gonna take a nice big bend through the knee. So squat it down. Keep those arms in front of you or on the floor. And then straighten those hips to the sky. Bend it down, squat it low, and then lift those hips high. Let's do one more just like that. Waking up the hamstrings, glutes and hips. Go back to the sky. And we're gonna walk your feet together. Heel, toe to touch. Bend your right knee. Keep that left leg nice and straight. Oh, hello, hamstrings. Do we feel it? Yes. Switch! Left leg bends, right leg straightens. Oh my goodness! Let's do it again. Right knee bends, left knee straightens. And just switch one more like that. We're gonna walk our hands in front of us so that your hands are on your bench, your feet are behind you in a high plank position. So do what you need to do in your space to find a high plank position. Shoulders right on top of wrists. You're gonna step forward with that right foot. Runner's lunge position. Reach that left arm to the sky, roll the wrists. Good right there, reach that arm back to the sky. And then we're gonna do a nice thread the needle. So you're gonna thread that right arm underneath that left armpit, spinal twist, reach it back to the sky. Let's do that again. Sink deep into the hips. reach back up. Plant your palm back to your step. Step back, high plank. Left foot comes forward, runner's lunge. Sink into your hip. Yes. This feels great. Right, everything's just juicy this morning. Reach that left arm high, roll the wrist. Inhale and exhaling, Getting that breath nice and ready to work. Reach that arm high. Thread your needle, reach that arm underneath that armpit, spinal twist. I'm looking at your white shoes, Val. I love 'em. Reach back to the sky. Find that twist. Ah, such white shoes! Reach back to the sky. Good, plant that palm, step back, high plank. We're gonna go shoulder taps, right and left. Tap it right, left, right, left. Engage the core, squeeze it tight. You got it, give me four more. Three, squeeze that butt. Two! Two. One. One, hold that plank. Walk your feet a little closer together. You're gonna bring your knee to your chest. It's mountain climber, here we go. Right knee, left knee, right knee, left knee. Use the core. Drive the knees to the chest. You give me four more sets. Three. Two. Two. Yes! One. One. Rise back, downward facing dog. Pedal your heels right and left. Okay, not a ton of jumping, but you know, we always like to feel the backside of that kinetic chain waking up. Now both heels to the floor. Walk your hands forward to come to your hands. You're gonna roll up one vertebrae at a time. Head, neck and shoulders, last thing to come to the top. Separating out those feet. We squat it down and up. Down. Lift. Okay, so sink through your heels. Drop that booty back, right? I always like to say elbows to knees, but you gotta keep that chest lifted. Four more. Three, hands behind your head. Two, good mornings. Right here. So you have your hands behind your head. You're gonna stick your booty out for two and up for two. Nice and slow. Your hands are just resting behind your head, right? So there's absolutely no tension. It's just fingertips, elbows, wide. It's down for two, up for two, last one, down for two. Now we add a squat. So it's down for two, here we go, down for two, up for two. Two squats down. There we go, deadlift! Forward for two, up for two. Squat it down for two and up for two. Can we speed it up on the next one? Just a little bit faster. Here we go. Squat it down for two. One, good left. One deadlift, one good morning. Right there. Good. A little faster, find your pace. Deadlift and squat. Four more, Although stay wide. Three more. Let's go! Two! Last one! One, right here, Squat it right here. Deep breath. Arms overhead, nice way to finish it. Good. Exhale, let it all go. We're gonna rotate through our spine. Right, left, right, left. So a little twist. Well arms stay in tight. We're gonna get that heart rate up a little bit to finish up our warmup, but we're not gonna do a ton of jumping. Yeah? Reach your arm across your body right here. It's reach, reach, right across that body. Hold the arm in and press it forward. Now we're gonna go overhead on this next one. Reach, side, body, bend. Okay, you can move those feet just a little bit, right there. Give me four more. Three back to across that body in one right here. Cross and pull across