Tread and Shred - Interval Walk + Run 1
Sam CameranesiDescription
Throughout interval training it’s important to note that you do not have to be working to your max perceived exertion the entire time. In fact, we want you to think of intervals as a period of where you are exerting energy at a specific intensity. Throughout this 30-minute workout, you are going to hold uncomfortable lengths of time efforts but you will always be rewarded with a recovery on the other side of that interval. This interval walk run will push you both physically and mentally, but trainer Sam Cam will have your back every step of the way.
What To Expect In This Workout:
- – 5-6 Minute Warm-Up
- – 4 Blocks of Work
- – 1-2 Minute Cool Down
The objective of run walk intervals is to keep the working intervals focused on strength and consistency, knowing that on the other side of that interval you will be rewarded with a walking pace. Remember, the walking or recovery interval isn’t a time to relax and check out, but rather it’s a time to assess how your body is moving before entering the next set of work.
Most importantly, interval classes are a time where you can track your progress and notice how strong you have become each time you take the class. For instance, on week 1 you might log the mileage you completed. When you come back to do this workout for a second time, you can check your mileage and see how you compared. Or maybe you log the speed you are taking your intervals at each time and compare over time. Remember, the walk and the running portion of your interval workout should feel different, but most importantly you should feel in control.
To finish out this 30-minute workout, it’s important that you cool down your muscles properly. So head to our 10-minute cool-down run where you will slowly let your legs come back down to a walking recovery and we will spend some an extra 5 minutes off of the tread stretching our muscles together! Happy Walk Run Intervals, team!
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Treadmill
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi