Triple Threat 5
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Shelley Hawkins is ready to lead you through the fifth version of a fan-favorite format. This circuit-based workout features two minutes of strength, two minutes of cardio, and two minutes of abs per circuit. We’ll do several of these six-minute circuits to work the whole body—but don’t worry, you’ll get a rest break after each circuit before moving on to the next. Shelley will use a step platform as a tool in this class, but if you don’t have one, you can improvise. Have a few sets of dumbbells and a water bottle nearby, and you’ll be ready to go!
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Step, Heavy and medium dumbbells
Instructor: Shelley Hawkins
Need a step? Buy one here!
Well, hello there, get healthy U TV squad and welcome to Triple Threat number five. My name is Shelley Hawkins and I am here with coach be. Hey, hey, family. How are you? How are you doing, honey, buddy?
I'm good. I love working out with you. I love your energy and I thank you because you got to ground me today. I need that. We have got an absolute winner today.
We have got 45 five minutes. We have got strength, we have got cardio and we have got core. We've got benches, we've got weights. You may need a mat if you need to come down and remember Val is going to modify for you. She's got everything.
So if you need to modify, follow Val and if you need further modification, you know what to do, you've been with us long enough, you can do it right. So we're gonna get going a quick warm up and then we're gonna get into the body of the work. We've got three blocks. There's a lot of work. Each block, we do twice.
Don't worry about that. We will get going and know that that timer is on and we will be held accountable and on time I promise you. Alright, so let's get started. We're gonna have a nice wide turnout. Heels are heavy, the LUTS are tight.
Let's take a big breath in for two and out two and two and out, 22 more friends in two and out one more. Now you're gonna reach for the bench two by two. So push your glutes back and then round the shoulders back and reach for that bench and round the shoulders back. Now we orient that bench this way to start because the first block is all about this direction, right? Four more.
42 K up and pull back on the shoulder three and pull back, warming up those glutes move in those hamstrings one more for me, please. Now we're gonna swim to the front right and left, right left, right left in four, we're gonna switch direction. You're gonna give me some backstroke. Let's go backstroke. Oh, yes.
Yes. In four, you're gonna hug yourself right to arm on top to start right arm. Now, left arm now, right to openly close the chest and back. Four more. Four, three in two.
You're gonna give me a nice big squat. Here we go. Friends down and up, sit and stand as you come up, squeeze your boots, but keep your knees soft. You've got four more. Three more in two, you're gonna tap your toes on the bench right and left.
Let's go right. Left. Old school. Right. Who used to do a little step class?
I know I did and I loved it four more. Three more, two more now dead. Let two by two, reach down, down and up, come on, down, down and up, two more down, down and up in one. I'm gonna ask you to step touch right and left. Let's go step tap.
Oh, yes. This is where we come into our jam. Get that beat going. Start to move that blood in four in three. You can give me a hamstring curl.
Are you ready? Let's do it, friend in one. Let's go down. Bam. Oh Yes.
Now, remember if you cannot kick your booty. We're gonna come for you. We're gonna kick it for you. Right. Let's go in three in two knees up to the front.
Right turn left. Let's go right left, right left. No crunch. Crunch. Yes.
Four more friends. Four in three in two. You're gonna kick it to the front, right to left. Extend that leg kick kick. Now, kick with your heels, not your toes.
Remember you kick with your toes, you can break them right in four in three in two. You're gonna kick to the back right to left. Let's get that glo kick kick kick kick. Now this time your heel is pressing towards the back wall, you've got four more, three more into, you're gonna tap it right to left to the side. Go right left, right left, right left.
As I'm explaining, Belle's looking at me with eyes and then she's like, yeah, I got this. I know where I'm going. Right. Baby. 432 narrow squat down, up, down, up, down, up just four more ignite the quads in three in two in one.
Take a big breath in, in, you come and exhale one more in, you come and exhale. Alright, my friends, I'm gonna explain to you 40 seconds, three exercises, 40 40 40 strength, 40 seconds, three exercises, cardio, 40 seconds, three exercises core. We do it again. Why? Because we can and we want to right?
So we're gonna start with the bicep curl. You're gonna grab your weights, you're gonna straddle your bench. Alright? Your bench is orientated in this direction so you're facing us, you're facing us right? Because we love to see where you're going and I've got my timer for accountability friends.
Alright so bicep curl you're gonna come to the front. Alright you're gonna 22 for me you're gonna stay straight in that bench and then we're gonna add in our little legs as well. Maybe a little squat because why not? Alright let's go let's pick up those weights. 40 seconds starts in 321 let's go up to up to now maybe we squat two by two down two up to bicep up up down down swat, down down not single time let's go by squat bicep squat Wow.
How about that by? That was rather aggressive right by seb. Alright. In 10 seconds you're gonna take us off off to the right side of the bench. You're gonna pull squat for three.
Come up on the bench and switch side. 321 orientate yourself. Here we go. Three and 132. Come up on top.
Now switch legs 321, switch legs Now remember you can go heavy here. This is strength and you're able to go heavy until you fatigue and then maybe you wanna drop set. That's OK. 321. Pup 321.
Push 321. Push. Come on. Keep coming. You're gonna Sumo squat with a pick up an extra, right?
So you're gonna straddle your bench in 4321. Take it down, just the Sumo squat. So we're gonna pick it up, put it down and stand left side, put it down, stand right side down, stand left side down. Yes. Love it, baby.
Now, with that turnout, you get the AUC abductor, the inner outer thigh and I don't know about you, but I always need a little in outer thigh. Come on push. Now, our next block is cardio and you're gonna start on the right side of your bench. You've got to repeat it. So that's three knees with the switch.
Pop those weights down, set yourself up, three knees. Bella is on the floor. Let's go 321. Switch. switch.
Hup. Hup. Hup. Switch. Hup.
Hup. Hup. Remember to pace yourselves. Yes. Oh yes.
Paul Paul. Paul Switch. Now you get to jump, you get to walk, you get to be on the bench. You get to be off the bench. You decide in 10 seconds.
We come into the back of the bench. We've got four skis, one plank into that squat. 321. Come to the back. Right, right left.
Let's go. 4321. Squat. Lift down. Release 4321.
Squat. Lift down. Beautiful. Now, follow VW. Follow V for that modification.
I'm gonna move off the beat. Push. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Keep it coming. Posh plank to ski. Plan to ski. No squat up. Let's go.
Push 21. Posh. Keep it coming. Come on 21 up. Your cup.
Hold here we go. 12345 f 1234. Hold 1234. Hold hop hop, hop, hop, hop. Yes.
Come on. Come on. Moving away from that beach. Hop. Keep coming.
Friends. Keep coming. Friends. You got it. Keep coming.
Come on eight seconds. Then we get to sit on the bench facing us 21 out to come take a seat on the bench. Now hinge it back for me. Ok? And drop and clothes and drop.
Now Bell's got one leg and she's not touching the ground. Alright, I'm working into hip Lexa Woo, I'm working into low abs but I do have to catch my breath there. Come on come on friends 18 seconds and then you're gonna come off the side of the bench and you're gonna give me a good bridge with a leg left and we get you through that I promise you. Eight seconds. Come on come on four 21 of the side on your elbows.
Keep it up. Now. Drop, drop and lift your leg. Glu bridge left. Give me that leg.
Drop down up leg left. Drop down up leg chop down up. Come on. Keep coming. 20 seconds.
Now remember with the core, the biggest muscle group is you're gluteus, right? Yes it is, baby. Come on CP and down. Drop Paul CP and down. Drop Paul in four.
You're coming off the back of the bench. 321 off the back of the bench. Alright. Friends plank. Hold to down, dog.
Are you ready? Here you go in 432. Hold your plank for 432 K down dog. Tap the toe and tap the toe. Hold for 4321.
Tap opposite beat four and U G U. Alright. U G U tap and down dog. Tap and down. Dog.
Hold 234. Tap tap. Come on 321. We're back to the start. My friends who we did that with the bicep.
Here we go. Pick them up. For me. We're going at four, we're going at 32 rounds. Friends, two and one.
Let's go. Single squat then bicep curl. How about we just switch that up first? We squat a curl. Right brain.
I know. Keep it moving. I know that's the most important thing to do. And I find that I forget a lot. Right.
