Created July 2019
Let’s “shake up” your morning routine and help you get healthier!! Fitting in time for a workout is hard, no matter who you are. With this 28 day calendar, I challenge you to dedicate 10 minutes every morning to your health. That’s right, just 10 minutes a day!
And to prove to you that 10 minutes can make a difference, I’ve compiled some of my favorite 10-minute workouts with our Get Healthy U TV trainers along with my best morning tips and healthy habits for this 28-Day Shake Up Your Wake Up Challenge! Join today and start making the most of your mornings!
Because people who prioritize their health in the morning tend to stick to it! So along with the 28-day calendar, you’ll also be receiving exclusive emails filled with my very best tips and advice as well as the encouragement you’ll need to really shake up your wake up for the next 28 days!
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.
GOLD LIVE Class: Cardio Kickboxing 3
10-Minute Abs and Glutes Workout
10-Minute Total Body Firm Up
10-Minute Towel Pyramid Workout
Low Impact Barre Cardio Workout
10-Minute Upper Body HIIT Workout
10-Minute Yoga for Back Pain
10 Minute Pilates Abs Workout
10 Minute Tabata Bodyweight Workout
10-Minute Butt and Back Workout
10 Minute No Running Cardio Workout
10-Minute Total Body Stretch
10 Minute Butt and Thigh Workout
10 Minute Pilates Yoga Fusion
10 Minute Arms and Abs Workout
10 Minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
10 Minute Tabata Interval Workout