that body. Guess what we're gonna go low. It's a little bit lower with those legs right here. It's reach. Yes! Sink into your legs. Get those legs nice and warm right here. Give me four. Three hamstring curls right here. Heel to the glute. Hold the arms back. How are we feeling? Yeah. Good? Getting warm. Yes! Okay, elbows go wide. Keep kicking your butt right here. Elbows wide. Squeeze the shoulder blades together. Kick the heel towards the glute. Let's go team, you have four more. Three. Come on. Two. Two. Low impact jacks. Right here, right here. Tap it, side to side, now if you would like, you can jump it out. Right here, see how it's got that low impact. Breath. We should be breathing through our mouth here. Right there. You've got it. Give me four more. Three. Jump your rope. Two. Two. One, jump your rope, right here. Twirl those arms. Okay, you can tap it. One heel forward, both feet. Let's go. Last time, jack it. Four. Three. Jumping jacks last time. eight, seven, six, you've got it. five, four, three, two, four, three, two, one. Do we feel warm? Let's go. Do we feel ready? Yeah, let's go. All right, let's grab the heavy set of dumbbells. Okay, heavy for you. Val's gonna be my counter today. We're gonna do about 15 to 20 reps of everything. We're gonna start with 20 reps. So we're gonna count these out. Okay. Your right foot on the floor, left foot on your bench. So we've got Bulgarian split lunge. So that back foot is on the bench, opposite foot on the floor. You're gonna have both weights in your hands. We lower and lift in 3, 2, 1. So it's 20 reps, right here. Take your time, find your balance, relax your shoulders down, driving through that front knee, front heel, rather, knee right over the toe. Val's gonna be my counter as I really shout out all these cues at you. Nine. Ten. There we go, halfway! Breath, whoo, you've got it. Shoulders, stay back and down. Find that lunge, find your pace, we should be feeling- Five more! The foot on the ground. Yes! Getting a little slower, it's okay. Heavy. Last one. Last one, right here. Nice job. All right, we're gonna face our benches this time. You're gonna rack your weights at your shoulders, rack 'em. You have one squat, one step up. Here we go. We squat it. Step up with that right foot, knee drive. Come back down. 15 reps right here. Stepping up with that same leg that was on the floor for when you did those lunges. Whoo! Come on. You're gonna notice that heart rate's gonna come up because we are constantly moving with weights in our hands. Whoo, find that balance, squat it down and up. Do we feel the glutes? Six. Yes! Front rack. Elbows in tight. Breath. I love my little counter here. Yes! Nine! You've got it. Halfway! Ten. Let's go! We got five more on this one because you can. 15 reps. Drive that knee. Find that moment of balance. Breath, three more. Three. Whoo! Let's go, cores tight. Two! Two. Sink it all the way down and one last one. All the way, we finish it til the end. Step it up, drive it. One weight, it goes away! Drop it! Okay, so your right foot, left foot, doesn't matter. Whatever one that you were just working out on the floor. It is on your bench, we're facing you. One weight. We have two pulse lunge. It's a two pulse curtsy lunge. Three. Two. One. Let's go. It's pulse, pulse, curtsy, cross it over. Pulse, pulse. That's one. That's two, right there. So you're changing regular lunge to two pulse curtsy lunge. You gotta drive through that front heel right there. Yes, you can. Five. That's it. Okay, we're doing 15 of these, because holy bananas, do we feel the glute right here. Wiggle your front toes. So all of your weight is back into that front heel on the bench. Whoo! Almost there. Halfway. Let's go. Well no, more than half. I was gonna say over half I hope. We're at 10. There we go, five more. You can do this. Whoo! You're dropping that weight for a quick shake out of those legs, almost there. You got it. Breath. Two more. Two more. Holy legs! Whoo! Last one! Right here! Let it go. Shake it out. Legs are burning. Okay! Three exercises in each run. Side eye. She's giving me the stank eye, already! Holy bananas, shake 'em out! You're gonna need it. Okay. So three exercises, you know 'em. We do it on the other side. So if you just hit the left, do the right. If you did the right, let's do the left and then they go away. We don't see 'em again. How