And we still write it down but we think we have it but we really don't. Well, I don't come on. Oh I heard that girl get down down cup push pull biceps abductor abductor in eight seconds. You're gonna come off the right side of the bench. You're gonna pulse that squad for three and switch for one in 321 nicely done.
one ft up 31. Let's go 321 and up 321 together down 23 together down 23. Get your form. Oh yes. It's right in the chair.
Push, sit in that chair. Love that. And then somebody removes it right? And you don't get to sit down. That's nasty.
Come on hush. 21 in eight seconds. You're gonna straddle the bench, you're gonna pick up that weight, you're gonna put it down, you're gonna stand, you're gonna switch 321. Put it down. Here we go.
Two. Let's go down, up down, stand down, up down, stand down. Oh yes. Those out, turn those toes out and as you come up, you squeeze the inner thighs, you dig your heels into the floor so you get a really nice push into that glute into the 80. Come on.
Hop down your cardio is coming up. It's a repeater. Three and one. Alright. On or off the bench.
One more down, up and move those weights. Nice. Here we go. Three. Hit it.
123. Switch. Hup. 23. Switch.
Hup. 23. Switch. Hup. 23.
Switch. Come on. Come on. Come on. Hop.
Try to out this. Oh yes, we do. Sweaty. Betty over here. Are you sweating your bad, bad?
I 21 we were deciding what to wear last night and we said black. Right. Right. It's definitely the best color when it disguises that sweat. 32 out.
You come plank with those knees, four skis with a standing squat. Here we go. Team, here we go. 4321. Squat left back.
Now I'm gonna move now you do what you need to do with that modification. She's got you. I know she does four skis. Come on. Yeah.
Huh. Come on. Keep it company. Friends. Four skis squat up eight seconds.
And then you've got 12345. Hold, come on. Squat out to come out to come. Here we go. 1234.
Hup. 1234. Hup. 1234. Hop go.
Keep going. Ok, baby hop. There it is. Hop that's it. So you do four runs and the fifth is in the.
Yes. Come on there it is. Oh, you got it. Family. Oh, come on next.
You're gonna sit on the bench and you're gonna work those abs. Come on one more, one more out. You come take a seat on the bench, open and close. Lower abs. Make sure you're holding on 22.
Let's go out out. That wants to do both legs. I know it's 10, 10, you do two legs and I'll do one. Come on, you wanna switch it? Should we do that?
Yeah, I love that. Here we go. Yes, we get a break after these next two exercises. Come on a lot harder. Right?
Even this is hard. I don't like it out, out elbows on the bench next with the go. Press 21 nicely done. Take those weight come off the side on your elbows, your forearms drop, lift, knee drive and drop lift knee drive and drop, lift, knee drive and push. Pull up down up, lift me control down, hop control.
Come on 18 seconds. Who? Lift? Got it. Let's go.
Oh come on, friends. It doesn't get easier. You get stronger. Right? It down.
Five 4321. Exactly. Motion baby plank. Hold down dog. Tap opposite foot.
Let's go. 4321. Tap. Plank. Tap plank 432 21.
Tap plank tap plank. Now remember if you're on your knees? Slow things down. Alright. Tap, you gotta come up and download that match if you need four.
Come on, come on count in your head. Tap your opposite toe, tap your opposite toe, four two oh one. Tap, tap one more. Panco in 43 and you are out. Ok, friends now you get to high five your friend, high five your friend.
Alright. Sweaty Betty I tell you something they have nothing on us. Let's turn those benches about because now we are gonna switch into the next block of exercises, strength cardio and core strength Arnold press with two tricep kickbacks. Alright. That is your strength move.
We're gonna stay off the bench then you've got a real lunch and you're off the bench or on the floor with that modification. Alright. And then a dead lift with a cross country ski but you've got this friends here we go. We're currently done in 432. Say hello up up down down and hinge forward kick back.
Two. Yes. Bring it up to the chest, up, up down down and hinge kick back and kick back up up up down down hinge kick back with a tricep beautiful. Bring it to the chest out and and rotate your palms kick back and kick back and shoulders and down and tricep kick back. You've got six seconds new to come off that bench and you're gonna rear luge pulse for me in 321 night.
