Tara Putz

Ultimate Intervals 3

Tara Putz
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Duration:   47  mins


Get ready for another round of Ultimate Intervals with Trainer Tara Putz. This third version of bodyweight intervals doesn’t require any equipment and will challenge you with moves that work every muscle in your body! Interval workouts utilize intense bursts of activity followed by brief rest periods to get your heart pumping and burn calories.

This bodyweight interval workout incorporates plyometric work, but modifications will be provided so you can still get an amazing workout if you want to stay low impact.

There are four blocks of work in this bodyweight interval workout, with each one containing four exercises. You’ll perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then get 30 seconds rest. You’ll then repeat that same interval twice more, adding on a power minute of plyometrics before moving on to the next interval full of four new exercises.

Ultimate Intervals 3 is definitely a total-body burner! If you are a fan of this format, check out Ultimate Intervals 2 for the same format with different moves!

Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Bodyweight, Mat
Instructor: Tara Putz

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