are those legs? Jello? Jello. Jello. Right one's Jello. All right. Opposite foot on the floor. Let's face the other direction, shall we? Sure. Are you good? So we can open up towards the camera. All right, opposite foot on the floor, opposite on the bench. You might have to walk that foot a little forward, a little back. Are we ready? Three. Two. One. Let's go. So we did 20 on the first side, we're gonna do the same thing here. Yeah. Whoo! Front knee, right on top of the heel. Okay, so you don't want the knee going over the toe. Weight back. Again, maybe you take a step forward with that foot. Drop it down and up! Lot of balance. Shoulders down, just tall. Halfway! Yes! Eight. Count it. Seven. Six. Six. Keep those shoulders down. Five. If you're slowing down, you're playing the game right. Four. Whoo! Three. Three more, yes you can. Two. Two. One. One! Face your bench. Front rack position with those weights. Get your hair outta the way! Squat it, step it up. Three. Two. One. Let's go, squat it. Step up with that same leg, that you were just working. Step it back down. Okay, so a little bit of that, step up. You gotta use your glutes to drive through that heel. There we go. Moment of balance, at the top, knee drive. Whoo! Was that five? This is five, yep. Yes! I got you. Okay, we have 10 more. 15 reps for this one. Find your pace. If you're like one or two reps behind us or in front of us, you've got it. That's seven. Breath. Eight. Yes, you can. Talk to yourself. Okay, I love this little extra added challenge of the bench, using it as our little prop with our dumbbells. Is this 10? No, we have like one more left. What? Yeah. Give me two more. Okay. Right here. Watch she's like, "you're not counting, I'm counting." One more! Right here. Breathe. You are done. Ditch one of your weights. Okay, this is where it gets heavy. We got it, 15 reps. One weight, front rack. That same working leg, it goes forward on your bench. Whoo! Take a deep breath in, deep breath out. Lunge to curtsy pulses. Are we ready? Set yourself up. Three. Two. One. Two pulse. Lower, lower. Now cross it, right there. Okay, take your time. Stay low in that front working leg. That's three. Four, right here. You should be feeling that burnout and that fatigue by the end. Talk to yourself. Six. Yes! Feeling pretty good. You've got this. Weight at the shoulder, option to ditch the weight. Stay low in the legs, okay. Right there. What we at?! 10! There we go! Five more, five more. Okay. Talk to yourself. Whoo! You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Three more. Burning. Shake out is coming after, yes. Last one, don't forget that cross behind. Right here, cross it! That's it. Shake out the lights. Towel, water. Quick second. Holy bananas. Whoo! Okay That block was really focused on the lower body. If you don't feel it, have your set of weights next time. This one, I have a feeling you're all gonna come back to. All right, upper body. Great job, family. What? Great job, family! Here we go. All right, upper body block. A little more focused on the upper body. We're gonna take a seat on our bench. Heels in, toes out. So we're gonna find a yogi squat position. Val's gonna show you that modification. She's like, "hey yo, these don't feel good on my knees, okay?" Find her right here. Two bicep curls. Let's go, one. Two. You're gonna rack the weight at your center. Drive, overhead press, sink it back down low. Two bicep curls. Okay. Right here. Whether you're taking it all the way down to your bench or not, you're sinking into the legs again. You're using the glutes, overhead press. Really focusing on that concentration curl. No swinging of the weights. Squeeze. Okay, we got 10 of these cause these ones take time. Breathe. This is four. Oh, thank God. Yeah, right. 