You done take that right, laid back pulse for three. Switch one. Let's go 321. Switch 32. Now Bell's got that modification come off the floor.
That bench just gives you a little something extra in the gloats. Alright. Come on. Brands. Three 21 cp 321.
Cp 321 just trying out the bench. Beautiful. Try a different thing. Try it. Yes and maybe one on I totally feel it.
Yeah. Different. Right. Yep. Different Brian in three seconds.
You're coming off that bench in one are two. Come dead. The two by two with a cross country ski. So watch down to, up to you forward and back and down to and up to forward and back. Hit it down.
Two up, two forward and back. Beautiful down. Shoe, hop and lift and back. Now your cardio move next. You're gonna be on or off the bench.
You got a real lunch. You're gonna knee drive with a Sumo and a switch. Are you ready? Lift, lift and drop it? Right.
This is how it looks. Start on the floor, right? Knee Sumo. Switch real lunch. Knee sumo switch real lunch.
Knee Zuma switch real lunch. Knee Zuma switch. Come on. Come on Pozo. Come on.
Add that little pio if you need it. Come on. Yes. Got it. Sweat everywhere.
It's gross. Come on. Friends. Hup. Push now your next move.
Three toe taps together with the box. Jump out. You come because I lost it after that. Let's go 321 to get that up to three. Pop down three hop job.
Now walk it or jump it. Come on. Hup. Three posh hold three. Now in 10 seconds, you're gonna straddle your bench.
You're gonna give me two jumps on and off with two pulse squats Straddle on off on off. Pulse one. Let's go on on down, down or walk walk pulse pulse hit it. Come on. Come on.
This is when I start to stop talking. Come on friends please yourself. Now remember if you need a break, take it. Keep going. My baby girl, keep going.
My baby girl, you've got it. I need a break. She's got it. Look at baby girl, girl. Oh you've got a friend.
Come on 321 night. You're coming into a plank four pak side plank with their kick through. Are you ready? Here we go in 321. So plank kick through and release side plank kick through and release side plank kick through and release left.
I'm gonna add a push up to my. Oh I love that. Hello. Hello. Knees on the floor.
Perfection. Absolute perfection. Come on friends. You've got this. You've got this.
Now remember if you need more. Carry on bell, you can lift that leg on that side. Plank. Lift that leg. Alright.
Don't be afraid in three you're gonna sit on the bench. You've got a pelvic tilt to a roll up, stand, pelvic tilt to a roll up, stand, it looks like this or just a roll up to seated right now. Yep. You get choices, slow control. This is not your cardio, this is your core.
And so I'm reminding myself, come on, keep coming, keep coming. Come on, you, come in. Love it. Our next move. You're gonna come off the front of the bench with your weight and all you're gonna do is sit for two, stand for two or squat for two up for Get your weights for me.
Here we go. Friends 22 in front of the bench. Let's go calm down, up up. So what I'm doing is I'm taking my weight from my heels. I'm sitting into my glutes and then I'm pushing into my heels to stand and I'm not sitting all the way down to the bench, please squat now.
Yes, still feeling those boots. Right. Absolutely. How beautiful. Come on, friends you've got one more round Arnold Press's kickback.
Come on but I do know that I'm gonna have to wipe my face as I am disgusting in 321. Alright. Second round let me wipe my face for a second. Grab some more. Tap out.
You do the same if you need my baby. Alright. Just a quick one. Alright. The struggle is real friends.
It is sweaty and it is hard but it's worth it. It's worth it right. Arnold Press two kickbacks in four in 32 and one. Let's go up up, dumb down hinge kick back. Now give me an athletic stance or you can also stagger your stance to protect your lower back.
Right. Kick, kick, triceps and shoulders, core works here. Right. Feel your core engaged. Kick back, kick back lens in the lever, but do not swing.
There's a big difference between control and then an uncontrolled swing right up, up, down, down, push and push one more up, up down down. You're gonna stand on your bench. You're gonna rear lunch 31 or off the bench like val 21. Let's go 321 switch. 321 switch.
Yes. Try to get that knee close to the ground and you'll shin parallel to the ground, right and tuck the words do not be booty pupping for us down. 23 hup, 12 seconds. Friends and then you've got a dead left. Two by two with a cross country.