10 of them. No, I wasn't counting. I got you. Okay. We're at five. She's like "uh-oh." I got you right here. Halfway. Okay. Concentration curl. Oh, holy bananas! Whoo! Seven, right here. Now swinging the weights. Find control. Breathe, squeeze your core. Those abs are tight. Eight! Let's go! All the way. Breathe. Two more, you're on nine. Squeeze using the lower body and the biceps. Last one, right here! Squeeze. Come back down. Right here, to your bench. We're gonna face this direction. We're going to use our bench. Finding a high plank or plank from your knees. One dumbbell. You give me one row, one side T-plank. Okay, set yourself up. If you need that mat, it's underneath your knees right here. We're gonna stick with that right arm the entire time. Three. Two. One. Let's go. Row it! Open it up, side T-plank. Back down to the floor. Row it. Open back up. Okay, so you're using core, you're using back, little bit of shoulders. Right there. Breathe. Find your pace. Your pace is yours, our pace is ours. Right here. We're unpack- Is this five? Yep. Who feels the core? Breathe. We have five more. Hey, this is six if you're with us. Whoo! 10, on each side. Eight. Is this eight? Yep. I lost count. Come on. Nine! Nine. Let's go. Open it up, last one! Ten! Right here, finish it. Breathe. Drop the weights. Bring 'em to the back. I'm gonna take my heavier set of dumbbells. Okay, sticking with upper body and a little bit of lower body together. You have a deadlift forward. So hinge forward at the hips, we're all gonna find it here. Deadlift position, two rows. Give me two. One. Two. Plant your weights to your bench. Jump it back, high plank, jump it back in, two rows. Let's go! One. Two. Jump or step. I'm walking it back. What do you got, Val? Walking it back. I love it. So she's absolutely taking any of that impact out of the move. Finding pure total strength. This is five. Five. Yes, you can. Whoo! We are going to do 15 of these because why not? Okay. This is seven. No swinging of the weights. You find your pace right here. Eight. Squeeze the core. Let's go. You are in the deadlift position. One straight line from your head all the way down to the tailbone. Okay. This is 10! Whoo! Right here, right here! Let's go. Val, do we feel the core? Do we feel that back. Yes! Heart rate is rising, cause there's a lot happening. Yeah? Yes. 13! Whoo! Lucky 13. Right, it's not unlucky. 14. Go! Last one! Right here, give us one more. This last one, 15. Rest! So much stank eye coming from over here. Water, towel. Three exercises. I think she threw an extra one in there. Nah-uh. Never! Totally kidding. I just said in another workout that I backed up, I was like, okay. As an instructor, it's really hard to like count. Figure out what you're doing, talk through the cues, all that bananas. That's why we have our sidekicks. Yeah. All right, the same exercises. We're in 'em. Yeah, yogi squats. Let's go two concentration curls. One. Two. If that heart rate is still high, let it come down here, you are in control. Okay, we got 10 of these. These take time. I am not asking you to whip through these ones. It's called a concentration curl for a reason, right? So you use those elbows, into that side body, right there. Are we on four? We're on six. Six? How did we get there so fast? No, we have six left. Oh, got it! Yep, there we go. I was like, what?! Halfway! Right there, we're counting opposite directions. That's why. Here we go. Breathe. Shoulders down, engaged. Now we have one more. Yep. Whoo! Let's go team! Holy biceps! Three more. Yes, looking strong team. Whoo! Two more. Two more! You got this! You got this. Let's go. If those weights are starting to feel heavy, that's a good thing. Last one. Killing it. Yes! Bring the weights down. One weight in your hand. We have a row to that side T-plank. Opposite side, you stay on that side. Are we ready? Three. Two. One. Row! Open up, side T-plank. You're gonna see our booties towards you at the cameras. That's it, okay. We wanna show you from all angles. One row. One side T-plank. Square the hips on that row. So Val's gonna keep going On her row, she's squaring her hips and her shoulders to the floor. Then she's opening up to that side T-plank right there. We're joining you again Yeah! This is the fifth one! These are toast! You look good GHUTV! You've got it. All right, where are we at? This is the eighth one! Yes, it is Last two. Nine. Give it to us. Let's go! Use that core obliques. 10! To the back of your bench. Grab whatever set of weights you need for that deadlift position, double row. We got 15 reps. Let's do it. Are we there? Yep, yep. Two weights. Three. Two. One. Double row. One. Two. Step or walk. Jump it in. Deadlift position, you are hinged at the hips. Okay so, you're sticking out. I'm gonna show you from the side. You're here, row, elbows back and tight. We're not rolling out here, or get the weights past your hips to use that upper back, squeezing those shoulder blades together, right there. Six! That's it team! Step or walk it back. Heart rate comes up, this is a compound movement. Literally, I think every muscle group in the body is working. You've got core in that plank, you've got shoulders, you've got glutes. Last one! Hamstrings. Right there. Was that 15? No, that was 10. We got five more girl. Let's go. She's like, "what the heck?" She's gonna have a word with me after class. We did it the first round! You gotta do it the second. Squeeze the abs, core tight. Let's go. This is rep 13. That's it. Yes, you can. Fatigue is our word, failure is okay. Whoo! Last one. Okay. Last one! Again! Again! Step it back. Sweat is dripping. Way to go. Whoo! Way to keep on your toes. Water, towel. Quick little break right here. Great work. Yeah. Way to show up. The hardest part is showing up. That is, check done. You did that. You did that. 27 minutes ago, right? That's right. All right. Here we go. So we're gonna straddle our bench on this next one. You're gonna have two heavy dumbbells on your bench. All you're gonna do is pick 'em up and set 'em down. Easy enough, it's like your groceries, right? All right, are we ready? Ready. Roll the shoulders back. Could we do 15? Sure. Three. Two. One. Let's go. Squat it, pick it up. Set it back down. That's one. That's two. Now can you set 'em down a little lighter? Even us, right? I was like, holy bananas, I just put those weights right back down. There we go. Four. Yep. Hey, sink low to grab those weights. Keep your chest tall. Okay, so we're not bending over doing this, right? Val's gonna keep going, I'm gonna join her back in. Booty down, weight is heavy through the yields. Hey. Let's go. Nine! Yes! Relax those shoulders down. Ten! Pick up those weights. Drive through the heels. 11! Yes you can! Come on! Smile! Big bright smiles over here! Whoo! 13! Makes it easier. Makes it more fun. 14! Let's do it, last one. Last one! 15! Whoo, all right. Set one weight a little further forward. But I want you to have the dumbbell facing like side to side laterally. Is that laterally? Yeah. One weight. Okay, you're gonna start on one side of your bench. I'm gonna show you one of these. So you're gonna start one foot on the bench, One foot on the floor. You're gonna go Three. Two. One. Snatch, bring it back down. Cool, so it's three, two, one. The foot that's on the bench. You grab that weight with the same hand and you snatch overhead. 10?! Yeah. Let's go. Three. Two. One. Let's go. So we count the snatches as our rep. One. One. Yep. Three. Two. One. Stash that weight overhead. Set it down. Three. Two. One. That's three! Now, can you sink a little lower in between every single time. Four. Three. Two. One. Halfway. Yes you can. Drive that weight overhead with intention and intensity. That's six. Three. Two. One. This is seven. Right here. Almost there, three more. Three. Yes! Eight! Let's go! Whoo! Nine! One more! You're doing it! Pull it overhead. Whoo! All right. Great work. Great work. Last exercise. We're gonna have two weights in our hands. We're gonna start on our bench. It's a squat to bicep curl. Starting on your bench, we're gonna step out to the left first. Squat it. Three. Two. One. So step in, squat, step back up. Bicep curl at the top. There we go. Okay. Squat it, up. Bicep curl. Heart rate's high. Let it come down here. Active through that recovery. This is four. Five. Yes, you can. Whoo! Okay, we have 10 more. 15 reps of this one, because you can. Okay, we don't settle. Whoo! We push ourselves cause 10 seems too easy. Yeah. Heavy through the heels, legs and upper body together! This is nine. Try not to swing those weights. Use the biceps right here. Five more. Yes you can! Let's go! Shoulders relax. Little reminder to myself, yeah? Yes, yes! Three more! Yes. Heavy weights, it's okay. Whoo! Last one. Last one. Right here. Looking good. Breath. Let it go. A little bit of a break here. Okay? Nice work. Shake it out, feeling good? Yes. Feeling strong, Strong. feeling proud. Yeah, strong is like the name of the game. So notice in this workout, we're heavy breathing, heavy weights, but we're really not jumping. A little bit here and there, but not much. Not much. Okay? So pick up heavy weights, do the dang thing. Check, get it done! We're together. Big, bright smiles always with this one. Here we go, squat it down, pick up those weights. We've got 10 of them. Three. Two. One. Pick it up, set it back down. Active recovery here, yeah? Yes. Sink low. Pick up those heavy weights, Six. or your groceries, or your baby, grandchild, whatever it is! We gotta be prepared to stay strong through life. Right? We train for life every single day. Five. It's that consistency that gets us here. You show up, they all said "hardest part." Yeah? Check done, you're here. Three! Now we just work hard together. Whoo! Whoo! Last one! Last one! Pick it up! Set it down! Check. Move one weight forward. Make sure you have the weights side-by-side. We start with one foot on the bench. 