You take it as fast or as slow as you want. Alright. In 4321. Here we go. 22.
Hit it down, down up, up and left and pull slow down down. Now you can stay here or you can single it out. I'm gonna single it out. Alright, so here we go. Dead left left, dead lift.
Beautiful bell. I love that control. Come on heart rate's gonna come up. Come on we're moving into core or cardio next not core. What was I thinking?
Come on you got a lunch, a knee drive a Sumo squat a switch one and nicely done. Pop those weights down. Alright. 321. Let's go.
Lunch. Knee Zuma together. Lunch. Knee Zuma. Now you can jump it or you can stabilize it.
I'm gonna move a little faster. Val Bell's gonna stay where she is. I love that tempo. Come on Sumo up lunch knee suma up lunch knee sumo up intensity is there. Come on, people.
Come on, friends. 3213, toe taps together. One box jump. Alright. 213.
Come on. Fuck. Yes. 123 together up. Yes.
One three. Pop. Come on. Yeah, 16 seconds and then you're gonna straight to your bench. Go.
Go, go. What one more nice show your bench on off, on off to pot squat. Here we go on on down down. Come on. Come on, friends keep coming.
Remember as you squat, keep going my baby. Get those glutes down, get those glutes down. I know it's not easy. If it was easy, everybody would do it right here we go. Keep coming.
Pop. Hop. Jump down. Come on. Come on 54321 nice core side plank with a leg pulled through plank side pull through in 321.
Let's go pull through at that push up. I love that. V Come on side to plank side plank to plank at that push up. Beautiful option. Come on.
Keep a long kinetic chain. Keep your head up in the natural alignment of the spine. Alright. Don't drop it. Look at your manicure, not your pedicure.
Come on. Eight seconds. Don't forget to keep breathing as you're doing this and not hold your breath. A good one. Yes.
In 321. Nice. You have got a pelvic tilt with a full body roll up. Alright. Stand in if you want or seat it in 321.
Let's go control control. I'm not speeding through it. I'm slowly getting that range of motion. Lift and stand. Come on and when you lift the legs above your hips, I see mine going over my head and that means I'm using momentum.
I want to use core strength. Come on, push pup and I think the last one was done by Lindsay B and I wanna tell you something I went through it and nearly kicked me out of my, my glues 321. Grab your weight. We're gonna sit on the bench and we're gonna squat 22321 right down, down, up, up. Your modification is their squat just like Bell's doing down, down, up, up goblet.
Oh Love that. Love that. There's something about a goblet squat that gives you that feeling of strength, right? Oh Come down. Come on, friends.
This is it for block two and then we've got one more block. I know you're excited. I know I'm excited to be finished right down. Down up up one more, down, down up up nicely done. Put it down.
Alright. Friends here is your break. Here is your break? How you feeling? B ah I tell you if sweaty had an award we would win it right?
Sweaty babies. Oh my we are. Alright. My friend doing great. One more block baby girl, that's it.
Cheers. Friends gotta hydrate I sometimes feel in these blocks. You do not get the chance right now. What we're gonna do is we're gonna Snatch right, put down left. Pick them both up row, right row left.
Put them down and scan. That is your first move. Alright, so set it up for me. Set it up for me. Block three in 321.
Let's go. Snatch right. Put it down. Snatch left. Pick them both up row right row left.
Put them down and stand. Oh snap. That's right. You gotta go. Put him down to snatch left, pick him up, roll right, roll left, put him down.
Stand snatch. Right. Love it. Snatch left. Put him down, roll right, roll left, put them down.
Stand Snatch, right. Put it down. Snatch left row for me and you are out beautiful. Now, you've got a real lunch and stable dead left alternating feature. Alright.
321 right leg and small dead lift and moving away from the music and you're alternating legs. Alright. So right leg goes back and then you kick stand or you push that leg to the back. Unstable. Come on we're switching lunch.
Oh yes sorry baby I'm gonna stay on one leg. You could stay on one leg in the second round. You could do the other one. Yes. Perfection.
Come on three two 11. Wait for me please Sumo squad hold we're gonna pass the weight, we're gonna pass the weight so it's here. Pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse pulse. Yes. Yes.