10 of 'em. Snatches. Three. Two. One. Let's go, you go. Three. Two. One. Same weight or same hand picks up. So as the foot that's on the bench. Okay, now in between can you sink low, low, lowest? Yes, you can. Three. Two. One. That's four! Let's do it. Okay, legs are burning. Heart rate's coming up because we're moving just a little bit faster. You've got this. Pull that weight overhead. Four more. Four. Yes! Breathe. Shoulders relaxed. Are we having fun yet?! Whoo! Two more! Let's go. Yes you can. Okay, I'm feeling my legs. Me too. Let's go, last one. Breathe. Pull that weight overhead. Drop it for a quick second. Heavy breathing, it's okay. Whoo! Grab those weights. Step up on top of your bench. Okay, we have 15 squat to bicep curl. Roll the shoulders back. Three. Two. One. Let's go. Squat. Step it up. Bicep curl. Okay, let the heart rate come back down here. As you work through it. Shoulders relaxed. Notice how when you grab heavier weights, we gotta slow it down a little bit. You don't have to crank it out. We always wanna focus on form first. Speed comes second. This is six. Yes! You've got this squad! Whoo! Heavy through the heels. Okay, a little bit more Eight. narrow of a stance of that squat. This is nine. I got my counter next to me. Holding me accountable. Whoo! Ten! Five more because you can, this is not meant to be easy. Okay. Let's go. This is meant to push you, yeah. To become stronger mentally, emotionally, physically. We don't quit in here. Nope, I will not quit today. Yes! I will not quit today! Remind yourself that. Whoo! Last one. Last one. Finish it! Whoo! Ditch 'em, step off your bench. I need water, towel. Quick break. Whoo! All right. Yes, heavy weights. We are cranking out those heavy weights today. I'm so dang proud. All right. Tricep pushups. Keep drinking your water. No dumbbells needed. We are gonna have you come to the back or even the side of your bench, whatever you have room for. But I want you to try the back or the front to keep the narrow grip in your hands, right? So normally when we do pushups, we're a little wider. Because we're doing tricep pushups, I want your hands right underneath your shoulders. We got 10 of 'em because we can, yeah? Yeah. Knees or toes. It's triceps, so get those elbows nice and tight to that body. We got 10 tricep pushups. Are we ready? Yep. Feeling good? Yep. Three. I have my knees on the mat Two. One. Let's go. 10 tricep pushups. You do you, find your pace okay? You can stay with us. Whoo! You can move slower. Come on. You can move faster. But I want you to count your reps. We're at halfway, yeah? Four, yep. Three. Two. One. Good job y'all. Awesome work. We're gonna put our feet on the bench. We got a glute bridge. So I am gonna grab my mat, I'm gonna put it underneath my back. I've got it folded over cause I don't need the whole thing. Heavy weights for chest fly. So we're still working the chest, we're gonna lay on down. This is like not the best way to get into that one, but that's okay. Okay, feet on the bench. Bring your hips as close to the bench as possible. From here, we're gonna drive our hips to the sky. Arms are at the top. We got 15 chest fly. Hold the bridge at the top, let's go. Open up wide. Squeeze it down. Now, if you do not like this bridge position, drop the hips. Yeah. Okay, so I want your arms going around a big beach ball at the top. Palms face in at the top, palms face the sky at the bottom. Yeah. Now I want you to challenge yourself to go heavy on this one. So if it doesn't feel heavy enough on this first round, you got another option in round two to grab heavier weights. What are we on? Nine! Yes. Whoo! How many are we doing? We're doing 15. So we have five more, yeah. Five more. Let's go. Let's do it. Get those hips up I felt mine sliding down. I love it, good reminder. Let's go, four more. Let's go. Three more, three more! Let's go! You've got it! Whoo! Two more, two more! Let's go! Hips up! Let's go! Last one, last one! Whoo! Set 'em down. All right, we're gonna go back to the back. There's a lot of transition here. Four mountain climbers, four high knees. If you wanna stay that direction, by all means, we're gonna... She's like, "what the heck?" Lot of transition on this one, we go front to side to back. All right, we got four mountain climbers, four high knees. Hands on the bench or on the floor, and then you pop up. You count your reps, we got 10 total reps. Three. Two. One. Drive it. You count your reps. 4, 3, 2, 1, Step or walk it up. Four high knees. That's one rep. Go, okay! Right here. Four high knees. You can take the jump out. Yes, looking so dang strong. A little cardio to get that heart rate up, but it's also core. Yeah. Right here, looking good. Sweat is dripping, hair is flying. Whoo! Yes you can. Breathe. We're over that halfway point. Yes, we are. This is seven. Whoo! Are you still with us? Eight. Yes, you can. This is tough. You've got it in the bag. Whoo! Drive it. Whoo! Let's go, you got this. Last one! Whoo. Rest! Breath, in and out. A little bit of a break here. Whoo! Deep breath I'm feeling it. through your nostrils, Yeah. exhale through your mouth. Deep breath in. Last round, these three exercises. Okay, so a little bit of tough repetition in this workout, but not a ton. So we gotta bang it out. Yeah, tricep pushups. We got 10 of 'em. Round two, are we ready? Yep. Whoo! Heart rate's high after that one. Find your knees or your toes. Elbows in tight. We have 10 of 'em. In three, we start. Two. One, lower and lift. Okay. 10 tricep pushups. You got triceps, you have core, and you have chest. Let's go. Seven. Six. Come on, count with me. Five! Five. Let's go. Four! Four! Let's go. Three! Three! Push it out! Two, last one! Whoo! Nice work! Glute bridge with that chest fly. All right, heavy dumbbells. Bring your heels onto your bench, scoot your butt close, then you grab your weights, lay on down. Heavy, heavy weights, right? So, round two. Did you go heavy enough on that first round? Are we ready? Three. Hips are high. Two. One. Let's go! 15 reps. Okay, whether you take it five reps at a time, whether you count down, it's up to you. Keep those hips lifted with that little reminder from Coach Val. Breath. Six! Nice. Now if you wanna challenge yourself, squeeze the knees in tighter to use a little bit of those inner thighs, but keep those hips lifted. A lot is happening. Whoo! 10! Weights are right in front of that belly button. Right in front of that sternum. Yes! How many more? Three? Uh-huh. Whoo! Let's go! Breath! Let's go. Two. Yep, last one! Last one. Drop the hips. Drop the weights. All right, because I love you so much. We have five reps of this next round because I do wanna get a few triceps in there before we cool it down, so five reps. She's giving me a big old smile. She's so excited! All right, so five reps! One rep is mountain climbers and a high knee. Five reps, we can do this. Yeah? Let's go. Let's go. Three. Two. One. Plank it, go four. Right here. Yes, you can. Okay, this is a little bit of that cardio push, it is a-okay, You do not have to jump. Find it, your strength, your power, your will to fight. Let's go. Okay, almost there you have one more. Mountain climber, high knees. Breath. Whoo! Finish it. Rest! Yes. You've got it. Okay. Two exercises left. We have tricep dips, tricep dips with jacks, and then we're gonna cool it down because we want a little bit of tricep. So I'm gonna put two weights on my bench. You can, but you do not have to. I have really short arms, so it gives me more of a range of motion. So they're gonna go right on the outside of my hips from there, hands go on the weights. Just make sure your weights are flat, if you're doing that, if you don't need it, just bring your hands to your bench. Val, you got that one. Here we go. We got 10 tricep dips. Lift it up, drop your butt back, really close to your bench. Lower and lift, let's go. Yes, you can. Shoulders down. Seven. Six! Six. Let's go. Five. Five. Whoo! Four. Four. Three! Three! Two! Two! Let's go. One. One. Press back for a second. Really quick, shake it out. We have two tricep dips with two jacks with the feet. We got 10 of 'em. 10. 