Now our cardio is going to be a dynamic squad right side. Walk left sidewalk. Alright. You get to walk you get to hold it with val you can squat and just switch sides. You've got 15 seconds.
Come on push pull come on you got it. Oh my gosh. Come on I know I'm gonna need to be held off, don't you? Yeah. 321.
Take it off. Alright. So it looks like this squat change squat. Let's go. Friends down, switch down, switch down, switch down, switch squat.
Switch squat. Yes. Well you've still got that range of motion. I love it baby. Come on.
Got it. Got it. Come on. Don't stop. My legs are not happy with me today.
Well, thank you later they will. All right you got six seconds and then you've got a bury. Oh dear. Push. Come on one out.
You come modify where you need. 321. Let's go. Come on who be is walk in. Remember?
Remember? Slow it down. I'm kicking it back. Keep the intensity. Alright.
Keep the intensity you don't need to jump if you don't need one to. Alright let's go. Come on, come on, keep it coming. Stay low, stay low, stay low, let's go. Friends I'm watching you got five seconds and then you're gonna jack in out with two jabs, 321 white.
Stands here we go. Friends in out jab in out jab in out jab. Come on hop. Yes, merely their friends. Come on hop po po po posh.
Yes. Keep it low. Love that Bell. Fight mode is on, come on hop hop posh. Jump in out in out jab eight seconds and then you're in a plank.
You're gonna plank, you're gonna bear, you're gonna down dog, you're gonna bear. You're gonna plank in 21. Nice. So take it into a long plank. Long plank.
Walk it into bear. So watch, walk, walk, glue, press down, walk, walk bear, glue, press out out in, in glue, press down out, out, bring your knees three inches off the ground in that bare. Come on glue. Press out out. Keep it coming friends.
10 seconds. Come on. 10 seconds. Keep it going. Don't stop.
321. Nice. Come to your bench. You've got a cycle cycle. Hold, cycle cycle, hold in 321.
Let's go. 12. Push. Now, Bell is going to slow it down and she's gonna tap her heel if necessary. Right?
Val. Yes. Come on. Pop and I am bringing my elbow to the inside of the opposite knee. Come on po hop and the next move you're gonna require one weight and you're gonna sit on your bench in a holler.
Hold and you're gonna give me that chest press. Pop. Come on six seconds. Hup. Come on one more one to hold out to come.
Grab your weight. Hold, hold for me, your modification or heels down here we go. Push, push, push pull, push pull, drive it, pull it, drive it, pull it tack your chin, make sure your shoulders are back and down and you're hinging. So you've got that back engaged, right. Push pull pub down hub down.
You got one more round friends, you're gonna snatch it right and left, you're gonna rope right and left all for their back and full body. Come on, come on you've got eight six four two and out to come wipe that sweat, wipe that sweat. Alright, let's get ready for that second round. Wipe that sweat snatch. Right.
Put down snatch left, put down then you're gonna row right left. Alright. It's not timed in terms of a count. We just move into range of motion. We're gonna go in 321.
Let's go right. Put down left. Pick up, row it, row it put down up snatch right down, left down, row right row left down. Oh I'm sorry baby girl push up, let's just take that out. Huh?
Up down snatch right Snatch left, put down go right now. Put them down and snatch immediately up. Oh sorry girl. Yes that's ok. I know.
321 out to come. All right. Real lunch. Unstable dead let you use any other leg this time. Alright here we go.
321. Let's go. Real lunch. Unstable dead left. Real lunch.
Posh. Oh come on come on got it got it down. Pup push pull down, pup slow it down if you need, I'm going to, I'm going to six seconds and you've got that Sumo. Hold 21, you gotta switch that weight. You're gonna switch that weight right side, left side, left side, right side.
Let's go. Come on. Hup. Hup. Hup.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Come on. Hold those legs.
Get those legs. Go, go switch in that way white. Your left. Let's go on that side of stretch. Come on.
You've got three cardio moves. Three core moves and then you get to go to bed. Come on. Come on. I have to show it right rose.
Eight seconds. Come on. 4321. Take those weights squat and switch side. Alright.