10! All right. Let's do it! I'm gonna walk them out, let's go. Three. Two. Hips back. One. Here we go. Two tricep dips. One. Two. You go out-in, out-in with the feet. Keep the hips lifted. So you do have to use your triceps to hold yourself up. Val is walking it out with her feet. Okay, so she's taking the jump out of it, but still using that upper body! Whoo! This is where you finish our triceps, right here. Yes, you can. This is it. We do this once we cool it down, because you are strong and this is a whole heck of a lot of triceps. Whoo! Back to back. Banging it out. How many you got left, Val? I don't know. I think we have three more. All right, fine. Okay, this is seven. Whoo! Yes, you can. This is eight! Push on through. It's tough. I know. Two more. This is nine. Feel the triceps. This is why we call this the finisher. Last one right here. Whoo! You're great Done, you're great. Saying it back. She's like, I'm done. I fell, I'm back. You're great. All right, you guys, You're great. Push yourself up. You're awesome. When you're ready, stand it up. Holy bananas. We did it. All right. Lot of triceps. You did it at home. Pulling that left arm across your chest. Relax the shoulder down, away from your ears. Oh, pure total muscle! That was so great though. "Step Strength 4" in the books. We haven't done this format in a really long time, it is a fan favorite. Bring that same arm across your chest, up and over behind your head. Tricep. feeling it with that nice little finisher. Okay, so if you haven't done "Step Strength" 1, 2 and 3, you'll see the evolution of our studio with those ones. I think you have like all three studios in that one, so if you haven't done 'em, try 'em out. They are the exact same format, different exercises. You might see a few of the same ones, I'm not quite sure. Okay, hopefully all new exercises though, we like to get creative. Bring that same arm up and over. Drop it down. I don't know, that first block of legs like kicked my booty. Yes, it did. Loved it. It's like. Jello legs! Jello legs! All right, let it go. Heels in, toes out, and we're just gonna sink low here. I'm gonna have my hands on my thighs, knees, quads, whatever it is. And just kinda go side to side, rocking those hips. Ooh, do what feels good in your body, when you're ready. Hands to the bench, toes to the front, heels to the back. Lift your hip to the sky, open up that chest. If you'd like to take that chest expansion, you're gonna grab and clasp your hands at the top, stretch those arms up towards the ceiling. Okay to make it a little bit more challenging, try to touch your palms together. deep stretch. Nice work Val. Bring those hands back down to the floor. When you're ready, roll yourself up. One vertebrae at a time. One last final stretch! We got a quad stretch. Bring that right foot heel to the glute. Bring those knees together. Ooh, find your balance, holy bananas. Okay, try and get those knees together. Now, tuck that tailbone under, hand can be out to the side, it can be on your hip, out, up and overhead for a little bit of that balance challenge. We're gonna find that figure 8 position. Bring that same foot across your quad, not on top of your knee. Flex your heel and sink as low as you can into that figure 4 position. Maybe use that bench in front of you for a little bit of balance. Maybe you gotta grab onto something else. Find it, hold it. Come out of that one. Same thing on the other side, we're almost done team. All right, if you need a few extra moments to stretch, if you have extra time, give your body the chance to cool down. Give it that flexibility work, that mobility work that it needs so much. Right, we don't give ourselves enough time to, like we always have about 45 minutes and we're out the door onto something else. But even if you have five minutes before you go to bed tonight, maybe five minutes in the morning. Super important. Super important. Figure 4. Ooh, my balance today is off. I can definitely tell the difference between my 20s and where I'm at now. Yeah. I'm telling you. Right. And we do so much sitting down, so it's like All right, way to crush it today. "Step Strength 4". Go ahead, try out 1, 2, and 3. There will be a 5, 6, 7 and 8 coming in the future, so join us. Thanks for joining us today, we'll see you next time. Bye!
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