Squat switch side Hit it. Squat switch squat switch down. Hop down. Come on. Hope I'm adding that little jump to get my heart rate, but you can also get the heart rate by keeping that squat low down.
Come on. Pop cup. Got it 10 seconds. Come on. And now we into therapies.
Baby. Are you ready? Oh 321 night but he's on deck. Got it. 21.
Let's go let's go. Come on it's not come on friends put it on pull everything out that you've got. This is the time when you say no more and we say yes more you've got this. Alright even though you're dying and we know because we're dying too. Come on 15 seconds come on ah pace yourself.
Push through I love listen to your body. Exactly. Jack in out jab Jab in 321. Hit it in out H hop. Have to remember that one.
I know little hand eye coordination right? Come on Frank out out with the punches out out. Yes and this is where it gets really tricky. This is where we kind of stop talking to you. Not because we don't love you but because we cannot talk, breathe and work out.
Come on six seconds and then you did your core plank. Bear. Good press 21 out. You come plank bear plank. Good press Bear 21.
Let's go. Team plank. Bear, bear, good press, bear walk, walk, bear plank. Good press bear walk, walk bear, blue press bear walk, walk in in blue press out, drive it, drive it in in good press down out out in in out. You come you've got those cycle cycle.
Hold cycled cycle. Hold in 4321 cycle cycle. Now this time I'm gonna go slow. I want that range of motion and I want to hold that muscle and tension hold and 32 hold and 321. Hup.
Hup. Hold up up. Hold. Oh my gosh. I need windshield wiper for my eyes.
Hold three. Push this family. Eight seconds. We've got this girl, 12, hold and then you're going to pick up a weight in 12 and hold up your weight. Hollow.
Hold for me with that chest press. Last move. Let's go. Friends. Let's go.
Push, pull, push, pull, push, pull up down. Come on. And I shouldn't say this. But when the summer comes in Minnesota, I'm not sure if the summer is here or not ever, but it gets really hot and sticky and it's when I wish the winter was here. I know I'm gonna get shouted at.
I know. Come on. I love working out of the cold because I don't sweat that much. Oh, eight seconds. V and then we get to stretch.
Come on. Branch. 54321. And you are done. You did it.
Oh baby girl, we did it, we did it and we wave the white flag. We're done. We're done. Oh my gosh. That was not easy.
Right. But you know, you're able to do it when you work out with friends. Right. That's right. They pull you along.
They hold you accountable and most important they remember where you are in your workout and that's important. Alright. Friends, let's take ourselves over to our left side and pull the heel of the right foot into the gloat. So give me that nice stretch in the quad and gently push the pelvis forward. So you're opening up the hip legs as well.
Ok. Oh, that, my friends triple 35. I mean, I haven't done one of those of my own, As I said, Lindsay Bee did it and you did a great job. Thank you. There you go.
That was you. Well, you would say fun. I would say, yeah, how much fun. It was fun for me. I, I, I really like the rhythm of it and how fast we move through the, through the exercises.
Exactly. Exactly. Keeping your mind and body working in which I do love. Yes. Alright.
Friends. Let's take it, let's cross that right leg over the left, cross that right leg over the left flex the foot and just push your hands into the bench and think about driving your knee towards the ground, not forcing it, but kind of just driving it down. Hold it there stretching into that outer thigh. Beautiful work. So triple threat.
We get it all. We do strength, we do cardio, we do core and of course as soon as you're at a bench, whether you're using the bench or you're using no rises or you're using the floor, you're still getting that cardio push right. So if you need modify where you need to and forget the rest, it's not a big deal. Alright. Let's take up into the front hand to your knees.
Now you're gonna tuck your chin and you're gonna roll back into the spine. So give me a really bad form and then come up nice and long. Oh squeeze the shoulders back back one more time round it up, drop your chin to your chest and bring it up. Squeeze it is beautiful. Take your hands behind your back, clasp your fingers and squeeze and then gently lift and lift the chin of the head towards the ceiling.
Beautiful work. My friends. I am so proud of you, Bell. Thank you as always, you're a Roma angel. Thank you.
Let's take a big breath in and exhale and that my G U squad is triple threat number five. Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you real soon. Thanks Val. Thank you. Bye guys.
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